super golden eye

Chapter 573 Gu Sheng

Chapter 573 Gu Sheng
5 Chapter Eighty
"I can understand your misfortune, and I can also feel your sadness. But none of this is an excuse for your failure to succeed. Maybe it's now, maybe someday in the future. You have to believe that you will shine." Lin Jun didn't know why so much chicken soup popped up in his heart all of a sudden. Anyway, facing young people who were in the same situation as he used to be, he suddenly wanted to pull him.Even if the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, he is willing.

Lin Jun didn't know why he had such a high level of awareness, maybe it was because he had traveled to so many places and seen so many different shadows.Lin Jun suddenly felt that he might not be able to change the world with his own strength. Only when thousands of him stood up could it be possible to create a good and peaceful environment.

I have seen too much darkness, so I long for light to illuminate the earth.

"I know what you said, but I have no ability, and I can't find a place to live." Gu Sheng was actually a bit depraved. When he thought of his misfortune, he felt that he was the one abandoned by the world.People in the world say that parents are a harbor that a person can always dock in his life, but he is an orphan, and he doesn't even have such a harbor, so how can he talk about docking?
He's had enough of his time in the orphanage, and he's had enough of the bullying from society. Now he just wants to have money, ability, and stand in the position of a strong man, without needing to stop.

"I'm also an orphan." Lin Jun didn't know why he also felt uncomfortable, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time also vented at this moment.

"Growing up in a welfare home, I was bullied after entering the company, and finally found my own path after leaving angrily. I don't know if I have the right to say this to you as someone who has experienced it, but I think you know that any Success is not without reason, and any failure is not without reason."

Lin Jun's deep eyes became very bright under the stars, just like the strength he once had in his dreams and struggled alone.Whether he is in a different place or on the earth, he has never stopped his footsteps. He knows that all possibilities are ahead, and he can only move forward and cannot always look back.

"I seem to understand." Gu Sheng's eyes changed from being confused to full of energy, and the youthful vigor and vitality gradually showed.Although Gu Sheng didn't understand anything from Lin Jun's profound words, he understood the central meaning of Lin Jun's words - to move forward.

"If you don't mind the low wages, you can be an idle person in my company. You usually give things away, and then practice your abilities well. Maybe you can bring me unexpected surprises from time to time."

Gu Sheng happily agreed, and Lin Jun took him back to the company.When a group of women in the company saw such a tender boy, they really couldn't help but fight.Lin Jun feels that he has never been so popular before. Is it a mistake to be too handsome?

"I'll leave this child to you. Be careful, and it's quite pitiful."

Tan Taiyue understood the identity of this child from Lin Jun's few words, so he started to arrange his work and the distribution of pensions for injured subordinates.

One is because they were injured on the way home. Although the company was not responsible, Tan Taiyue did not dare to be sloppy after this incident.Moreover, the culprit asked Lin Jun to bring him back as an employee, that is to say, he could not find the person who paid the compensation, so the company had to come forward to pay the compensation.

"Don't use such a painful expression, I will get the money back." Lin Jun said quite leisurely, playing with the bill in his hand.

Tan Taiyue felt that Lin Jun was a different person after going out for a trip, and felt that he had become much more relaxed from the inside out. Although he didn't know why, Tan Taiyue was also very happy for Lin Jun.

"By the way, lend me your mobile phone." After solving the time when the employee was attacked, Lin Jun planned to contact Ri Huan, but no one answered after calling for a while.

There was a puzzled expression on Lin Jun's face, and he was very puzzled why Ri Huan didn't answer the phone, but the phone was neither turned off nor out of service area.

"I think it should be on mute. If there is something urgent to deal with, it is not too much to turn on mute."

Tan Taiyue's reassurance reassured Lin Jun a little, because it would be easy to be exposed if the bell or vibration was turned on, so Ri Huan and Qing Cang should have turned their phones on silent.Of course, this is the best idea, and the other is that the two of them were killed, so they couldn't connect to the phone.

But they have even broken through the Gu clan in the frontier, so what trouble can they have in a laboratory in Kyoto?Maybe it's also possible that I went back to sleep and I can't tell.

Lin Jun looked at the dark sky outside the window, which was in sharp contrast with the bright lights inside the room.

"By the way, why are you still not off work?" Lin Jun asked Tan Taiyue belatedly, and was attacked coldly by Tan Taiyue as expected.

"You are the big boss, the shopkeeper. We can work overtime day and night to maintain the operation of this company for you."

The resentment in Tan Taiyue's tone was so obvious that Lin Jun couldn't even pretend that he didn't hear it.To deal with enemies, Lin Jun can stand up to ten one by one, and to deal with women, even ten Lin Jun can't make up a whole person.So now Lin Jun can only hide himself with silence.

"Give a year-end bonus during the Chinese New Year, and give each of us a set of products developed by you, and you will pay for it, and you cannot use company funds."

After Tan Taiyue finished raising the conditions, Lin Jun hurriedly nodded and agreed, and then said that he was going to solve the Long family's affairs and slipped away. Tan Taiyue in the office showed a gentle smile as he looked at the pile of reports in front of him.

The address of the Long family is written in Tan Taiyue's information, so Lin Jun doesn't need to look for it.After Lin Jun arrived at Long's house, he looked at the dark villa with a playful smile on his face.

Lin Jun turned on the lights in all the rooms with his source power, and directly lit up the entire Longjiazhao. The whole family was woken up by Lin Jun's way, and walked to the living room in a daze to see what happened whats the matter.

Lin Jun tapped Erlang's legs and sat on the sofa, while the Long family stood on both sides like serving servants.They didn't see Lin Jun at first, until the second son of the Long family rubbed his eyes and saw what seemed to be a figure sitting on the sofa. Looking forward, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and yelled. Found Lin Jun.

"Why did you break into my house!" The old man of the Long family looked at this shameless outsider very angrily. It can be seen that even if the villa is impenetrable, it will give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Of course I did it to talk to you guys. Could it be that I came here to kill you guys?"

When Lin Jun mentioned killing, everyone in the room trembled. Just now, Lin Jun's ignorant method killed them quietly, and they probably were still dreaming.

"I don't know what you want to say to us when you visit in the middle of the night, Mr. Yun." Boss Long is a relatively calm person. Even if he encountered this situation now, he did not panic like others.

"After all, trespassing on someone's private home is a serious crime, and we all live in a society ruled by law."

However, Lin Jun didn't take Boss Long's threat seriously. Firstly, no one saw him when he came in, and secondly, it was impossible for them to install a camera at home.

"Then you can sue me however you want, as long as you can produce evidence."

Boss Long's face suddenly darkened. Although he didn't know how Lin Jun got in, since he said that, it should be because he had a desire in his heart and it was a certainty.

"I heard that you paid someone to move my employee, I caught him, and I want to repay him in the same way, what do you think?"

Everyone in the Long family was in cold sweat, and they looked at Lin Jun with fear.

"I'm asking if you still dare?"

(End of this chapter)

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