Almighty substitute teacher

Chapter 31 I Raise Pigs, Do You Think It's Okay?

Chapter 31 I Raise Pigs, Do You Think It's Okay?
When Yang Zhengdong saw Wang Dong coming in from the outside, he was still so dark and fat.

It's really the same recipe, the same taste, and it won't change for thousands of years.

Seeing that the fat man looked like a travel-worn man, but in good spirits, Yang Zhengdong couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

It seems that the fat man is in good condition, and it is right to give him the board. It sounds like the shop has already been rented.

"Where did you choose?"

Yang Zhengdong put down his pen and asked with a smile.

"Yucai Street, outside Beiguan of the county seat, is guarded by several schools, and the people's shopping mall and vegetable market next to it are still very crowded.

"Very good, when do you plan to open?"

"Looking at your time, you are currently doing simple renovations and buying tableware, tables and chairs.

Hehe...Liu Daxian'er from the village next door did some calculations, next Saturday is a good day, suitable for opening, can you go there? "

Wang Dong came over and sat down on the bed and said.

"Why do I have to go there? You have already graduated as a teacher, so you can just do it boldly. There is no need for me to go, right?"

Yang Zhengdong replied with a smile.

"I don't feel relieved without you. Besides, you are my master after all. It's not good if the master who runs the shop doesn't show up, right? Why don't you have to go over there to make a scene." Wang Dong began to pester me.

"Okay, next Saturday will be next Saturday, I can't go there! It's not a big deal!"

Seeing him like this, Yang Zhengdong could only agree.

"That's fine. Remember the time, I'll ask Wang Hao to take you there."

Wang Dong grinned and said.

After Wang Dong left, Yang Zhengdong suddenly remembered that Wang Xiaoru was not here today, so he planned to go to see her.

Wang Gensheng has to go to work every day. No one is watching this child, so he doesn't know if he can eat?

Maybe he also felt that he was sick, and Wang Xiaoru didn't come over today, so I don't know if the child has eaten, and I'm really worried about her.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhengdong packed up his things and went out to Wang Gensheng's house.

The busy farming season in the village was over, and many elderly people and women were sitting by the side of the road, and greeted him warmly when they saw him.

Speaking of Yang Zhengdong being a teacher, many people were not at ease at first, but there was no one else in the village who was suitable to be a teacher, and he didn't want his children to go to other villages to go to school, so they had to admit it.

Unexpectedly, in just one week, my children have undergone earth-shaking changes, and basically they all praise Yang Zhengdong for his good teaching.

Even those who couldn't understand a few words after half a year in the first grade stopped playing when they went home, but did their homework seriously and read the pinyin taught by Teacher Yang.

Although they don't know what pinyin is, it is taught by the teacher, so it must be a good thing.

The main thing is that children know how to learn. Isn't this the best thing?
Rural children are generally more wild, digging birds from trees, fishing in rivers, swimming in pits, anyway, how happy they are.

As for the learning thing, who knows what that is?
Many children who have graduated from school for six years can only write their own names, and it is difficult to even read a book, let alone use what they have learned.

Speaking of Mengxi Village, although the parents do not have enough awareness of education, every parent's hope that their children will become a success is unchanged.

I don't ask my children to be admitted to college or anything, but I also know that reading more books is good, and I want my children to read more books.

Now that Yang Zhengdong is the teacher, the children's learning momentum has obviously improved, and the first thing they do when they go home every day is to do their homework.

Then I opened the book that I didn't want to flip through before, and finally I went to play.

Who wouldn't want to see this situation?
How could these parents in the village not know and think it was all thanks to Yang Zhengdong!
In addition, Yang Zhengdong paid for it himself to make free breakfast for the children, and the respect for him was completely from the bottom of his heart.

Along the way, there were greetings from aunts and grandmas, and Yang Zhengdong also responded politely.

Sometimes he would stop to chat for a few words, but the topic was a bit so that he could only smile wryly.

Because most of the topics revolve around proposing to him, Yang Zhengdong is not bad at first, and with the blessing of being a teacher, he also pays more attention to his personal image. After learning Bajiquan, he has a masculine beauty.

Coupled with the profession of a teacher, it can be said that he is the diamond king in the eyes of the villagers, and the most popular example of the son-in-law of Chenglong Kuai.

So basically every conversation starts with telling you about a daughter-in-law.

Yang Zhengdong could only smile and deal with it casually. Everyone had good intentions, but he already had his own heart.

Just thinking that Sun Yuanyuan has been avoiding him all this time, I can't help but want to sigh.

When he was chatting at the intersection, he accidentally glanced into the distance, and saw that familiar figure, who was the one he missed all the time.

Yang Zhengdong hurriedly bid farewell to everyone and chased after Sun Yuanyuan.

The big guy only thought he was busy, but he didn't expect that he was chasing a girl.

He quickly chased after Sun Yuanyuan, the girl was probably going shopping, and the speed was not fast, Yang Zhengdong soon caught up with her, and followed her about two meters away, thinking about how to speak.

Sun Yuanyuan probably sensed that there was someone behind her, so she stopped and turned to look at Yang Zhengdong. Who knew that Yang Zhengdong kept lowering his head and trying to speak, but he walked up to Sun Yuanyuan without paying attention.

"Sister Yuanyuan...that...where are you going?"

Yang Zhengdong looked at Sun Yuanyuan's pretty face, and found that he had forgotten all the words that came to his mind, and stuttered to find someone to talk to.

Seeing his stupid look, Sun Yuanyuan rolled her eyes at him, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Go shopping at the entrance of the village, why are you following me?"

"I... I didn't, passing by... I was passing by!"

Yang Zhengdong wanted to slap himself, but what he said was... so stupid.

"Oh, then I'm going shopping, you can pass by."

Sure enough, Sun Yuanyuan blocked him with a word, and he blushed so hard that his neck was thick.

It turns out that when you meet a girl you like, you really lack IQ.

"I... I'm here to find you!"

Yang Zhengdong went all out, gritted his teeth and spoke out.

"Oh, so what's the matter with you?"

Sun Yuanyuan's face was a little red, and she asked in a low voice.

"I want to see you, I haven't seen you for several days."

Yang Zhengdong was willing to go all out anyway, and spoke out what was in his heart.

" you feeling better?"

Sun Yuanyuan didn't expect that Yang Zhengdong would really say that, her face was full of shyness, and she tried to change the subject to avoid it.

"It's okay, I'm very strong! Sister Yuanyuan, I know about you, but don't worry, if you don't want to, no one can force you!"

Yang Zhengdong looked down at Sun Yuanyuan's glasses and said, their eyes collided, and Sun Yuanyuan blushed, she quickly lowered her head and avoided it.

Seeing this, Yang Zhengdong was very happy, and he leaned over and said in a low voice, "Don't hide from me anymore, okay?"


Sun Yuanyuan lowered her head and agreed in a low voice, but the voice was so small that she could just hear it, not much louder than the cry of a fly.

"Zhengdong! Isn't this Yuanyuan, what are you doing?"

Yang Zhengdong was about to say something, when a voice sounded from behind.The voice was so loud that it startled the two who were immersed in the emotional breakthrough.

Looking back, the winking person turned out to be a dead mouse—Wang Hao!
Yang Zhengdong was furious, the two brothers Wang Dong and Wang Dong couldn't benefit every time, could this be the owner of the legendary bad friend "Physique"?
"Talk first, I'll go shopping!"

Sun Yuanyuan was still relatively thin-skinned, and when she saw Wang Hao approaching, she blushed and left quickly.

Yang Zhengdong cast a bitter glance at Wang Hao, who was making trouble, and watched Sun Yuanyuan leave before turning his head to look at him.

"This Yuanyuan really deserves to be one of the two golden flowers in our Mengxi Village. She was ugly when she was young, but she never thought she would be so beautiful when she grows up. I don't know who is lucky enough to marry her!"

Wang Hao didn't pay attention to Yang Zhengdong's cold breath at all, he looked at Sun Yuanyuan's back and said.

"It definitely can't be you, what's the point of wandering around without going to work in the ground!"

Yang Zhengdong said angrily.

"Didn't I just come back from the field, and you two were whispering here, and I just wanted to ask your opinion on something, so I'm here."

Wang Hao didn't know that he appeared at the wrong time and place, but said with a natural expression.

"Then tell me, but hurry up, I have to visit my students!"

Yang Zhengdong rolled his eyes secretly, but he couldn't ignore him, so he could only deal with it.

"That's right, I want to raise pigs, do you think it will work?"

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he found that Yang Zhengdong was looking at him with strange eyes, and couldn't help but look around himself up and down.

He also deliberately lowered his head and touched the middle of his trousers to see if the "Southern Heaven Gate" was open, otherwise why would Yang Zhengdong look at him like this.

Yang Zhengdong thought that he had used the "Eye of a Famous Teacher" to see Wang Hao's qualifications. It seemed that his development direction at that time was "raising six animals". Could this be the so-called destiny?

"Well, raising pigs is pretty good, why did you think of raising pigs?"

Yang Zhengdong came back to his senses and asked, he thought this should be a coincidence.

But it's too coincidental, it's not so easy to really find the direction that one is good at.

"Brother Dong and I went to the county town and found that there were a lot of butcher shops there, and the price of meat was ten yuan a catty for fat meat. I thought we didn't raise pigs here, so even if we bought some pork, we had to go to the butcher Hu in the village. , I often don’t, I want to raise pigs by myself, and then open a butcher shop, I think it should be possible!”

Yang Zhengdong looked at Wang Hao and couldn't help admiring him. Although Wang Hao had no education and never attended junior high school, his business vision was really good.

Now that the social economy is developing rapidly, eating meat is no longer something that ordinary people can't dream of. It's the same in rural areas. Making dumplings and stewing meat to improve their lives is also a common thing.

But now there are really not many meat sellers, Wang Hao can think of this, it seems that the observation is still very careful.

If there is a future for raising pigs and selling meat, then Yang Zhengdong must say yes, and very much!
I think before Yang Zhengdong came here, he asked the common people what is the most expensive thing in the country?
They are definitely not talking about diamonds, gold and the like, but telling you that the most expensive thing is the meat of the "Second Senior Brother"!

At that time, the price of meat jumped to more than 40 a catty, and there was no bargaining at all.

He has also seen a set of data. In the previous year, 6.94 million live pigs were slaughtered nationwide, the total amount of self-produced pork was 5404 million tons, and the total amount of live pig imports was about 215.5 million tons.

The total annual pork consumption is 5590 million tons. Based on a population of 13.95 billion, the per capita annual pork consumption is about 80 catties.

This figure may not seem large, but it must be known that when he came, the overall consumption of pork was still declining, and the highest point was in the first ten years of the 21st century.

Later, because more people chose beef, mutton, fish, chicken, duck, poultry, etc., the overall pork has declined, but this figure is already very significant.

"I can do something else!"

Yang Zhengdong murmured on purpose and said.

"What's wrong, can't you raise pigs?"

(End of this chapter)

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