Chapter 69
At this time, another chef prepared his own dish and presented it to the judges' table. Luo Fan took a closer look and found that the dish was sticky rice and chili.

Glutinous rice pepper, also known as stuffed sea pepper, wrapped pepper, and filled pepper, is a very traditional local snack. Its main ingredients are glutinous rice flour and fresh red pepper.

First prepare a clean earthenware jar without oil and raw water, and a few dried lotus leaves that have been washed and dried in the sun.

Then wash the fresh red peppers, remove the stalks, cut them on one side, and remove the seeds for later use.

Mix the very finely beaten glutinous rice flour with appropriate amount of salt and pepper noodles, then add appropriate amount of water to knead glutinous rice balls, and fill the peppers from the opening of the peppers.

Then put the chili peppers in the jar with the opening facing upwards, and put one into the jar when it is ready. Fill the jar layer by layer, compact it, and then cover it with dried lotus leaves.

After about 15 to 20 days, the glutinous rice chili in the jar can be taken out for cooking. The glutinous rice chili produced in this way will be slightly sour, which adds a unique flavor to the glutinous rice chili.

Open the jar and take out the glutinous rice and chili, steam it over high heat and let it cool, then put it in an oil pan and fry it with rapeseed oil on low heat until the cold noodles are burnt and fragrant.

It can be eaten directly, or it can be eaten with some seasonings, or fried as a dish. The glutinous rice chili tastes hot and sour, soft and has a long aftertaste.

This dish is the same as Luofan's stinky tofu. It needs to prepare the semi-finished glutinous rice and chili in advance. As for the follow-up operation, it is very simple. You only need to steam it and let it cool, then fry it with rapeseed oil on a low heat until the cold noodles are burnt. up.

The most time-consuming part of this snack is even the steaming and cooling stage, but the frying is very fast, and the glutinous rice and peppers have been steamed in advance.

What the chef presented was the original glutinous rice chili, without seasoning, which put the chef's skills to the test. The production and subsequent frying of the glutinous rice chili must not be sloppy at all.

After tasting, the five judges gave 9.07, 9.07, 9.05, 9.04, 9.07 points respectively, and the final average score was 9.06 points. In this comparison, the score of the previous oil cake should not be low.

Afterwards, several chefs presented their works to the judges one after another, but the scores were not high. The highest score was a social meal cooker with 9.18 points.

Although Wang Sanjin and Liu Dazhuang were so anxious that they were jumping, Luo Fan remained unmoved and continued to watch other chefs cook.

Luo Fan's indifferent look really made the host's teeth itch, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart, do you think you are the master, and you have to watch the first half of every game with your eyes first?
Luo Fan's abnormal behavior naturally attracted the attention of the chefs, but he also expressed his understanding when he saw that Luo Fan was so young and hung a sign representing the night market in front of the kitchen counter:
The chef representing the night market must have given up a long time ago, and the reason why he still came to participate in the competition was only to learn the skills of his peers.

Thinking that there are still young people here to study, a chef's movements became more and more fancy. He felt that in Luo Fan's eyes, he must be very handsome.

This made Luo Fan a little puzzled, why the chef in front of him, who was frying well, suddenly became fancy, which would actually reduce the quality of the fried food.

Luo Fan immediately turned his attention to other people, and he was not interested in this kind of chef who was still obsessed with showing off his skills.

It's strange, why doesn't he look at himself anymore, I understand, he must be impressed by my skills, so he dare not look at it anymore, for fear of seeing himself feel inferior.

His flashy operation also attracted the host's attention, and the camera was immediately shifted to him, and he showed off his skills even harder because of this.

Seeing this scene, the five judges on the stage shook their heads. If you are very skilled, it is no problem to pursue ostentatious skills, but to this extent, ostentatious skills will only affect the quality of the finished product.

Under Luo Fan's observation, the time came to 11:30. Under the expectant eyes of Wang Sanjin and Liu Dazhuang, Luo Fan finally planned to make a move.

Boss Luo is finally about to make a move!

Wang Sanjin and Liu Dazhuang calmed down immediately after seeing Luo Fan start to act, as if they were not the ones who were anxious like ants on a hot pot just now.

Luo Fan washed the pot provided by the organizer and put it on the stove to boil off the water, then poured the appropriate amount of oil into the pot, and waited for the fire to heat the oil to a suitable temperature.

Luo Fan used peanut oil this time, which exudes a unique fragrance compared to the usual soybean oil, which can make the fried stinky tofu more mellow.

The host who found out that Luo Fan had finally made a move also turned the camera to Luo Fan's side. He was also curious about what Luo Fan's side wanted to do.

As the camera shifted, Luo's mother let out a scream. Unexpectedly, the aunt next door was right, and her son really went to participate in this cooking competition.

Looking at the extremely serious son in front of her, countless question marks appeared in Luo's mother's mind, why did her son participate in the competition here, but that handsome face was clearly her son.

Luo's mother immediately planned to call her son to ask, but considering that her son was doing business, Luo's mother finally held back her curiosity.

Not to mention Luo's mother under the TV, after Luo Fan has completely immersed his mind in this cooking, the entire competition venue seems to disappear in Luo Fan's eyes, only the kitchen table in front of him is left. His demeanor has also changed from previous cynicism to extreme seriousness.

Seeing Luo Fan's changed momentum, the host was a little curious, what kind of dishes would be born from Luo Fan's hands.

"9.6, it's actually 9.6 points."

At this moment, an exclamation interrupted the host's thoughts. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the audience's highest score was born, and the host immediately shifted the camera to the judges.

This is a seemingly ordinary rice tofu, but such a rice tofu actually won a high score of 9.6 in the hands of Zhang Mingxu.

Afterwards, the other four judges also scored their own scores, which were 9.62, 9.59, 9.65, and 9.64. The final score of this rice tofu was as high as 9.62 points, which was a high score unmatched by any of the previous dishes!
After exclaiming, everyone had time to carefully observe this rice bean - golden and translucent rice tofu, served with a sauce made of tomatoes and peppers, plus a little chopped green onion, so simple but so delicious high score.

It's not that there was no rice tofu before, but unfortunately, that time, it only got a score of 9.14, which made everyone curious about how different this rice tofu is.

Everyone looked at the author of the rice tofu, and found the signboard of "Shao's rice tofu", and then suddenly realized that if it is the most famous "Shao's rice tofu" in the ancient city, it is everyone who can get such a high score. As expected.

The rice tofu in the ancient city is quite famous, and Shaw's is the best among them, so it is no wonder that it can get such a high score.

(End of this chapter)

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