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Chapter 56 The Drama Manipulator

Chapter 56 The Drama Manipulator
the other side,
Irene is discussing various countermeasures with Yano.

However, none of them is a definite possibility.

The current situation is too disadvantageous, and it is very difficult to break through no matter what method is used.

Although they have an advantage in numbers,

But under the absolute firepower of the opponent, it is just tofu cut by a knife-vulnerable to a single blow.

"There must be some other way!"

Erin listened to Lan's deep voice on the other side.

For some reason, her heart calmed down a little.

No matter when Lan En was, she never panicked, maybe this kind of emotion infected her.

"Well, I know."

"There must be a way."

Erin believes in "miracles."

Not the miracle itself, but Lane, the person who symbolized the miracle to her.

She believed it, just as Lann had miraculously appeared before her.

This situation will also be broken by a "miracle".

It is not a miracle given by God, but a miracle created by people.

"He's here."

Suddenly, she heard Lane say.

Erin's breathing stagnated immediately, and she held her breath and concentrated.

On the other side, the young man beside Yano completely gave up breathing, tried his best to cover his mouth and nose, and listened to the movement around him with all his strength.


The sound of burning flames, as before,
However, the sound of the bullets that played together with the flames before disappeared.

In addition, some other voices were mixed in.


In Erin's voice,
It was a bit like the footsteps of a god of death with a scythe coming.

The opponent gave up the tactics of long-range strafing,

Changed to close combat.

She immediately understood the other party's plan.

In addition to firearms, which are specially used for these long-distance non-contact warfare weapons,

The Imperial Academy of Sciences also has a number of other contact weapons dedicated to combat.

These weapons are rumored to contain powerful equipment capable of annihilating all matter at close range.

But what it is, Irene doesn't know.

Her information is not well-informed to this level.

But if that equipment really exists,
Then when the other party reaches a certain distance, everything is really over.

"We have to think of a way."

Erin mused,

Now he has to listen to the voice to confirm the distance of the other party, and cannot communicate with Lan.

All things must be decided by herself.

The first thing that comes to mind is naturally to rush forward and die with the other party.

"The firepower is not enough, I'm afraid I'm finished before I get close."

"Besides, if you do this, Lan's efforts just now will be in vain."

"We must think of other ways."

Erin bit her lip,

There was not much anxiety in her heart,

First of all, she knew that being anxious at this time would only make her more chaotic.

On the other hand, she also believed that Lane must also be thinking of a solution.

—she trusted Lane.


"In order to completely mobilize her emotions."

"It's also to make her trust me wholeheartedly."

"Your sacrifice, no, your sacrifice is inevitable."

Arno hid behind the rocks, eyes closed.

The sound of the other party's approaching footsteps was extremely loud in his ears.

On the surface, he seemed to be silently thinking about countermeasures.

In effect, Arno is calculating the distance based on the sound of footsteps.

The floor plan of the entire top floor was sketched in his mind, and a few dots represented Arno, Irene and others.

The other black dot is the enemy.

Now, the black dot is slowly moving in one direction.

"About five more steps."

Yano secretly said in his heart.

"Please, God, help me."

Behind him, the boy trembled and also closed his eyes.

However, he was not thinking of a solution, but praying.

A rebel of the empire is actually praying for God's salvation instead of thinking about saving himself with his own hands.

I have to say, this is a bit ridiculous.

"Four steps..."

Erin sighed.

"Three steps..."

The footsteps got closer.

"Two steps..."

The boy's voice reached his ears.


Arno opened his eyes.


He stood up, held the gun, and pointed forward.

There was a loud noise,
the fire blazed into the sky,

The fiery snake roared and tossed in the wide corridor.

The walls cracked, the temperature rose, and the burning sensation spread across the skin.

This scene was reflected in Yano's pupils.

The flames twisted and danced in his eyes.

"The end of the curtain."

Arno murmured.

His voice was drowned out by the blast and was not heard by anyone.

Taking this opportunity, Irene hooked her body and trotted to behind Arno's stone.

Her eyes were full of shock, and she looked blankly at the picture in front of her.

"How is this going?"

she murmured, completely puzzled.

"The gunpowder went off, at the right moment."

Arno said calmly.

There was no confusion in this voice, and Irene couldn't help but look at him.

The flame shone on Lan En's middle-aged face, flickering on and off, like the dim stars in the sky.

"You know what's going on?"

"of course."

Arno nodded and explained.

"Before I came to your room, I was in the room where the explosion occurred."

"Is there a body there, or do I think it is a body?"

"She was holding a capsule of explosives in her hand. She was a woman with long red hair."

Erin's eyes widened a little after listening to the description.

Of course she knew who this person was.

"You mean, it was the dynamite in her hand that exploded?"

"There is no other possibility."

There was a hint of admiration on Yano's face.

"Now I think maybe she wasn't dead at the time."

"Now at the right time, at the right time, she fired the bomb."

"It was she, your companion, who saved us."

Irene looked at the fire that still hadn't disappeared,

The tail of the flame swayed, flickering in front of her eyes, as if to comfort her.

"Yes...that's it."

Erin murmured.

She was right, this is a miracle.

A miracle performed by her companions.

"What an admirable man."

Yano looked down at Irene and said softly.


Erin nodded slowly.

Her head was bowed so that she did not see,
——The look of sneer in Yano's eyes.

"Now we can go!"

"Hurry up!"

The boy's voice interrupted Irene's moment of mourning.

He seemed to think that the other party had died under the explosion, so after saying a word, he ran out from behind the stone without confirming, and ran towards the direction of the stairs.

And Irene, who was a little distracted, didn't have time to hold the boy.

All she had time to do was subconsciously raise her head and take a look.


Under Erin's gaze,
Under the gaze of Yano with a faint smile.

the muzzle of the muzzle,
Cover the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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