imperial decree arrives

Chapter 359 Accepting the 5th Strange Person as an Apprentice

Chapter 359
Jiang Hua nodded, and then began to calculate, while Mao Xiaofang picked up a cup of tea and drank it with satisfaction.To say that Jiang Hua really enjoys it, even this simple tea can make people feel like a master of the world.

After a while, Jiang Hua informed Mao Xiaofang of the result: "Master Daoist, to be honest, Ah Bang's fate is a rare five-generation fate that is rarely seen in a hundred years."

"The fifth generation of strange people!"

Mao Xiaofang seemed to know the fate of the fifth generation, so he couldn't help exclaiming.

Jiang Hua let out a harsh "hmm".

Picking up the tea, Mao Xiaofang said: "The strange man of the fifth generation, this is a natural talent for cultivating Taoism!"

Mao Xiaofang sighed incomparably, and the idea of ​​accepting disciples rose in his heart.

This is a strange person of the fifth generation, it is really good for cultivating Taoism.

Mao Xiaofang was thinking a lot, and he had already begun to think about how to let Abang learn Taoism from a teacher.

Seeing Mao Xiaofang's absent-minded appearance, Jiang Hua roughly guessed what the other party was thinking.

People's fate is different, and they all have attributes. For example, Mao Xiaofang's fate in this life belongs to water.And the so-called strange people of the fifth life are the fates of the previous five lives, which belong to the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, which fit the five elements.

What are the five elements? They are the foundation of all things in the world and the basic attributes of all things in the world.

Once a person's five lives each form the attributes of the five elements, and the birth date of the last life is a cloudy year, a moon, a moon, a sun, and a cloudy day, then it is called a strange person of the five generations.The strange person of the fifth generation circulates the five elements, and the five elements are mutually generated, and can travel between the yin and yang worlds.

Its potential is so great that it can be called a Taoist wizard.For example, Zhang Sanfeng, the patriarch of the Tiandao Sect, relied on the fate of the fifth generation of strange people to endure through the ages, and even created the Tiandao Sect by himself.

It is conceivable that the great potential of the five generations of strange people in terms of Taoism is not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

Therefore, after Mao Xiaofang learned that Abang was a strange man of the fifth generation, he began to think about recruiting disciples.Although the Tiandao faction is not as famous as the Maoshan faction, it will never let down the title of the fifth generation of strange people.

The most important thing is that the Tiandao faction doesn't shy away from marrying a wife!

Well, as long as Abang thinks!
Putting down the teacup, Mao Xiaofang decided to have a good talk with Abang, talk about life, talk about ideals, these are small things, the most important thing is to be able to accept Abang as an apprentice.

Mao Xiaofang also knew the character of Abang and others, and Mao Xiaofang was very relieved to hand over the Tiandao faction to the other party, and firmly believed that the Tiandao faction could flourish in his hands.

Before Mao Xiaofang accepted his disciples, he was already thinking that he would be able to face his master and patriarch after his death.

So Mao Xiaofang walked away briskly without even looking at Jiang Hua.


A few days later, with Mao Xiaofang's unremitting efforts, Abang finally decided to learn from Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang came to Jianghua with joy, hoping that Jianghua could pick a good day and auspicious time so that Maoxia could accept Abang as his apprentice.

Of course Jiang Hua did not refuse, so he chose a good day and asked Mao Xiaofang to accept his disciples at noon.Mao Xiaofang nodded, so he went back and started preparing for the apprenticeship.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up, just clean up my mood, I am too excited now, I have to calm down.

Soon, the day when Mao Xiaofang accepted disciples came. On this day, Mao Xiaofang was rarely serious and wore a Taoist robe.At the same time, Mao Xiaofang also invited some people to watch and let everyone witness this event.

"Abang, accept this gossip mirror, and you will become a member of my Tiandao sect!"

Mao Xiaofang handed the gossip mirror to Abang, and said solemnly.

Abang nodded and took the gossip mirror.

The apprenticeship ceremony is very simple. After paying homage to the patriarch Zhang Sanfeng, then there is a tea ceremony to the master, and finally he successfully joined the Tiandao School.

Abang, like Afan, is the No. 19 disciple of the Tiandao Sect, but Afan has been a teacher for a long time, so he is regarded as a junior.Of course, Afan is not a big brother, there is another one above him, who is Mao Xiaofang's first apprentice.

After it was over, Mao Xiaofang finally let go of his hanging heart, and then directly entertained the guests who came today. Everyone talked and laughed, and they were very happy.


The next day.

Mao Xiaofang finally saw Yang Feiyun, and Yang Feiyun then asked Mao Xiaofang about Xuankui by congratulating Mao Xiaofang on accepting his apprentice.

Jiang Hua glanced hastily, and found that Yang Feiyun's fate had changed, and he was no longer the fate of being rich and powerful.Presumably Yang Feiyun himself already knew about this, as he could tell from the thick dark circles under his eyes.

Mao Xiaofang, who took Abang as his apprentice, was proud of his spring breeze, and his fortune was naturally excellent, and it also matched Abang's fate, which dealt a severe blow to Yang Feiyun's fate, and indirectly contributed to Yang Feiyun's great wealth. Fate dropped extremely fast.

You know, besides Mao Xiaofang who is Yang Feiyun's nemesis, so is Abang. When the fates of the two are superimposed, the power produced is not as simple as one plus one.For Yang Feiyun's fate, it was a fatal blow.

Yang Feiyun also seemed to realize that Mao Xiaofang was his nemesis, so this time he came to Mao Xiaofang to inquire about Xuankui, and wanted to use Xuankui to eliminate Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang listened to Yang Feiyun asking about Xuankui's news, so he said: "Xuankui's seven valves have been injured and six of them have been injured. Now I am afraid that he has become an ordinary zombie. Even an ordinary person can deal with him. Unless he sucks human blood every day, otherwise It's hard to recover."

Yang Feiyun nodded and asked, "In that case, why didn't Master Mao kill him earlier?"

Mao Xiaofang agreed: "Yes, but these days I have been busy with recruiting apprentices."

Hearing Mao Xiaofang talking about accepting apprentices, Yang Feiyun asked again: "Oh, by the way, why did Master Mao suddenly think of accepting apprentices?"

Mao Xiaofang showed a slight smile, and then said: "Feiyun, you don't know, Ah Bang is a rare fifth-generation man who is rare in a hundred years!"

Yang Feiyun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then asked in surprise, "Could it be that Ah Bang was also born in a cloudy year?"

Mao Xiaofang nodded, which shocked Yang Feiyun, no wonder his fate suddenly changed, it turned out that the culprits were Mao Xiaofang and Abang!

Mao Xiaofang seemed to think of something, so he looked at Yang Feiyun and asked, "By the way, Feiyun, where have you been these few days, and you weren't there when I went to your house to look for you."

Yang Feiyun had already thought up his words: "Oh, I went out to relax."

Hearing this, Mao Xiaofang stopped talking, and after chatting for a long time, Yang Feiyun left.


After accepting Abang as his apprentice, Mao Xiaofang handed over the Lingbao Yujian to Abang.

This Lingbao Yujian is specially prepared for the strange people of the fifth generation. After learning the Lingbao Yujian, the strange people of the fifth generation will be able to get out of their bodies, go straight to the yin and the dark, and travel between the yin and yang worlds.

At that time, Abang will be able to investigate the murder of Chen Guixiang, which is one of the reasons why Abang became an apprentice.

In addition to accepting Abang as an apprentice, Zeng Cheng, who was successfully treated by Mao Xiaofang before, also became Mao Xiaofang's apprentice. The three of them practiced together, but naturally the other two were hit hard.

(End of this chapter)

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