imperial decree arrives

Chapter 285 Western Zombie

Chapter 285 Western Zombie
The two had already walked to the front of the church. The mayor's son was telling Father Wu what had happened before. Father Wu was a little surprised when he learned that the church had been bought privately. Then he turned to look at Jiang Hua, who smiled back.

Father Wu came to Jiang Hua's side and asked, "Excuse me, can the church be sold to us?"

Jiang Hua frowned and asked, "Do you want to buy?"

At the same time, Jiang Hua's face showed suspicion. He raised the church to [-]. This priest Wu still wants to buy it back. Are the churches so rich now?

Father Wu nodded and continued: "The church is the symbol of the church, and the church is the home of all the children of the heavenly father. Naturally, it must be bought back."

The mayor's son was still in a daze. He had never imagined that a dilapidated church would suddenly become so popular, and it would cost less than [-] yuan.


Daoist with one eyebrow rolled his eyes, looking at Father Wu like a fool.

What's wrong with this world?
The Taoist priest with one eyebrow couldn't react.

Jiang Hua shook his head and said, "Not for sale!"

There is a Western Zombie in this church. Although it has not yet been born, once it is sold to these priests, Jiang Hua, who is familiar with the plot, knows that the Western Zombie will definitely be born.

I bought this church by myself because of the Western zombies inside, so how could I sell it again?

Father Wu didn't expect Jiang Hua to refuse so decisively. He pondered for a moment, and then asked, "You don't want to sell it for 15?"

Hearing this, the mayor's son stretched out five fingers, opened his mouth wide to look at it, and then covered his heart. Hearing how the two treated money like dirt, the mayor's son said that he was a little hypoxic and his breathing was very short.

The Daoist Yimei in Jianghua also heard Father Wu's offer, and was shocked again. In a blink of an eye, Jianghua sold it for 15 yuan, making a profit of [-] yuan.Jiang Hua's ability to make money is really high, no wonder Feng Jiao said that this guy is a rich man.

With this ability, it is difficult not to be arrogant.

The onlookers were all moved by Father Wu's bid, but Jiang Hua didn't move at all, and his expression didn't change at all. He replied lightly: "Not for sale."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Hua said, "If you have so much money, you might as well build a church yourself, wouldn't it be better?"

Father Wu did not speak, but smiled back.

"Wait a moment."

Jiang Hua stopped Father Wu suddenly. Father Wu was about to leave. When he heard Jiang Hua's voice, he looked back at Jiang Hua. Jiang Hua smiled and said, "It's not impossible to sell the church to you."

"What do you mean?"

Father Wu didn't understand, and it wasn't impossible, so was it impossible or okay?
The mayor's son interjected close to Father Wu's ear and said, "Father, the church can be sold, but he has conditions."

Father Wu nodded to show that he understood: "Oh, you say it."


Father Wu and others ended up living in the house prepared by the mayor's son and Annie, and did not move into the church. One of Jiang Hua's conditions was that he could not move into the church in advance.

At night, there are no vendors on the street, and the whole street is silent.

Inside the church.

Unlike usual, some unexpected guests came to the church tonight.

Daoist Yimei, Father Wu and Jiang Hua are gathering in the church.

The three of them were holding flashlights. This was the first time Taoist Yimei and Father Wu saw the flashlight. They were a little surprised. Although the thing was not particularly big, the light it emitted was not dim. becomes very bright.

Jiang Hua also held a flashlight in his hand, looking at the two of them, Jiang Hua said: "Father Wu, Yimei, later you take the flashlight and go to each small room to check, I suspect there may be something dirty inside."

Daoist with one eyebrow suddenly said: "This is why you bought the church? It's strange, why didn't I notice the smell of dirty things."

Father Wu was at a loss: "Isn't it normal for the church to have dirty things?"

Jiang Hua fiddled with the flashlight, and then said: "There may be sealed Western zombies inside, so it's hard to detect it just by breathing."

The two nodded and split into three groups. Soon, Father Wu ran out of a small room. In the small room, he saw a person impaled by a cross. No, to be precise, it was not a person. It's a zombie with fangs.

After a while, the three of them walked into the room, and the flashlight shone on the body of Xiyang Zombie, finally seeing his appearance clearly.

The Western Zombie was facing down, with a cross inserted from behind, and his body was covered with dust, but his skin did not have the appearance of a corpse, but was no different from a normal person.The Western Zombie's eyes were wide open, and his fangs were exposed, giving him the feeling of dying.

It was the first time Daoist Yimei saw a Western zombie, and he asked, "Is this the Western zombie?"

Jiang Hua nodded, looked carefully for a moment, and then asked Father Wu who was still in shock: "It should be the responsibility of your church to deal with Western zombies? Is there any way to eliminate him?"

Father Wu did not speak, took a flashlight, walked around the Western Zombie, then looked at the cross behind him, then walked up to Jiang Hua, raised his head and said: "He is only sealed now, he is not dead yet, If you want to destroy him, you have to use a holy cross and holy water to destroy him."

Now this western zombie hasn't mutated yet, so it's not difficult to eliminate him. After hearing this, Jiang Hua nodded, and then said: "It's not too late, Yimei, you look at him here first, and Father Wu and I will go prepare thing."

The Taoist priest replied with an eyebrow: "Well, good."

After a long time, Father Wu followed Jiang Hua in with the props in hand. Daoist Yimei saw the two coming in, saw the props in their hands, and knew that this was what they had prepared.

Father Wu poured holy water on the cross nailed to the Western Zombie. The holy water flowed down and slowly onto the Western Zombie's body. Immediately afterwards, the original smooth skin of the Western Zombie suddenly shrank and then became wrinkled.

"No, this holy water is not powerful enough."

Father Wu shook his head, then said, then took out the small cross in his hand, filled the small cross with holy water, and stabbed the Western Zombie with the small cross.The Western Zombie was stabbed in the heart, and suddenly his whole body began to tremble, and then began to twitch, making a piercing cry.

The three of them looked at the miserable state of the Western Zombie, and they looked at each other in silence. The three of them hated evil things from the bottom of their hearts.The dying struggle of the Western Zombie did not scare the three of them. After a while, the Western Zombie turned into a skeleton and was wiped out by the three of them.

After finishing off the Western zombies, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

For Jiang Hua, the Western Zombies are not actually scary, but the mutated Western Zombies. At that time, only Daoist Yimei and Father Wu can destroy each other with their joint efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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