Chapter 80 Staggered
An unknown error occurred on the panel?

Arno has never heard of this situation in any game.

In the past, only hackers attacked servers to steal resources or accounts.

But something like the player panel has never happened.

Yano opened the forum and glanced roughly.

"Sure enough, no one else has encountered such a thing except me."

Well, this situation is a little bit unusual.

Arno rubbed his chin, thinking about the past.

If there is anything different from usual, the only thing is emotion.

"Because I am determined to continue to survive in this world, is there an error on the player panel?"

It's not a logical bug in the program, but personal emotions affect part of the program's operation.

"This conclusion is somewhat idealistic."

Yano glanced around, "However, even such a world has appeared, what else is impossible?"

Not only is the player's spirit transferred to the game, but he can even affect the system itself through his spirit.

This discovery is of great significance to Arno.

"It's just a game after all."

"As long as you control the operation of this game, everything will be much simpler."

Of course, the premise is that Yano's conjecture is correct.

At present, Yano has no way to confirm this.

"Never mind."

"This kind of thing can be confirmed slowly."

"The current primary goal is to debut."

Counting the time, Yano reckoned that he should have appeared in the forum by now.

The magic he used on that boy could only freeze him for a few minutes.

Open the forum again,

Sure enough, word had spread about the mysterious magician.

"Wori, you're a bully."

"An NPC full of question marks? Maybe it's the publisher of the hidden mission."

"Keep the door closed at night, maybe he will attack you in the middle of the night."

In addition to such amazement, some people also made some other remarks about it.

"This NPC is too realistic. There is no trace of machinery in his expression, and he is indistinguishable from a real person."

"I agree with the ones upstairs, not only the boss NPC that this player met, even the NPC on the side of the road, they are also very intelligent, and it can't be seen that they are generated by a program."

"I have a feeling that maybe we've come to a real world."

The lower third floor is full of ridicule towards him.

Although most people are shocked by the realism of the game, they still don't think this game is reality.

No one can shape a world,
People don't need another new world.

Turning the known into the unknown is one of the most unwise things in the world.

And Arno just laughed off this conclusion.

It's not that he doesn't believe it, he just doesn't care.

It makes no difference to him whether he is playing with a bunch of data or a bunch of people.

"I must help her get to that position."

"For that, nothing else matters."

"Everything can be sacrificed, as long as it can help her go further."

"It doesn't matter whether it's data... or people."

Yano's eyes dimmed, driving his soul into the darkness.

His eyes have always been like this, perhaps, he has never come out of the darkness since the beginning.

The kind of clarity that others can see,
It's just a disguise after all.


"So, what's the price?"

Rewind time a few minutes ago.

Freya Huna held the pager in her hand and murmured.

Her steps were somewhat staggering, because she was bound too tightly before.

The blood flow in the whole body seems to be very slow.

This also made her body very weak, so weak that she was out of breath even walking.

"I have to get out of here quickly."


"The organization has reached the point of life and death, and Irene must be notified."

Freya was walking with a limp while leaning on the wall in the hospital.

Before taking two steps, she had to stop and take a deep breath to relieve the suffocating feeling of weakness in her body.

Yano released her from the room, just as he had promised.

And the price Freya has to pay—Arnold's request.

But it seems very ambiguous.

"Let's grow the organization, Freya."

"Irene and you, you must make yourself stronger so that you can fulfill your ambitions."

This is Yanuo's "request" for her.

An ambiguous, almost indistinct request.

However, Freya has no choice, she can only choose to accept.

What the price was, she didn't know.

However, there is only one thing Freya understands.

"Only Irene...only Irene..."

Gritting her teeth, Freya faltered.

She must rush to Irene's side as soon as possible.

Anyone can,

The only thing is, she can't lose Irene.

"The only one who can stop this now is me..."


Then there was a loud bang.

It seemed that something had crashed.

Freya's face turned pale.

Combined with Yanuo's previous words, she had some bad guesses in her mind.


Caressing her chest, Freya turned her head and looked out the window.

The wind is howling,

There was no thunder and lightning in the sky, it was still a clear sky.

However, for some reason, this kind of scenery always gives people a sense of the end of the world.

dong dong,

dong dong dong...

The heart started beating crazily for no reason.

Freya inexplicably felt a sense of suffocation.


She looked at the sky outside the window, her pink lips parted slightly.

What is reflected in the pupil is a black hole.

The dark hole replaced Freya's original pupils and became even darker.

"wait for me."

"I'll be right by your side."

"wait for me……"

Suppressing the nameless throbbing in her heart, Freya pushed her legs hard and walked towards the exit of the hospital.

She gradually approached.

She saw Alexander, she saw Sophia, she saw the SS.

And, that exit.


Gritting her teeth, Freya took a step.

Then, almost at the same time her footsteps hit the ground.

The black hole in the sky spread rapidly,
The world is like ink into a basin of clear water.

Almost instantly, the clear water was blackened.

Because of Freya's loss of vision, the strength to support the wall with both hands disappeared in an instant.

Her legs were weak, her hands were weak, and Freya just fell to the ground.

"—Protect Madam."

In her ears, she only heard this sentence.

It is the vertigo of the mind.

Freya was still a bit too reluctant.

She lay on the ground, feeling the coldness of the ground.

In the midst of life and death, there was no bending of the heart, and a grievance was born out of thin air.

"I must……"

Freya stretched out her hand in a daze.

She knew she was just doing futile work.

It's just that she had to do it.

If you don't hurry to Irene's side.

"There is a pill inside the pager, take it."

A warm voice came from the pager in Freya's hand.

Freya seemed to grab a handful of life-saving straws, and quickly opened the battery compartment of the pager.

Sure enough, there was a pill in there.

(End of this chapter)

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