Cities: Start with street stalls

Chapter 197 Xie Wei What's wrong with you

Chapter 197 Xie Wei What's the matter with you
As a translator, Xie Wei was naturally responsible for chatting with Pete to pass the boring time on the road.

Pete asked curiously, "Is it a famous Michelin restaurant where we are eating tonight?"

Pete's first question stumped Xie Wei. She didn't know much about Yifan Quandoufang, so she could only answer bravely: "It's not a Michelin restaurant, but it's a restaurant with great taste. .”

When Xie Wei said it wasn't a Michelin restaurant, Pete was a little disappointed with the naked eye, and said, "Okay, I'll try your so-called great taste, although I still think it's better to go to Michelin."

"Michelin is the most authoritative food evaluation agency in the world. It is really hard for me to believe that there will be a great taste in a restaurant without a Michelin star."

Although Xie Wei really wanted to refute Pete, there are still many excellent restaurants in China that are not Michelin-starred, but Pete is a partner. In order not to offend the partner, she could only smile and perfunctory the past.

Just when Pete and Xie Wei were chatting vigorously, they suddenly received a call from the vice president. As soon as he answered the phone, the vice president yelled and cursed:

"Xie Wei, what's the matter with you? You didn't take money from the boss, did you, and you booked such a small shop?"

"Even if it's broken, the price is still so expensive. If it's not too late to replace it now, I will definitely change places."

"If there is a problem with the reception this time because of the restaurant, you can wait to write a resignation letter."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xie Wei's reaction, she hung up the phone directly.

Xie Wei didn't expect that after working so hard to contribute to the company, she would still be scolded bloody for such a trivial matter. She had no sense of belonging to the company before, and her heart became even colder.

However, she didn't dare to attack yet, so she had to continue talking and laughing with Pete with a smiling face. Once again, she had doubts about her choice.

Fortunately, the airport is not far from Luofan's Yifan Quandoufang, and soon a group of four arrived at the door of Yifan Quandoufang, and Xie Wei was temporarily relieved.

It's just that the accompanying leader looked at the ordinary Yifan Quandoufang and frowned, and said to Xie Wei very displeased:

"Xie Wei, it's no wonder that the vice president called to scold you just now, the place you are looking for is really bad!"

Xie Wei is the only interpreter here, and this leader doesn't have to worry that Pete will understand what he said.

Pete was also visibly annoyed. He didn't expect that he would be entertained in such a small shop. If he wasn't very hungry now, he might really choose to leave.

Before going in, Pete said angrily to Xie Wei, "Is this how you treat guests? I'm a little disappointed."

Xie Wei expressed her apology with a wry smile. She finally understood that what these people wanted was only exquisite decoration, and it was not a taste at all.

I can only blame myself for taking the boss's statement that the partner pays attention to taste very seriously. I am really too young.

I can only hope that this restaurant can really be as delicious as what Dong Mingxia said, so that I won't get into a big disaster.

There are actually two large boxes on the second floor of Yifan Quandoufang, but since Luofan basically does not accept reservations here, it has never received guests with such a large table, and this is the first time it has been used.

Since it was a pre-ordered meal, it was served quickly after everyone sat down. Seeing the exquisite dishes on the table, Xie Wei also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the vice president immediately frowned and asked, "Xie Wei, why are there only ordinary drinks and wine here?"

"How can we show our sincerity by not toasting Pete?"

Xie Wei had no choice but to explain patiently: "Vice President, since this restaurant is a vegetarian restaurant, there is no wine provided."

"And this store also refuses to bring your own drinks, so I ordered two big pots of drinks for everyone."

In fact, Luo Fan can also provide alcohol made from soybeans, but he thinks that eating is eating, and there is no need to drink alcohol at all, so he has no idea of ​​providing alcohol at all.

The vice president felt that this Xie Wei was really ignorant, and he couldn't even find a place to eat. Such a high annual salary was really in vain.

But fortunately, it can be seen that Pete is still very satisfied with her, and her high annual salary can finally come in handy.

The reason why their company was able to give Xie Wei such a high salary at the beginning was not because of Xie Wei's ability. After all, there are many capable people, so there is no need to give such a high salary.

Their company has always been interested in Xie Wei's beauty, but it hasn't come in handy before, so they have been living in peace.

This time, after Pete is settled, it will be their turn to use Xie Wei.

Thinking of Xie Wei's beautiful appearance, the vice president almost drools.

But the matter has come to this point, and the vice president can't say much. After saying a lot of clichés, everyone is ready to officially start dinner.

As a guest, it was natural that Pete wanted to move his chopsticks.

Under Pete's gesture, Xie Wei served Pete a bowl of Vance Tofu first.

As Pete's famous dish, this dish is naturally Pete's first choice.

Wensi tofu is a very classic vegetarian dish. It is said that during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a monk named Wensi in Tianning Temple on the right side of Meihualing in Yangzhou, who was good at making all kinds of tofu dishes.

In particular, the tofu soup made with tender tofu, enoki mushrooms, fungus and other raw materials is very delicious. Buddhist monks who go to burn incense and worship Buddha like to taste this soup, and it is very famous in Yangzhou.

It is said that Emperor Qianlong once tasted this dish, and it once became a famous dish in the Qing court.Because the dish was created by Monk Wensi, people called it "Wensi Tofu" and it has been passed down to this day.

Since it is in Quandoufang, it is naturally impossible for Luo Fan to use ingredients such as chicken and carrots. All ingredients are made of beans.

Luo Fan first makes soy products with different textures such as crisp, soft, tough, and Q-bomb, and then cuts these soy products and lactone tofu into hair-thin filaments.

Finally, these ingredients are boiled into a pot of fresh and tender tofu soup according to the appropriate ratio, and then seasoned, Wensi tofu is completed.

As soon as this Wensi tofu enters the mouth, countless changes will explode in the mouth in an instant, giving the ultimate taste enjoyment to the eater.

In addition to the miraculous change in mouthfeel, the taste of this Wensi tofu is also delicious, which is absolutely amazing.

Although Luo Fan uses all soy products, it can make people feel that the taste does not belong to soy products, which makes the taste of this Wensi tofu more varied.

Pete carefully scooped up some Wensi Tofu and put it into his mouth. As he chewed, his frown gradually relaxed. The taste of this Wensi Tofu was really beyond his imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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