Chapter 182
Just as Guo Youming was leaving, the three of Xiao Weiming also rushed to the door of Yifan Quandoufang. Coincidentally, they saw Guo Youming's leaving back.

One of them pointed at Guo Youming's back strangely and said, "Look, isn't that Guo Youming?"

Following the direction the man pointed, Xiao Weiming saw the back of Guo Youming leaving.

Xiao Weiming was very strange, he could understand that Guo Youming came to serve Luo Fan, but he couldn't understand why Guo Youming left directly.

Probably this Luo Fan is too good, let him give up resistance, Xiao Weiming thought so.

Following Li Siqin's guidance, the three of them quickly sat down at a table for four, and Xiao Weiming was not polite, just picked up his mobile phone to scan the QR code and ordered the order.

Looking at the "ordinary" dishes and exaggerated prices on Luo Fan's menu, Xiao Weiming was a little surprised, how dare this Luo Fan set such a price.

But anyway, the three of them were here for the review, and generally they didn't need to pay for it themselves, so they didn't panic, and just ordered according to the expensive things.

Add tofu fish, add mirror box tofu, add fragrant dry fried vegetarian meat, add stir-fried soybean sprouts.

By the way, there are also two fancy custom dishes, isn't it a big tone?I will give him a difficult thing to see if he dares to accept it.

At this time, Luo Fan, who was busy in the kitchen, also received a reminder of two customized dishes.

Since Luo Fan couldn't get away, Zhang Jinxing directly helped him get up.

One dish is tofu nao, which is actually a simple tofu nao with two different flavors of salty and sweet.

It's just that the requirements for this customized dish are not simple. It is required not to separate the two flavors of salty and sweet, but to present the two flavors directly on a tofu nao.

That is to say, in this tofu nao dish, if he wants to eat sweet, he can eat sweet, and if he wants to eat salt, he can eat salty, and he can't mix flavors with each other.

After reading the request for the first dish, Zhang Jinxing immediately scolded: "Master, this is the idea of ​​some bastard. He is here to make trouble, why don't we just return it?"

"I don't believe anyone else can make such a strange thing!"

Luofan’s method of ordering customized dishes here is that customers first place an order for customized dishes outside, and then write down the requirements and description clearly. Luofan will consider whether to accept the order. If the order can be accepted, then feedback the price.

After the customer receives the price feedback from Luo Fan, the customer confirms the order and checks out directly, and then proceeds to production.

Of course, there is still a rule of high prices corresponding to customized dishes.

That is, if there is a custom-made dish that Luo Fan does not accept, and if someone can really make this dish, all the dishes except the custom-made dish will be free of charge for this meal.

Compared to Zhang Jinxing's worries, Luo Fan was very confident, and said without thinking, "If you accept the order, the price will be 3888 yuan."

"By the way, isn't there another custom dish? Let's talk about any requirements."

Zhang Jinxing didn't expect that Luo Fan would take the first dish, but out of confidence in the master, he still filled in the price, and then reported the request for the second customized dish:
"This dish is quite normal. It's called bean sprouts with vegetarian meat, but it must be very troublesome to make, and it is very labor-intensive and time-consuming."

Vegetarian meat with bean sprouts?Luo Fan instantly understood the general recipe of this dish, and said, "I can also accept this dish, and the price is 2888 yuan."

Zhang Jinxing was also unambiguous, and directly fed back the prices of the two customized dishes.

At this time, Xiao Weiming, who was ordering food, also received feedback from the kitchen. He was a little surprised that this Luo Fan actually took the order.

After choosing the dishes, Xiao Weiming added drinks and staple food, and now he plans to place an order.

It's just that the payment page that popped up next made him dumbfounded. There are so many information about Yifan Quandoufang, how come there is no one saying that you have to pay first for eating here?
Xiao Weiming would never have imagined that everyone who ate at Yifan Quandoufang thought it was definitely worth the money, so no one had any objections to the so-called payment in advance, and of course they would not bring it up.

Xiao Weiming thought for a while, went downstairs to the front desk, and said to Li Siqin: "Why do you have to pay first here? Can't you pay after eating?"

Li Siqin said with a smile: "Sir, I'm sorry, we have always had this rule here. If you really want to eat, you have to pay first."

To be honest, Xiao Weiming could still afford the thousands of dollars, but he came out this time on business on behalf of the Food Association, how could he be asked to spend his own money?
Forced to do nothing, Xiao Weiming had no choice but to show his identity certificate from the food association, and said to Li Siqin: "Actually, we are here to conduct membership evaluation, and the object of evaluation is your boss Luo Fan."

"According to the regulations of our gastronomy association, this kind of member review requires the subject of the review to actively provide works, so you shouldn't charge us money here."

Li Siqin understood in seconds, and said, "So, are you planning to eat the overlord's meal?"

She didn't care about the strange things stipulated by the member review food association, she could tell that this decent-looking middle-aged man didn't intend to pay, and planned to eat the king's meal.

Li Siqin's speech directly left Xiao Weiming speechless, and explained: "I am not a king's meal, but a member review, according to the regulations..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Siqin, who said with a smile: "Don't tell me these things, anyway, without our boss's permission, if you want to eat, you have to pay first."

"Besides, when you say a thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars, don't you mean that you don't want to pay and want to eat? Isn't this what you're doing by eating Bawang Meal?"

At this time, the conversation between the two also caught the attention of a guest who was planning to go upstairs for dinner. He said in surprise, "Why, do people still eat Bawang's meal these days?"

"Little girl, do you want me to call the police for you? This kind of behavior is unacceptable."

Xiao Weiming blushed, and said: "I told you that I don't want to eat the overlord's meal! This time, our food association is here on business, and I even showed you the certificate."

Li Siqin didn't care about this, and said, "Anyway, if you don't plan to pay and want to eat, you just eat the overlord's meal."

The customer who ate melons also said: "That is, if you don't pay, it's not eating a king's meal. It's really hard for you to think of such an excuse."

"Little girl, I advise you to call the police. This kind of person should be arrested and educated."

Li Siqin felt that this was also the case, and warned Xiao Weiming: "You have to pay or leave. Fortunately, we here pay first and then cook, otherwise it is really possible to be eaten by a shameless person like you."

"There is no good thing in this world that you don't want to pay but want to eat. If you want to eat, you can pay."

(End of this chapter)

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