Cities: Start with street stalls

Chapter 78 The Mysterious Guest

Chapter 78 The Mysterious Guest
After eating, Luo Fan helped Luo's mother clean up the house, laying on the bed and getting ready to take a good rest.

Unexpectedly, Luo's mother directly woke herself up from the bed, and mysteriously said that there would be guests coming in the evening, and asked herself to show her hand, and the big fish and big meat had to be arranged.

Luo Fan still had to listen to Luo's mother's instructions, although he felt that there was no need to make it so grand if it was just a casual dinner.

Since the ingredients at home are too simple, Luo Fan can only go to a nearby vegetable place to buy some ingredients and seasonings.

Since my mother ordered big fish and big meat, Luo Fan naturally couldn't be ambiguous. He arranged a grass carp and bought a large piece of pork belly.

Then I bought some necessary condiments, along with a few pieces of tofu, and the pheasant bought in the morning, Luo Fan planned to arrange six dishes and one soup, which would definitely satisfy Luo Ma.

It's a pity that it's already afternoon now, and Luo Fan has been picking for a long time before finding some relatively good ingredients. It's better to buy fresh vegetables as early as possible.

Other dishes are very simple, but chicken is more troublesome to handle. Although Luo Fan can cook, he is not very good at handling chicken.

Fortunately, Luo Fan was not alone. After Luo Fan finished shopping and returned home, Luo's mother had already packed the whole chicken, and was just waiting for Luo Fan to make it into a delicacy.

Luo's mother is chatting with someone in the living room at this time, and she laughs from time to time. It can be seen that Luo's mother is very happy now.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Luo Fan rushed to the kitchen non-stop and hurriedly prepared dinner.

As soon as Luo Fan put away the purchased ingredients, the already small kitchen became more crowded. If another person came in at this time, it would be difficult to move.

But it is such a small house that carries decades of memories of the old Luo family. Father Luo has said in Luo Fan's ears countless times that it would be great if he had the money to buy this house.

It's a pity that because of Luo's mother's poor health, the whole family lives on Luo's father's salary. They really can't save any money. After finally saving some money, the house price has risen again. I really answered that sentence, and the speed of making money can't keep up The rate at which house prices increase.

This time Luo Fan came back with the intention of buying this house. Regardless of whether he can live here in the future, the memories of so many years are worth buying it.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Luo Fan began to seriously prepare the dishes for tonight. Although he didn't know which relatives he was going to entertain, there was no room for sloppy things in Luo's mother's account.

Luo Fan first soaked dried shiitake mushrooms in warm water. Although fresh shiitake mushrooms are also available, dried shiitake mushrooms are more delicious for stewing soup. Luo Fan is going to use shiitake mushrooms to make a stewed chicken soup with shiitake mushrooms.

Pheasants are firmer and more tender than ordinary broilers, and they are the best ingredients for making soup. When seeing this chicken, the first thought that came to Luo Fan's mind was to make soup.

As for the pork belly, Luo Fan plans to make a dish of braised pork and fried pork with chili, a two-pronged approach to meet the needs of meat eaters.

Divide the pork belly into three to five ratios, cut the big one into pieces for braised pork, and slice the small side into chili fried pork, even if you have two dishes.

Then add braised grass carp, mapo tofu, fried lettuce and tomato scrambled eggs, which is exactly six dishes and one soup.

Luo Fan specifically asked Luo's mother to invite only one person tonight. This rule is definitely considered luxurious.

A long distance away, Luo's father smelled the fragrance from his own home, and suppressed the constant secretion of saliva. Luo's father secretly said that his son is finally promising. With this skill, it is not easy to find a hotel chef Relaxed.

Smelling the smell, Luo's father's footsteps became lighter, and he walked to his home soon.

Seeing this big table of dishes, Luo's father asked Luo's mother a little strangely: "Honey, what's the situation, why are there so many dishes tonight, I know you are happy when your son comes back, but it's not enough to cook so many dishes."

It was only then that Luo's mother remembered that she seemed to have forgotten to tell her husband about it again, and she immediately explained: "I'm just looking at Fanzi's success, and then I asked Cao Zhilan to come over for a meal and chat with her by the way."

After listening to Luo Ma's words, Luo's father also showed an expression of sudden realization, and quickly exaggerated Luo Ma: "It's still my wife's thoughtful arrangement. If Fanzi is still in the same situation as before, I'm really embarrassed to ask Cao Zhilan to come over for dinner, but Now, it’s okay to see you.”

Luo Fan, who was tidying up in the kitchen, was taken aback for a while by this remark, and the two of them were playing some charades, but it was clear at a glance that it must have something to do with tonight's visitor.

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, when the doorbell rang, Luo Ma hurried over to open the door, and after a while, she saw Luo Ma walking in with a woman about her age.

Luo Fan took a look and found that this was a person he didn't know at all, so he couldn't help being curious about the identity of this person.

Luo's mother saw that Luo Fan was still in a daze, and immediately called out anxiously: "Fanzi, why are you still in a daze, this is your Aunt Cao, come and say hello."

Although he didn't know him at all, Luo Fan still greeted him politely: "Hello, Aunt Cao."

"Good boy, what a good boy, he is as talented as Sister Fenglan said." Cao Zhilan exaggerated to Luo Fan, which made Luo Fan feel a little embarrassed.

Luo's mother is called Wang Fenglan, and Luo's father is called Luo Malong. This Auntie Cao should be older than both of them, because Luo's father is a little younger than Luo's mother.

Seeing the three people who were still polite, Luo's father immediately urged: "What are you doing standing there, everyone, come over and have dinner together, if you don't eat this table, it will be cold."

Luo's father smiled and said to Cao Zhilan, "It's better to come early than coincidentally. Sister Cao, go and wash your hands, and you can start eating after sitting down."

When Cao Zhilan sat down, she realized that there were such a large table of dishes. She said in surprise, "You are so polite, there are only four people preparing so many dishes."

Luo's mother said as a matter of course: "As soon as we hear that you are coming, of course we have to make good preparations. Don't just talk, let's chat while eating."

Cao Zhilan also felt that the Luo family valued her, so she was no longer polite, and said "Then I will not be polite", and moved the chopsticks first.

Since it was inviting people to dinner, it was natural for the guests to move first. Following Cao Zhilan's first move, everyone also started. It was getting late, and everyone was already hungry.

Originally, Luo's mother should have something to say when she invites people to dinner, but Luo Fan's cooking skills are really great. As soon as everyone started eating, they immediately forgot about this matter and focused all their attention on the dishes on the table.

 Normal updates will resume this weekend, and chapters that are less updated will be added later.

(End of this chapter)

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