Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 57 The End of the Battle

Chapter 57 The End of the Battle
That is the light of guns,
Tiny, but striking.

The tongue of flame from the muzzle of the gun seemed to cover up the raging fire burning around it, and it had an unusual sense of presence.

Erin stared blankly,

Yano stood aside and just glanced in front of him lightly, and then stopped looking.

His eyes fell on Irene's face.

There was a sluggish expression on her face, as if she couldn't believe what she saw with her own eyes.

Even the mourning for his companion before, disappeared without a trace under this shock.

"how come……"

This tragic scene was reflected in her pupils.

The body of the young man rushed forward impatiently, like a tattered doll, trembling from being shot by bullets.

His neck was broken, and he turned his head at an unbelievable angle, looking at Irene.

In those eyes, there are no pupils, only two pure white, colorless pupils.

Erin subconsciously wanted to look away,

However, on the broken wall, the boy's shadow is like a dancing actor, moving gracefully.

Compared with looking directly at the boy, this picture is much more creepy.



Erin squatted down and covered her head.

This was not the miracle she was longing for!
It shouldn't be like this,
It can't be like this!
However, reality cannot be denied.

Arno looked down at Irene who was curled up, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

He turned his head again to look in the direction of the explosion ahead.

For the dose of the bomb, he has made precise calculations.

That blow won't kill the opponent, but it can seriously injure the opponent, making the opponent unable to do anything except stand up and pull the trigger.


"For the previous money, just treat it as me buying your life."

"Afterwards, I will send it to your wife and children."

Yano silently watched the smoke and dust of the explosion dissipate, revealing the shaky figure.

Money can not only stabilize people's mind,

In the same way, people's lives can also be bought.

Yano has never been plucked, and every time he pays, he will be charged a corresponding price.


The figure of the soldier shakes,
His body was already in tatters at this moment.

The blood and flesh were scorched black, and every time blood came out of the flesh and blood, it would be swallowed by another wound.

Then, causing more blood flow.

The electronic armor has long since collapsed, and only fragments of the physical armor remain.

Arnold is very clear about the critical value of these two pieces of equipment, so he also made special targeted optimization for the bomb.

"...It's really strong."

Yano looked at the other party and wanted to shake his body and walk in his direction, muttering in his heart.

The soldiers probably haven't discovered that they did it by themselves.

He still wants to complete the task he assigned,
Or, they want to come here to ask themselves for help.

According to his current physical condition, if he doesn't give first aid, he probably won't last long.

"But it's a pity that you can't come in front of me."

Yano hooked his fingers lightly,

The unremarkable ring shone with a light that no one noticed.

Then the gun the soldier was holding was fired.

Under his slightly astonished eyes, the trigger of the gun locked his fingers there.

Not only that, he also felt a tingling pain coming from the gun in the palm of his hand holding the gun.

After that, he felt that the palm of his hand was almost out of control.

Without any instructions from the nerve center, his hand raised the muzzle of the gun without authorization.

bang bang bang bang-

The gun fire turned into a dragon, roaring and rushing towards the rock where Arno was hiding.

And this time, it was precisely locked on Yano's head.

If this shot hits, there is no possibility for Yano to survive.


Arno glanced at the astonished soldier and lowered his head.

Almost at the moment when he lowered his head, the bullet almost flew past his hair.

"Cheer up!"

Yano restrained his calm expression, and became anxious as if changing his face.

He grabbed Irene's shoulder and kept shaking it.

"I know you're sad."

"But we have to get out. As long as you get out alive, these sacrifices have value."

"Think about companions!"

Arno growled.


Irene was silent for a while, then patted Yano's hand away.

"I know."

Her voice lacked emotion,

Even, cold.

Arno looked at the soft lines of her side face, a smile crossed her face, and it disappeared in an instant.

"There is no combat this time."

"The opponent is seriously injured now, we have to face it head-on."

"Can it be done?"

Arno asked.

"of course."

Erin's slightly cold voice fell.

Then, her whole figure jumped out from behind the stone like a rabbit.

The bullets are dense,
The bullet speed is also very fast.

But all of them were narrowly escaped by Irene.

Occasionally, there will only be a few bullets across her cheek with a scar.

Of course, this is not because Irene's dodging skills have become stronger.

But because the opponent was seriously injured, he couldn't aim at all.

——This is Erin's idea.

In fact, the ring in Yano's hand flickered slightly, and he was controlling the gun in the soldier's hand, which made it possible to form this kind of stroked marksmanship.

It will not cause people to be suspicious in a thrilling manner, but it will not cause too much harm to people.

"His bullets have slowed down, and it looks like he's starting to lose strength from blood loss."

Erin's voice came.

Arno heard the words, but did not speak.

He even pretended to be such a situation to mislead Irene's judgment.

Everything is for the final curtain.

"This opportunity is a good opportunity to kill the opponent, let's go!"

As Erin spoke, her pace quickened again.

Arno followed closely behind her,
Occasionally, though, he would fall behind, before speeding up to catch up.

This is all caused by the pain of tearing wounds on the body.

"Don't run too fast, it may be a conspiracy."

Yano reminded me.

Of course, Irene, who is now in charge, won't listen to his advice at all.

Because the opponent's strafing has not stopped, they can't stand firm and aim,

Therefore, Irene planned to get close to a certain distance to solve it.

Of course, things don't go so smoothly.

Just when she and Yano had just reached the distance where blind shots could hit.

Irene clearly saw that the opponent's gun was deformed.

The original position of the scope cracked, and a small and delicate pistol appeared in their field of vision.

bang bang,

bullets fired,

The bullet speed of the pistol is very fast, because it is fired automatically, there is no accuracy.

However, it is much faster than a rifle.

These inaccurate bullets are mixed into the bullet matrix of the rifle, making it impossible to tell which are fast pistol bullets or slow rifle bullets.

And when it was discovered, the bullet was already very close.

Even if the accuracy of the pistol is not enough, as long as you shoot enough, there will always be a hit.

One of them is just like that.

Once hit, Irene's head will immediately turn into a blooming fireworks.


Erin's pupils widened,
The appearance of the pistol was completely unexpected by her,

The speed of the bullet is also very fast, it simply cannot give her extra reaction time.

"Get out of the way!"

Fortunately, Arno's reaction was faster than Irene's.

The distance between him and Irene is not far,

So, he roared, took a step forward, hugged Irene's body and turned around, pointing his back to the bullet.


The sound of the bullet piercing the flesh reached Irene's ears.

She felt a new, warm liquid flowing from the part where Yano was in contact with her.


Eileen's body trembled,
However, she has not forgotten the current situation.

After the first bullet hit Arno, most of the remaining pistol bullets missed, and only two others hit Arno's shoulder and thigh respectively.

Afterwards, before the dense bullets from the rifle came, Irene rolled around on the ground holding Yano in time and hid.


Even if she dodged this shot, Irene couldn't dodge the subsequent bullets.

Even if she doesn't care about Yano, it will take time to stand up.

But the bullet will not give her this time.

"Is this the end?"

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Erin's mouth.

The sound of the previous rifle bullets hitting the ground and walls was like the concerto of death, ringing in her ears.


After a few more sporadic beeps, the sound stopped.

Erin froze for a moment, then looked up suspiciously.

The pitch-black muzzle no longer ejected fire snakes.


Run out.

"This is a miracle!"

A thought flashed through Erin's mind.

Immediately, without much hesitation, she directed all her firepower at the position where the soldier was standing without even aiming.

With a shuttle full of ammunition,

Under the blank eyes of the soldiers.

Dozens of ammunition hit his forehead.

—and dispelled his last daze.

(End of this chapter)

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