Chapter 249 Disgust
Whether Arno is a villain or not is hard to say.

However, he himself does not consider himself a villain.

People live, if they are not living for their own benefit, what should they live for?
What's more, Yano never killed innocent people. Generally speaking, he killed people who were hostile to him.

And those people, since they stand on that stand, they are no longer ordinary people.

Just like Yano now, although he is beheading the rebels in front of him with a sword.

However, this is not unilateral by Yano. Since the other party wants to intimidate him, then this is a necessary resistance.

Perhaps for them, Arno is an unquestionable villain,

However, for Yano, even if he is not a decent character at this time, he is at least a normal character.

Because, the other party came to find trouble by themselves. If they didn't come, Yanuo would not do anything to them at all.

This is their own decision, and Yano will not bear any consequences for it.

If this is still a villain role, then Arno feels that there should be no decent characters in this world.

However, this is actually not an important matter, it is just Arno's random thought.

The most important thing right now is the current battle.

Although Yano was thinking just now, it didn't affect Yano's sword swing speed at all.

He swung his sword very fast, even when he was thinking, he didn't slow down a bit.

And the leader didn't notice that Arno was distracted just now, because Arno swung his sword so steadily and the angle was so precise.

Under such circumstances, how could the leader think that Yano was still distracted at this time?

He just stared at Yano with those blood-red eyes, and then said to Yano in a deep voice.

"My name is - Julius Leon, remember!"

At first, the voice was relatively deep, but gradually, the voice became a roar.

The sound was so loud that even Yano could feel some shock in his eardrums.

"What can you do by yourself?"

Yano's question just now has finally been answered.

Although Julius is very weak, the team is not that strong, and even if it is wisdom, it is not that high.

For example, the decision to intercept the empire was a very wrong decision.

However, even Julius like this still has things he can do.


"Even if I have nothing, at least I still have my own life to fight."

Julius stared at Arno, the flame in his eyes gradually became calmer, and it no longer burst as before.

At this time, Julius was both calm and angry, in a slightly dangerous state.

In Arno's feeling, Julius at this time also seemed a little more dangerous.

However, Arno still didn't think that Julius in this form could do anything.

No matter how you say it, how you fight, it will not change the fact that Julius is very weak.

No matter how much weak people struggle, it is useless. Everything about them is just a leap of a carp towards the sky.

This is not a leap across the dragon gate, but a leap for splashing water, and the final outcome is not ascending to immortality, but just falling.




Julius murmured.

His words were weak at first, but gradually, they became full of strength.

The little confusion that still remained inside disappeared at this time.

Julius is going to fight,

And, not just to fight, but to believe.

He wanted to trust his companions, they would definitely be able to resolve Zhao Xueya's matter.

All he needs to do is to hold back Yano in front of him and prevent him from supporting Zhao Xueya.

Although Yano seemed to be indifferent to Zhao Xueya being besieged, Julius regarded it as Yano's acting skills.

Since it is an acting skill, Yano will have to act sooner or later. At that time, with Yano's strength, it will be very difficult to stop him.

So at this time, it was time for Julius to step out.

Although his combat power is weak, but he has been observing Yano, and he feels that at this time, he should have a little understanding of Yano's fighting skills.

Only he who understands Yano's battle can distinguish the preparations before Yano's action.

This is something that only he, Julius, can do, and no one else can do it.

So, he has to fight, to believe.

Arno naturally didn't know what Julius was thinking. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

This kind of self-moving farce is ultimately just a farce.

Arno can be sure of one thing, that is, even if he is a villain, Julius is not a hero.

He cannot be a hero, a naive person cannot be called a hero, especially a naive and full of fantasy.

"A fight?"

Arno looked at Julius, there was no light flickering in his eyes, only a deep darkness like ink.

"If you want to fight, you should not tell others, but come up directly."

"Only a sudden sneak attack can give you a chance of survival, but unfortunately, it seems that you don't even understand this."

Arno's words were slightly hurtful, but there was nothing false about them.

That's what Arno means.

"I'm not like you. Even if I want to fight, I will be aboveboard."

"Even if I die in battle, I will die worthy!"

Julius said seriously.

"Really? It's really noble."

Yano's eyes finally fluctuated a little at this moment, and became even more indifferent.

This kind of indifference is not the kind of indifference to everything, but the indifference when one has an incomparable disgust for a thing.

Yes, Arno felt very disgusted with Julius' words at this time, and even Julius himself.

This can no longer be simply described with the word naivety.

Such words are neither noble nor base.

Just selfish, self-impressed.

Arno felt disgusted by this behavior.

Whether he did good deeds or bad deeds, he never denied his actions, let alone beautified his actions.

He never embellishes what he does.

It's just because Arno wanted to, he's never been one to groom and touch himself.

It is precisely because of this that Yano hates such people very much.

(End of this chapter)

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