Cities: Start with street stalls

Chapter 196 Reservation Success

Chapter 196 Reservation Success
Although she worked overtime last night until after one o'clock before taking a break, Xie Wei woke up early to get ready to go to work the next day. Today's things will not be less because of yesterday's hard work.

During work breaks, Xie Wei took the time to call Dong Mingxia and asked her best friend if she had any recommendations for good vegetarian restaurants.

Vegetarian restaurant?The first thing that comes to Dong Mingxia's mind is Luofan's Yifan Quandoufang, which is the No.1 in her heart.

Dong Mingxia recommended Luofan's Yifan Quandoufang to Xie Wei without even thinking about it. She once asked Luofan what oil he used, and Luofan answered soybean oil, so Luofan's 100% no doubt must be Vegetarian.

Yifan Quandoufang?Xie Wei murmured the name of the store Dong Mingxia had given her with some doubts. Since when did such a store exist in City C, she had never heard of it.

Although a little confused, Dong Mingxia on the other end of the phone gave Xie Wei a guarantee, saying that it was 100% absolutely delicious.

Out of trust in her best friend, Xie Wei didn't think too much about it, and asked Dong Mingxia for the number of Yifan Quandoufang, so she called directly, intending to book a reception meal this time.

As for what Dong Mingxia said was a bit expensive, Xie Wei didn't take it to heart at all. This time, they were receiving big customers, and the company's reimbursement standard was very high.

Moreover, my company is a big company anyway, so I can't afford to afford a meal.

Since it was daytime, Zhang Jinxing answered the call from Yifan Quandoufang. After Luo Fan gave him nearly half a month's vacation, he followed Luo Fan back to City C.

Although Zhang Jinxing hadn't been out for a long time, the changes were big enough to shock Zhang Mingxu. Zhang Jinxing, who was originally only half of Zhang Mingxu's level, had only studied with Luo Fan for a short time, and directly overtook Zhang Mingxu.

Zhang Mingxu who discovered this situation didn't know whether he should be happy or sad, but he became more determined to dump Zhang Jinxing to Luo Fan, which was indeed the wisest choice he made.

When Zhang Jinxing heard that Xie Wei called to make a reservation for the dinner, he asked without thinking, "Reservation? Are you a member of our store? The reservation function of our store is only open to members for the time being."

member?Why didn't Dong Mingxia tell me about this situation?Xie Wei was a little confused, and said, "Then, what are the requirements for membership in your store?"

It's not that Dong Mingxia didn't mention it on purpose, she and Xiaopang go through the VVIP channel every time, and they don't even have to pay, let alone make a reservation, so naturally they don't know that there is such a rule in Luo Fan's shop.

Zhang Jinxing said very apologetically, "I'm sorry, our store has not yet opened a channel for membership."

"..." Xie Wei was speechless. Dong Mingxia introduced me to what kind of cheating store. Since there is no channel for membership and reservations require membership, why don't you just say that reservations are not supported.

After saying "Sorry to bother you," Xie Wei hung up the phone angrily, and asked Dong Mingxia again if there were any other reliable vegetarian restaurants.

Dong Mingxia asked with a puzzled look: "Why, doesn't the store I recommend meet your requirements?"

Xie Wei said angrily: "I don't know if the talisman matches or not, but he doesn't support reservations at all. I can't possibly go there in advance and line up."

Xie Wei still doesn't know that Yifan Quandoufang orders meals according to the number of people, even if she goes to queue in advance, there is no way to support her to entertain customers.

"Do not support reservations?" Dong Mingxia was a little surprised. She only knew that Luo Fan had this rule, and said with a smile, "You can just give my name. He probably doesn't make reservations."

Xie Wei asked curiously: "Since when did you become a boss? You can make a reservation just by giving your name. You probably opened this store."

Dong Mingxia said with a smile: "If only I had the ability to open this store, I won't tell you. The leader has something to do with me. I have to go over there. You can just report my name and make a reservation."

After speaking, Dong Mingxia hung up the phone.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Xie Wei called Yifan Quandoufang again, but this time she pulled on Dong Mingxia's tiger skin and said, "My best friend Dong Mingxia said that she can make a reservation by reporting her name."

Dong Mingxia and Zhang Jinxing naturally knew each other. She was the girlfriend of the boss's good brother, and she came here often. If it was her, it's not impossible to open this back door.

After asking Luo Fan's opinion, Zhang Jinxing agreed to Xie Wei's reservation, saying: "Our boss said that since we are Dong Mingxia's best friend, we can make a reservation, and he will give you a [-]% discount."

Xie Wei didn't expect Dong Mingxia's name to be so good. It seems that this store is not a very powerful store. After all, her best friend doesn't know it yet. A salted fish who loves food doesn't know any big shots at all.

However, out of trust in her best friend, Xie Wei didn't intend to change the store. After estimating the number of people, she hurriedly ordered a table of dishes and hung up the phone.

Although Luo Fan has to pay the bill first, Dong Mingxia's girlfriends can pay later.

And Zhang Jinxing thought that Dong Mingxia would definitely introduce the approximate price to her girlfriends, so she didn't quote the price when she reported the menu.

Without knowing it, Xie Wei even ordered a customized dish, which was also the dish that the partner ordered - Wensi Tofu.

The method of Wensi tofu and chrysanthemum tofu soup is similar, so Zhang Jinxing naturally didn't feel that Luo Fan couldn't make it, so he agreed to Xie Wei's customization request without thinking.

Xie Wei set the meal at eight o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, and there was no problem with the time.

After finishing the hospitality business, Xie Wei also relaxed and put all her thoughts on the work in front of her.

Two days later, Xie Wei deliberately dressed up before going out. As the most beautiful woman in the company, the task of entertaining her naturally fell on Xie Wei.

In fact, Xie Wei didn't like this kind of entertainment very much. Unfortunately, she couldn't refuse the task assigned by her superiors. The reason why she was able to offer such a high annual salary had a lot to do with her appearance.

Except for Xie Wei and an accompanying leader, everyone else in the company went to Yifan Quandoufang to wait in advance. The company attached great importance to this reception, and people from many departments went to it.

The company's partner is a beautiful Chinese named Pete, and the plane will arrive at the airport around seven o'clock tonight.

Xie Wei and her leader came to the airport early in the morning to wait. When the flight started to disembark, she held up a sign with Pete's name and photo and started looking for Pete.

Soon, the two found their target among the crowd getting off the plane, and an assistant came along with Pete.

As for the translation, Xie Wei herself was in charge. As a top student in the finance department, Xie Wei's English is also very good, which is more than enough to be a translator.

(End of this chapter)

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