imperial decree arrives

Chapter 358 8 words

Chapter 358 Birthday Eight Characters

Chop it!

Mouth Thunder!

Mao Xiaofang was taken aback. Jiang Hua opened his mouth, and a bolt of lightning burst out from his mouth.

Jiang Hua himself was also taken aback. He just said something casually and exhaled foul air. Who would have thought that such a scene would happen.But fortunately, there was only such a scene at the beginning, and then it disappeared.

Seeing that Jiang Hua was fine, Mao Xiaofang continued to look at Yang Feiyun.Jiang Hua also looked at Yang Feiyun. In his eyes, Yang Feiyun's fate has completely changed.

The current Yang Feiyun is simply the god of gamblers in the casino, the tumbler in the wine shop, and the victorious general in the battlefield.No matter what he does, Yang Feiyun is like a god, even if he is sleeping, gold may fall from the sky.

It's a bit exaggerated, but generally speaking, Yang Feiyun got rid of his original destiny and already has the fate of being rich and powerful.

At this moment, the Seven Star Lantern crashed down!

It turned out that the thunder that Jiang Hua had uttered before struck the position of the seven-star lamp, causing the seven-star lamp to fall instantly.

Yang Feiyun's feeling at this time was very mysterious, the sudden loud noise made Yang Feiyun open his eyes, looking at the seven-star lamp that fell in front of him, Yang Feiyun didn't care.

Indistinctly, Yang Feiyun also noticed that his fate had changed.

It doesn't matter whether the seven-star lamp is on or not, Xiang Feiyun got up, Jiang Hua and Mao Xiaofang walked towards Yang Feiyun.

"Feiyun, are you alright? I just saw lightning striking you."

Mao Xiaofang asked with concern, Jiang Hua's face twitched a few times, but he didn't speak.

Yang Feiyun smiled and said: "It's okay, thanks to planting flowers, most of the lightning fell on him."

Jiang Hua: "...!!"


Back in the Taoist hall, Jiang Hua came to the practice room alone.

When several people left the open space, Jiang Hua had an inexplicable feeling. When Jiang Hua looked back, he found that all the seven-star lamps that had not fallen down had been extinguished.

Along the way, Jiang Hua paid attention to Yang Feiyun's fate, and found that Yang Feiyun's fate was still rich and powerful, but when Jiang Hua turned his eyes to Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Hua was surprised.

According to the plot of the Zombie Daoist, Mao Xiaofang should be Yang Feiyun's biggest nemesis.That being the case, the fates of the two should be opposite.As long as Yang Feiyun is rich and powerful, then Mao Xiaofang will be poor, and vice versa.

But the problem now is that the fates of the two are not mutually exclusive.Yang Feiyun's fate has changed and he has become rich and powerful, but Mao Xiaofang's fate has never changed, which makes Jiang Hua a little puzzled.

Therefore, after returning to the Taoist hall, Jiang Hua got the horoscopes of the two people's birthdays, and planned to personally calculate their fates.After all, it is difficult to be 100% accurate just by looking at the face, and errors are inevitable.

First of all, Jiang Hua calculated Mao Xiaofang's fate very quickly, and he calculated it in a short while.The result is the same as before, and there is not much change.

Then, Jiang Hua looked at Yang Feiyun's birth date, closed his eyes, and began to calculate in his heart.


After a while, Jiang Hua suddenly let out a light snort. In his mind, Yang Feiyun's fate was shining golden, extremely brilliant, but what surprised Jiang Hua was that the golden light was gradually dimming.

What's more, there are some insignificant black spots mixed in the golden light, which are eroding the golden light bit by bit.The two complement each other, and the golden light gradually becomes dim and scattered.

"Could it be that Yang Feiyun's destiny hasn't changed?"

Jiang Hua guessed, but on second thought, if Yang Feiyun's fate has not changed, then what happened to the golden light?

But if there is a change, why is it getting weaker little by little.

Jiang Hua suddenly thought of Mao Xiaofang. He said before that Mao Xiaofang and Yang Feiyun's fates were incompatible. The current situation may confirm this setting.

After all, Mao Xiaofang's fate is quite peculiar. If Mao Xiaofang's fate is kept unchanged, it must be Yang Feiyun's fate that will weaken in the end.In other words, if Mao Xiaofang's fortune is getting better, then Yang Feiyun's fortune will be getting worse.

As for why Yang Feiyun's fate is not getting better and Mao Xiaofang's is getting worse, Jiang Hua reckons that maybe Mao Xiaofang's fate is getting tougher.

"If this is the case, I believe Yang Feiyun will collapse soon."

Jiang Hua has no feelings for the big villain Yang Feiyun, as long as he doesn't mess with him, he doesn't have the idea of ​​getting rid of him.Anyway, Jiang Hua just used Yang Feiyun to learn the other party's numerology and numerology from the beginning, and he didn't plan to make a deep friendship.

Moreover, Jiang Hua also handed over the Flying Dragon Seven Star Formation to him in return.You know, what Jiang Hua has in his hands is rarely given away. It is the result of him teaching Jiang Hua the numerology and numerology that can be given to Yang Feiyun.

As for Yang Feiyun killing his wife and changing his life, it is not surprising to Jiang Hua that he has never seen any villain before.

The matter of Yang Feiyun has come to an end for the time being. It is estimated that Yang Feiyun will soon find out that his fate has changed, but this obviously has nothing to do with Jiang Hua.Just breaking through two realms in a row, Jiang Hua couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Taking advantage of his free time tonight, Jiang Hua began to refine talismans.

The increase in cultivation allowed Jianghua to practice many talismans. Jianghua was already familiar with all [-] primary talismans, and now he only needed to increase his proficiency.

Since half of the talismans were proficient before, Jiang Hua only needed to be familiar with the next half.


Silent all night.

Jiang Hua was full of energy, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Jiang Hua had been refining talisman seals last night. He thought he would run out of spiritual energy soon, but in the end, Jiang Hua's spiritual energy was only consumed half of it after one night.

The one hundred and eight kinds of talismans Jiang Hua already knew well, and Jiang Hua could draw any one of them almost without thinking.

Walking out of the room, Xiaodie and Nianying had already prepared breakfast, Jiang Hua was full of energy at this time, and there was no place to vent the evil fire of the night, so he simply had a morning exercise with the two of them.


"Planting flowers, come, help me see the horoscope for my birthday."

Morning exercise last night, after lunch, Mao Xiaofang walked in with a piece of paper.

After receiving someone's birthday horoscope, Jiang Hua asked, "Master Daoist, whose birthday horoscope is it?"

Mao Xiaofang explained: "Today I took Ah Fan and Ah Bang to a street where there were always traffic accidents to see Feng Shui. I watched and saw a car rushing towards me. Ah Bang was the first to bear the brunt. When the car collided with it, Abang suddenly blocked it with his hand, but he was unscathed."

"When we sent Ah Bang to the hospital, the doctor told us that there was nothing wrong with Ah Bang. I couldn't help being a little surprised, so I asked about Ah Bang's birth date and brought him here for you to see."

After listening to Mao Xiaofang's explanation, Jiang Hua immediately thought of this plot.

(End of this chapter)

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