Chapter 187 Swordsman
is a person?Or a monster?

This problem can only be known by seeing the specific conditions of the corpse.

Arno looked to the side where Nanasaki was standing before.

There was a dead body lying there at this time, just looking at the surface, it was no different from ordinary human beings.

However, Qinya's previous scan results have shown that this corpse is not a pure human being, nor is it a simple monster.

Just a simple, unidentified object with a human appearance.

"If you scan again, can you draw a conclusion?"

Yano looked at the corpse and asked.

[I don't know, although the state of death may change the organization, but it is not very likely to rely on this to draw conclusions. 】

[However, if you are really curious about this, I can do another scan. 】

Qin Ya replied.

Yano nodded without refusing.

"Then, I'll leave it to you."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Qinya began to scan.

Yano squatted down and began to observe the corpse carefully.

In fact, Yanuo didn't care as much about the race of the corpse as Qinya imagined.

After all, there are already many races in this world, including high-level races such as elves and low-level races such as orcs.

Then, one more, in fact, there is nothing.

Arno's concern was not with this point, but with the place where the body appeared.

what is this place?Undoubtedly a laboratory.

And the builders of this laboratory are undoubtedly those from the security department.

The public security department is naturally a department under the empire.

In such a department, monsters and corpses and some other mutants appeared.

Of course this can't just be a coincidence.

However, although this point is very important, the most important point is what the purpose of this laboratory is to do.

Through Laiya's notes, Yano already knew that this was a human experiment.

And I have witnessed it with my own eyes.

But what is the final result of this human experiment?
Were these monsters, these other races, born by accident during failed experiments, or were they intentional?

These are the things that Yano is interested in at this time.

If the empire was secretly developing new races, then this matter would not have no effect on Arno.

If a new race becomes a citizen or a weapon of the empire, it will definitely cause a big shock to the current structure of the empire.

Even under certain circumstances, the current power structure of the empire may undergo a new reshuffle.

And, if these races are only used for weapons, it will also have a big impact on the military committee.

Of course, the premise of this realization is that this kind of race can be produced on a large scale, so that it is possible to attack the military council.

However, if this was the goal of the experiment, it should obviously have been achieved by now.

But judging from the current state of the laboratory, either Yano guessed wrong, or some accidents occurred in the experiment, or the experiment is not over yet, it just stopped temporarily.

There are all sorts of possibilities.

The only thing that remains constant is that if Arno's guess is correct, then it is only a matter of time before this monster is mass-produced.

It is impossible for Yano to accept this point.

There is no other reason, and the military committee Yanuo will definitely not let him lose power.

Although it looked like Yano had broken off with Tina on the surface, everyone knew that this was just a clumsy excuse.

As Yano was Tina's only child, she couldn't just leave Yano alone.

Standing behind Yano was still the entire military committee.

It can be said that the military committee is the biggest backing for Yanuo's operation.

How could he let such a backing disappear just like that?
Especially, her mother has been working hard for the military council for a long time.

How can Tina lose the career she fought for?

There was no way Jarno could have let this happen.


At this moment, Yano frowned suddenly looking at the corpse.

When he looked at the corpse, he found an abnormality.

At the wound site of the corpse, the flesh was beginning to harden at an alarming rate.

This is not an ordinary corpse hardening, this speed is too unusual.

But Arno wasn't worried.

Since this corpse was created by Nanasaki herself, it is impossible for her to leave behind a corpse that might be revived.

Therefore, Jarno must be safe now.

But safety is all, Yano looked at the flesh that was still starting to harden, not knowing what this state represented.

This kind of question should have been asked to Qinya, but at this time, Qinya was still analyzing the corpse again.

The analysis time this time is obviously longer than the previous ones, so you can look forward to Qinya's results.

Perhaps it contains the conclusion of the change observed by Arno.

"But in the end, why did Nanasaki do this?"

Arno frowned and murmured.

It's impossible for Nanasaki to feel hostile to the monsters who live in the same place.

Her behavior this time was clearly prepared.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary for Arno to analyze Nanasaki's purpose.

But Nanasaki is no longer here at this time, obviously this question cannot be asked of Nanasaki herself.

Then, we can only draw conclusions from this corpse.

Yano continued to squat down and began to observe the corpse, still at the location of the wound.

Yano looked at it and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"One blow kills, without hesitation."

"Looking at how well the wound has healed, the wound was created almost without any resistance."

"If Qisaki is going to use a sword, she must be a good swordsman."

When Arno said this, he lowered his head and glanced at the saber in his hand.

He suddenly had a guess.

Could this sword be Nanasaki's original saber?

After all, looking at the wound that Nanasaki has caused now, it is hard to imagine that she has not used a sword before.

If you have never used a sword, even if you are very powerful, it is impossible to cause such a smooth wound.

"No, no."

Yano thought about it, shook his head, and vetoed his conjecture.

When she first entered Qisaki, judging by her attire and age, it was impossible for her to be a swordsman.


"Swordsmen of this age in the empire are indeed rare."

"However, what if in a country where wars are fought year after year and all the people are soldiers?"

"A person of this age should be enough to go to the battlefield."

Arno murmured.

In a trance, he seemed to understand something.

(End of this chapter)

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