Chapter 235
Yanuo didn't know whether Zhao Xueya had a prediction for the next situation.

But Zhao Xueya has experienced many battles after all, if she really didn't think about anything, it would be unrealistic.

However, in the current situation, Yanuo didn't know whether Zhao Xueya was thinking about it or not.

In short, Yano's current situation is that he really can't think of any other way.

Whether it is a retreat or other backup plans to deal with the crisis, Yano has thought a lot, but they are all unreliable compared with one another.

So after a short thought, Arno had given up on everything.

All he can look forward to is Zhao Xueya's experience, other than that, he can't look forward to anything else.

Arno felt very sad about this, as if he had become passive since he entered the building of the security department.

In the past, it was Yano who took the initiative. When did he fall into such a passive state?
For Yano, this is an experience that he does not want to experience.

"...I have become so weak in anticipation of the performance of others."

Arno stared at the flickering candle, murmuring silently in his heart.

Sometimes it is a kind of wisdom to rely on the strength of others, but for Yano, he never thought about this situation.

Even with the help of Qinya's power, in essence, Yano still makes the final decision, and all his choices are made by himself.

Qinya is more like a tool for Yano, whether it is facing Nanosaki or those monsters, it is Yano himself who makes the final decision.

He has always been fighting alone, so facing the current situation, Yano is very uncomfortable.

This is not the same as falling into a passive situation, but a passive in another sense.

To put it simply, in the past, Yano was always in charge of himself, but this time, he was acting with Zhao Xueya.

- This is passivity.

Once caught in this situation, Yano's thinking will become more and more sluggish.

In the end, it will cause Yano to have to rely on others, and then cause his thinking to become slow and sluggish.

This is a cool cycle, and Yano at this time has undoubtedly fallen into this cycle.

However, there is no way.

Arno knew very well the reason why it became like this.

"It's all because I'm too weak."

Arno murmured.

This sentence was not said in the heart, Yano said it directly.

Therefore, Zhao Xueya rarely opened his eyes and took a look at Yano.

Immediately, Zhao Xueya asked Yano slowly.

Her voice was very beautiful, more beautiful than anyone else's, especially on this muggy night.

Accompanied by the sound of insects, Zhao Xueya's voice was like the melody from the sky, not only making people want to be addicted to it.

But for Yanuo, hearing Zhao Xueya's voice had only one feeling.


After hearing Zhao Xueya's voice, Yano's only feeling was calm.

In his heart, it seemed that the little irritability that still existed before disappeared with this voice.

This is not an illusion, but a real feeling.

This is not a miracle, just a coincidence.

It is this country, this plain, this crescent moon, all of these have created this accident.

If it was the usual Zhao Xueya, although her voice was still so pleasant, it didn't have the power to calm people's hearts.

No matter how powerful Zhao Xueya is, her voice will not have that magical power.

But at this time, following this accident, this wonderful magic power acted on Zhao Xueya's voice.

Compared to Yanuo, Zhao Xueya was completely ignorant of all this.

She didn't have any other feelings about her voice, it was just the same as before.

Her question is also very simple.

It was just a reply to Yano's raving just now.

"Do you think you are very weak?"

This question made Yano slightly stunned.

Then, Yano didn't think much, and it didn't take much thought to answer this question.

Yano answered directly.

"...For ordinary people, maybe I can already be considered strong."

"However, in the face of what we need to do, my strength is only the strength of an ant. In reality, it is extremely weak."

"It is because of my weakness that all this is so difficult, and I will become so troubled."

"If I were stronger, then I wouldn't have these troubles at all, these troubles would never arise, and there would be no chance to arise."

"Everything, no matter what kind of crisis it is, as long as you have enough strength, it's not a crisis, is it?"

Yano's series of words exceeded Zhao Xueya's expectations.

However, Zhao Xueya recovered quickly.

She turned her body and looked at Yano, her expression was still so calm, and her eyes were still so calm.

But as the night gradually became darker and the candles flickered, everything seemed a little different.

Yano didn't quite know what this feeling was like, and he didn't want to understand it.

This was just an accident that happened in one night. If this kind of accident is pursued, then it will become unfortunate.

Because, once one deeply understands this kind of accidental words, people will want to chase this kind of accidental words again.

In such a situation, misfortune happens.

In the final analysis, chance is just pure chance. If you want to pursue chance, then you are doomed to get no results.

Therefore, Yano ignored the wavering in his heart, and didn't want to understand what that feeling was like.

For Yano, this is just a somewhat magical night, born by a somewhat magical accident.

Zhao Xueya didn't know what Yanuo was thinking at all, she just looked at Yano with that kind of calm eyes.

Then, he spoke again.

"You are right, you are indeed very weak."

"Compared to the people I have seen, you are much weaker. In my eyes, you are just a bigger ant."

"However, not everyone needs to become strong. For you, wanting to become strong at this time is only because of environmental reasons. It doesn't mean that you really need to become strong."

"Your duty, your mission, your identity, all of these, do not require you to become strong."

"Your needs now are just a coincidence in the face of this situation at this time."

(End of this chapter)

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