Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 81 Permissions

Chapter 81 Permissions

Freya tightly held the pager in her hand.

The darkness has long since faded, and the light has returned to the world.

After going through that darkness, Freya finally returned to that place with difficulty.

The one pill that Jarno gave her was helpful and helped her regain some strength.

And Freya's original uneasiness did not become a reality.

Erin is fine.

Others are fine.

Except for a few more big pits, the slums don't seem to have changed at all.


Freya softly called Irene's name, and walked towards the tent in her memory.

However, when she opened the tattered curtain, she found that it was empty.

Eileen is not in there.

Freya was a little dazed.


"Here she is again."

Yano pressed the receiver in his ear, and heard Evie's helpless voice.


"Who else could it be, Irene, she asked to see Lane again."

Evie complained, "This is the mess you made, and you have to take care of it."

"If you keep blocking her from seeing her, there may be some tricks."

Arno rubbed the space between his brows.

Is it because of the mutation just now?Irene was worried about Lane's condition, so she asked to meet.

It's just that he couldn't get out at this time.

Even if she wanted Evie to help, her tone was exhausting.

The intelligence department can't let go of the mutation. Even if nothing can be found out, Evie still has to investigate.

Not just the intelligence services, but the entire empire is now at work.

All kinds of robots can be seen everywhere on the street, such as the radio robot that Arnold had seen before, and so on.

The only thing is, the shadows of civilians are rarely seen.

Of course, this turmoil will eventually come to an end.

Before that, Arno is expected to be noisy for a while.

"This matter, you can temporarily suppress it."

"What's the reason? You have to think of a reason to let her settle down temporarily. I don't want to be bothered every day. The people below can't make decisions about Irene."

"How about this."

Arno continued talking while walking.

"Just tell her that because of the mutation, some minor problems have occurred in my body."

"Don't worry about any small problems, you just need to say that, and then say that you need to undergo an operation, and after the success, Lane will be arranged to meet her immediately."

"This should last a while."

However, it can only be delayed for a while.

We must take a time to meet, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

"I don't care what happens..."

Evie said weakly.

"I know, there will be no problem."

After Yano finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Erin's question, let's put it aside for now.

When she returned to the slums and saw Freya, she couldn't care about Lan En for the time being.

This is not in a hurry.

"The first question is..."

Arno looked around.

Just after he hung up the phone, a group of people appeared from nowhere and surrounded him.

The costumes of these people are different and the ethnicity is distinct.

But there is one thing in common, that is, their faces are full of excitement.

"A player?"

The number of places for internal testing should be limited.

About two hundred or so.

In such a huge capital, it is reasonable to say that it is difficult for Arno to meet players.

"How do you say? Will players attract each other?"

Arno shook his head.

He stopped and asked casually.

"I don't know everyone, what can I do for you?"


The player didn't answer, just kept laughing.

"Since there is no problem, then I will go."

Arno pretended to take a step.

Of course, the player wouldn't let him leave so easily, and immediately stopped him.

This is exactly what Arnold wants.

"Since you don't say anything specific and don't let me leave, then don't blame me."

"Afterwards, if you want revenge, come to Sword Knight Academy to find me."

Abandoning his name, Yano raised his hand expressionlessly, and opened his palm to the players.

[Beep beep!Do not use destructive magic! 】

A robot sensed the magic element and immediately flew in front of Arno.

"I am the instructor of Sword Knight Academy, Alexander Prudis."

Yano's other hand pressed against the robot's face.

"Now, I request the activation of the third law of the empire to exercise the right to counterattack."

[Dididi, the authentication is passed, and the identity is confirmed as Alexander Prudis. 】

[Your authentication records have been stored in the cloud. Judging by the on-site situation, you can exercise the right to counterattack. 】

[Now you are given the right to temporarily counterattack, and you can use magic below level three. 】

The robot beeps.

Rounds of lake-colored halos spread from the robot's body, enveloping Yano's entire body in a short while.

Suddenly, the circle of light shrank and became smaller, moving down from Yano's body.

After a while, it stopped on the back of Yano's hand.

A scorching tingling sensation came, and a blue empire pattern appeared on the back of Arno's hand.

"Proof of legal use of magic, this is the first time I have seen this thing."

Yano smiled lightly.

When he dealt with the boy before, there were no robots around at all, and the fluctuation of magic was not large, so he didn't need to obtain certification.

But now when using magic in front of so many people, there will be some movement.

Then, you must obtain permission to use it.

Unless Arno plans to go to the cell to have some friendly exchanges with the prison guards.

[Your permission has been obtained, rated as level one. 】

[This permission will become invalid after solving the difficulty, and this machine will be the witness. 】

The robot chirped and circled over Arno's head before flying to a high altitude to look down on Arno.

The authority to use magic is very strict.

After teaching these players a lesson, Yano's authority will be withdrawn immediately, with almost no delay.

Robots are used to supervise the normal progress of this process.

Of course, this is because there are no civilians,
If there are civilians, the robot will also open the enchantment.

"So, good morning, good afternoon, good night, everyone."

Looking at the player who has been staring at him without moving, Arno said calmly.

His goal has been achieved - Sword Knight Academy.

The place where Alexander served has been communicated to the players.

After that, they will come to the academy continuously.

At that time, Yano's plan will really start.


Gently spit out two words.

The magic power began to surge in the hand that had been facing the player.

Alexander is a glorious sword knight, but he still knows a little bit about magic.

This freeze, in the eyes of current players, is already considered tall.

[Beep, beep, the evaluation magic level meets the specifications. 】

The robot called out.

But no one paid any attention to him.

In the palm of Arno,
The ice flowers bloomed.

The air began to become extremely dry, and all the moisture was swallowed by Arno's magic power and turned into a part of the ice flower.

The player's eyes widened.


They lose consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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