Chapter 186
Let's go to Caiyun Country.

Nanasaki's simple words revealed her intention to give this sword to Arno.

She just wanted to drag Arno into this Caiyun Kingdom incident.

Arno didn't know exactly what happened in Caiyun Kingdom at this time.

What Yano knew was that he didn't want to be used as a pawn.

Even if his pawn was told that he was a pawn, even Nanasaki's attitude was so open and aboveboard.

This does not mean that Arno will accept Nanasaki's proposal.

Arno didn't want to be involved in the incident, he was very tired.

There are still a lot of things in the empire waiting for Yanuo to deal with, how can he just run to Caiyun Kingdom now?
However, although the words are said in this way, they must not be said directly.

There is no other reason, Nanasaki's strength is really too strong.

Faced with Nanasaki in this state, it is obviously an unwise choice to directly refuse.

Even if Arno has certainty that Nanosaki will not kill him, but the certainty is the certainty, and when it comes to the real face, the certainty becomes uncertain.

After all, people's hearts are fickle, especially, Nanasaki is not a human yet.

Therefore, regarding Nanasaki's psychology, Arno actually did not have much accuracy in guessing.

It's a very simple path. For a person of Nanasaki's strength, facing an opponent of Yanuo's strength, he would simply follow his own mood instead of thinking about the pros and cons.

The reason is still the same, Nanasaki is too powerful.

So strong that she can directly ignore her interests and make whatever plans she wants with Yano.

People with this kind of psychology are easy to grasp, but they are very capricious.

Therefore, even if you are sure, some words cannot be said directly.

The situation at this time is completely different from the time when Arno directly questioned Nanasaki.

At that time, Yano was taking a gamble, but now, Yano has absolutely no need to enter the gambling table.

"May I ask why?"

"Caiyun Country, I have never heard of this country before."

"So, you should just tell me the purpose of letting me go there."

Arno stared at the bloody blade in Nanasaki's hand for a while before asking in a deep voice.

He didn't refuse directly, nor could he just refuse directly.

So now, it is a reasonable judgment to first figure out why Qisaki asked herself to go to Caiyun Country.

"You asked a good question."

"As long as you go, you will naturally know."

Nanasaki did not follow Arno's words, but said this to Arno.

Nanasaki's words made Arno even more uneasy.

Since Qisaki is unwilling to describe the things in Caiyun Country, it means that what happened there is not a trivial matter.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make Qisaki such a powerful person so scrupulous.

——Although Arno had roughly understood how difficult Caiyun Kingdom's affairs were through the empire's records before.

But facing Nanasaki at this time, Arno knew exactly how troublesome things in Caiyun Kingdom were.

This is an event that can make even a person of Nanasaki's strength worry a lot.

"—This makes it even more impossible to step in directly."

Arno has had enough trouble.

And his strength is not as strong as Qisaki.

If Nanasaki had agreed to go to Caiyun Country at this time, then the follow-up matter would be very difficult to deal with.

Anyway, no matter what it is, Arno now absolutely cannot agree to Nanasaki.

The risk of this matter is too great to be estimated.

At that time, not only will the current situation that Arnold has painstakingly constructed be ruined, it may also directly bury Arnold's entire being.

Although it is said that wealth and wealth are sought in danger.

But now, it is clear that riches and honor have no shadows for Yano, only the risks can be seen.

If this matter is compared to an investment, then the plan proposed by Nanasaki is obviously a loss-making business.

In this world, except for some businessmen who want to go evil ways, no one is willing to do some loss-making business.

Even Arno, it's the same.

He is not yet strong enough to violate the laws of the market.

"...You don't want to promise me?"

At this moment, Nanasaki seemed to see Arno's hesitation, and said directly to Arno.

After a moment of silence, Arno nodded slowly.

Since he can't agree to this matter now, he can't refuse it either.

Therefore, it would be better for Nanasaki to directly clarify.

"……I see."

"This matter, I will find another way."

To Arno's surprise, Nanosaki did not continue to ask Arno, but gave up directly.

This made Arno look at Nanasaki in surprise.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not depraved enough to force others to do things for me."

"Although I'm just a resurrected person, I haven't given up my morality as a human being."

Nanasaki said this to Arno.

Then, she didn't stay any longer, and took steps as if she was going to leave directly.

Arno froze for a moment, and called Nanasaki to stop him.

"Wait, about this sword—"

"Just keep it like this. When I need it, I will come and pick it up myself."

"Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble at that time. If one day this sword disappears without a sound, it will prove that I took this sword. Just don't keep looking for it." gone."

After a pause, Nanasaki added.

"By the way, I cast a spell on the blade of this sword. No one else can hold this sword except me and you, so you don't have to worry about the sword disappearing." It’s because they were stolen by thieves, they don’t have that ability yet.”

After saying that, Nanasaki's back disappeared before Arno's eyes.

Yano looked down at the long sword in his hand, the smooth blade reflected Yano's face.

His expression at this time could not be called pretty, but rather ugly.

——Although Nanasaki left, she didn't take this sword with her.

"Although you speak so nicely, you are so well prepared."

"But, as long as this sword is still in my hand, I will never feel at ease."

Yano smiled wryly.

This sword is now a hot potato for Arno.

[The matter is over? 】

【Then, you should be able to look at the corpse now. 】

At this moment, Qinya suddenly spoke to Yano.

This sentence also made Arno wake up like a dream. Because of the conversation with Nanosaki just now, Arno even forgot the corpse killed by Nanosaki.

What is that thing?is a person?Or a monster?

(End of this chapter)

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