Chapter 234 Lone Wolf
Time is passing bit by bit.

But Arno didn't think of any good solution.

There is no other reason, but because facing a complete country, there are too few things that Arnold can do.

Moreover, the operation this time was completely dependent on Yanuo and Zhao Xueya, without any reinforcements, only the two of them.

In such a situation, if you want to think of some solutions, it will be even more difficult.

Even Yano can't do everything, nor can he think of everything.

Manpower is sometimes poor. As a human being, Arnold still has many things that he cannot do.

If Arnold could change his identity, maybe it would be better, and the scope of thinking would be wider.

But unfortunately, facing Zhao Xueya, Yanuo couldn't reveal his identity no matter what.

Otherwise, based on Zhao Xueya's experience, as long as Yano can reveal that she can switch identities a little bit, she will definitely suspect Yano Novain about Yano.

This is not sensational, but a possibility that cannot be completely denied.

After all, the empire has been analyzing Yanmo Novain for a long time, and has used some resources to find him, but this person seems to have evaporated from the world, no matter what means the empire uses, it is impossible to find him. is not found.

Therefore, in fact, there is no speculation within the empire that Yanmo Novain can change his identity.

It's just that because they don't know exactly what kind of identity change it is, whether it's simply changing the face, or changing the whole body together, these empires are still uncertain.

But if under such circumstances, Yano suddenly took the initiative to reveal the fact that he could change his identity, then it would be a certainty that Yano would be suspected.

In fact, for Yanuo, being suspected is not such a troublesome thing, but if being suspected by Zhao Xueya, no, to be precise, being suspected by the department of the guide, then even Yano will feel to troublesome.

After all, even if the leader is just an organization that simply operates abroad, it is still an espionage agency. Facing an espionage agency, it is impossible for you to expect more benevolence.

Yano had no doubts, as long as he was even slightly suspected, Zhao Xueya would torture him to extract a confession, and at that time, no matter how much Yano cried and shouted, it would be useless.

The spy agency has no benevolence at all, which is why Arno called the leader a spy agency, not just an intelligence agency.

Because intelligence agencies are still kind sometimes, at least, they will not cruelly interrogate people they suspect.

However, for spy agencies, it seems that the word benevolence has never existed in this world. Their methods will not be limited to any type, as long as they can ask the answer, they will not care about that. How it will harm others.

Because, this is the task of the leader. In order to complete one's task, it is a natural thing to do everything possible.

Arnold is not completely unable to understand this point.

A guide is different from a corrector. After all, a guide is an organization operating outside the empire.

If such an organization wants to obtain information, it must use some means, so they will become cruel, and there is nothing they can do.

In contrast, the error correctors are completely different, because the error correctors are intelligence organizations within the empire. Generally speaking, the enemies they deal with are also people within the empire.

Whether it is a high-ranking official or a traitor, after entering the Corrector, it is equivalent to falling into the hands of the entire empire, and there will be no hope.

Under such circumstances, many people who joined the error corrector would choose to provide information to the error corrector on their own initiative.

The guide is different. All the people caught by the guide have various nationalities. They will naturally become more tenacious in the face of enemy countries.

Moreover, because the guides don't have much strength, they also have hope for the possibility of being rescued.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for them to cooperate much.

Therefore, in the face of such a person, the guide must use various means.

With the passage of time, this cruel method of extorting confessions has long since become a part of the leadership.

In such a situation, it was impossible for Yano to do anything that might make him suspicious.

At first glance, this restriction is actually nothing, but to Arnold, it is a huge restriction.

Without being able to change his identity, there are too few things that can be done with Yano's current status as an expatriate member of the security department.

No, it should not be said that it is too little.

If he used this identity to act with Zhao Xueya, Yanuo had no doubt that he would become a burden.

However, it would be unrealistic for Yano to choose to stay in this place alone.

Although Zhao Xueya is strong and has rich experience, it is impossible for Yano to feel at ease without seeing Zhao Xueya's actions with his own eyes.

Rather, besides anxiety, Yano couldn't think of a second mood that would appear in this place.

Therefore, Yano can only act with Zhao Xueya.

"...I understand this, I know it."

Arno put his finger on the map and murmured.

"But how exactly should I think about it?"

"How should I arrange a retreat in the face of a possible crisis?"

No matter how he thinks about it, Arnold has never got an answer to this question.

As for Zhao Xueya, Yanuo didn't know if she was thinking or not.

After all, although the atmosphere between Yanuo and Zhao Xueya was relatively harmonious along the way, Yanuo still has a different identity from Zhao Xueya.

Under such a difference, it is impossible for Zhao Xueya to discuss some countermeasures with Yanuo.

If it is Yano, it is actually the same.

At this point, Yanuo and Zhao Xueya are undoubtedly the same kind, they are both the type who only care about themselves.

What kind of stupid thing is this to discuss with others?

Yano has never discussed his plans with others, even with Noah.

Neither he nor Zhao Xueya are the kind of people who are good at teamwork.

They are all lone wolves on the plain at night, lone wolves who have never been able to cooperate with others.

So, facing another lone wolf, Yano, will not be told anything.

(End of this chapter)

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