Chapter 250 Desire
Yano's disgust was too obvious, as if Yano's eyes were also extremely obvious.

He didn't intend to hide his thoughts at all, so his emotions and eyes were all exposed to Julius.

Facing Arno's disgust, Julius felt both puzzled and angry.

This was a decision he had made with great difficulty. Why did Yano feel disgusted by his decision?

"What does that look in your eyes mean?"

Julius wanted to figure this out before fighting.

Arno, who heard what Julius said, flipped his wrist, and beheaded the two people who wanted to attack him with a single sword, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at? Although they are very weak, their actions are undoubtedly great. How dare you laugh at them?"

For Yano's smile, Julius felt even more angry.

However, what he didn't expect was that after hearing what he said, Yano's smile not only didn't disappear, but even made him laugh even more happily.

"Stop laughing..."

"I told you not to laugh!!!"

Again, Julius growled.

Finally, amidst his roar, Arno's smile disappeared.

Then, Arno looked at Julius, and his eyes became much calmer.

Of course, this cannot be because of the disappearance of Arno's sense of disgust and ridicule, let alone because of Julius' words.

Yano, I just have something to say.

"...don't make a mistake."

Arno said to Julius in a cold voice.

Julius was a little taken aback by the thoughtless words.

"What do you mean?"

"I told you not to get it wrong."

Arno swung his sword, forcing everyone around him to retreat, and then looked at Julius with the tip of the sword, and said.

"I never said it, I was laughing at those people."

"Although they died under my sword, and they were indeed very weak, I have no interest in laughing at the dead."

When Arno said this, he stared straight at Julius.

"It's not the dead that I laugh at, but you, yourself."

Hearing this sentence, Julius was taken aback for a moment, and immediately his pupils trembled violently.

"You said, the one you laughed at...was me?"

"That's right, otherwise could it be someone else?"

"Why? Why are you laughing at me? What does it have to do with me?"

This question from Julius was stained with resentment.

This kind of resentment is imperceptible, but Yano can feel it keenly. After all, his feelings have never been missed.

However, although Arno felt Julius's resentment, he didn't express anything about it. He just turned the tip of his sword and pointed at the two corpses.

It has to be said that Yano's memory is quite amazing. After all, he still remembered the location and appearance of the two corpses when the ground was full of corpses.

"What did you say before? Fighting should be upright and upright, so that you can die well."

"Then, these two people want to sneak attack on me. This seems to be slightly different from your ideas. Aren't you their leader? They can't even unify their ideas?"

Julius bit his lip at this, unable to say anything.

Of course, Arno didn't expect Julius to say anything, after all, he was so stupid, so stupid.

Such a person, how could Yano expect him to say some serious words to refute himself.

He had never expected even the slightest bit from Julius.

Arno just looked at Julius with those still calm eyes, and said lightly.

"I want to know, why did they sneak attack? Why are they not as aboveboard as you?"

"Want to know why they're not what you think they are—so despicable?"

These words made Julius feel even more uncomfortable.

But at this moment, Julius didn't lower his head even though he felt uncomfortable, because he really wanted to know about this matter.

Why, these people's ideas are different from his ideas?
Obviously, a long time ago, even earlier, before this team was established, they were a group of people with the same philosophy.

Different from what Yano said, these people obviously agree with their own ideas, even before the battle, they also agree with their own ideas.

But why, what they say, is different from what they do?
About this, Julius wanted to know, he wanted to know very badly.

Only this matter, it is impossible for Julius to miss it.

"please tell me……"

In the end, Julius chose to bow to Arno.

Obviously at this time, the two are still enemies of life and death, and it is obvious that Yano is still hacking and killing his companion at this time.

However, Julius, who was the leader, bowed his head.

Many people didn't hear the conversation between Julius and Arno just now, they only saw Julius bowing his head to Arno.

As a result, morale, which was already low, plummeted even more at this time.

The rout that didn't happen in the first place still didn't happen at this time, but the number of people who stopped and didn't fight has indeed increased a lot.

The perception of this point is very obvious, and Arnold's perception is the most obvious.

It's very simple, because Arno's hand has stopped at this time, he didn't continue to swing the sword, and got a moment of free time.

This is the most convincing example of distraction.

It's not that Julius doesn't understand this point, it's just that he really wants to know the answer, he really wants to know it.

Of course Arno understands Julius' anxiety, but it doesn't mean that Arno doesn't despise Julius' choice at this time.

Although Arno asked the question, the choice was Julius' own choice.

For his choice, Arno had already expected it, but it didn't mean that Arno didn't have any contempt for Julius.

It's a naive, silly choice of this guy who fits Julius.

He clearly knew what consequences this choice would bring, but in the end he made this choice without hesitation.

Obviously before, he was still talking about fighting, fighting.

But at this time, he stopped his steps.

After all, Julius is only of this level.

Except for letting Yano remember his name, everything he did had no meaning and could not bring any good results.

"That's what happens when the worst person to be a leader becomes a leader."

Yano thought to himself.

This is not ridicule, but simply describing the facts.

(End of this chapter)

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