super golden eye

Chapter 572 The Dragon Family in the Capital

Chapter 572 The Dragon Family in the Capital
Chapter 579 The Dragon Family in Beijing
"Is there anything that needs me to come forward in person?" Lin Jun came to the company in the morning and didn't feel anything unusual happened, so he had doubts about what Tantaiyue said that he had to come forward.

"Our Long family came to trouble us a few days ago, and I think they should be the same people who hired plagiarists last time. I can't make up my mind, so I ask you to come forward to solve it." Although Tan Taiji was already awake , but it seems that he doesn't want to get involved in the company's affairs, instead he just wants to be an old man who goes away first, although sometimes he will come to give pointers to Tan Taiyue, but most of the time there is no one to be found.

"What is the Long family?"

It’s no wonder Lin Jun asked this question, it’s also because he really doesn’t know what the Long family is, and he hasn’t entered the upper class. Even if he is the boss of a company, he is just a nominal one.

However, Tan Taiyue seemed to have expected that Lin Jun would ask this question, and handed Lin Jun the document in his hand.

"This is all the information of the Long family. According to the older generation, their company is similar to our company's research, and it was also popular in the last century. But their family's formula suddenly disappeared, and now they suspect that we stole it. "

Lin Jun read the document almost at a glance, and then put the document on the table again.

In fact, it is understandable to have such doubts about Lin Jun. After all, the glory of the family in the last century is true, so they want to continue it by whatever means.But it is a crime to hurt innocent people. These things in Lin Jun’s mind are not from the last century, not even hundreds of millions of years ago. They are products of other planets.

"If they want to cause trouble, then let them come here, there is no second of these things."

Lin Jun's voice was a little cold. He hated this kind of sex-seeking people the most, and he was obviously looking for those high-sounding reasons just because he was jealous.

"That's not the point I want to say." Tan Taiyue handed Lin Jun another folder. "What happened next was even more unacceptable."

Lin Jun opened the folder and saw that all of them were pictures of employees being attacked recently. Everyone suffered different degrees of injuries, but they all suffered some large and small injuries. The most serious one had a large cut on his back. For a long hole, it shouldn't be healed in ten and a half days.


"It was all done by the Long family, but it was silent and there was no way to catch it. And the injured employee also said that he didn't see anyone, but he was injured for no reason, and there was no picture at all on the surveillance."

After listening to Tan Taiyue's description, Lin Jun already had some understanding in his heart, because this situation should be caused by the emergence of capable people. When it reaches a certain level, it can disturb the surrounding magnetic field, causing the naked eye and machine-invisible results.

"I see. This matter will be resolved in two days. You don't have to worry."

Tan Taiyue didn't know why, but when she saw Lin Jun's appearance, she suddenly calmed down when she saw Lin Jun's appearance. It seemed that he was a hero who fell from the sky and could always save her from suffering.

Su Qing was listening to the movement in the house outside the door, but he did not deliberately use the source force to search for it, but applied the source force to his ears to expand the hearing of the ears.After all, once the source power is infiltrated, Lin Jun will find out, and Su Qing doesn't want to be exposed so early.

After the two talked, Lin Jun didn't stay any longer, because he had to help Ri Huan solve the troubles in the scientific research room after quickly finishing the matter of the Long family. However, it should be much more convenient in the capital than in the frontier. Bar.

Anyway, Lin Jun thought so, but Ri Huan and Qing Cang here were spotted by the infrared scanner, and they were subdued by a few people with extremely high source power. inside the laboratory.

After Lin Jun came out, he wanted to call Ri Huan, but he couldn't find his mobile phone. He thought that he had left it with Ri Huan and forgot to take it, so he didn't rush to call Ri Huan.

Lin Jun walked out of the company alone, and was immediately followed by someone.Lin Jun felt that his back was hurting from this needle-like gaze, and it was difficult to ignore it.

Lin Jun just strolled on the street like this, looking here and there for a while, but most of them were in crowded areas, and he didn't give the follower a chance to make a move.

Lin Jun walked to the end of an alley in a deep courtyard, looked at the monitor above his head, and suddenly felt that the wind was suddenly strong, and turned his head to avoid the man's attack.

As for why it is a man?Because men's hands are generally broad, and the palm wind they bring is relatively strong, so the strong palm wind he hit just now made Lin Jun sure that this is a man.

Lin Jun didn't even bother to focus his source power on his eyes, because he felt that with his own strength, not letting people become invisible was really not giving people a way to survive.And he can't be detected by himself, it doesn't matter what he beats him.

Lin Jun hit the male god with three punches based on his hearing and sense of touch. Hearing the slight sound of footsteps, he concluded that the man wanted to escape, grabbed him, and restrained him with source force.

"Do you believe that I let you die here today?" Lin Jun faced the air in front of him very arrogantly. Even if someone wanted to pass by here, they would be scared away by Lin Jun's seemingly crazy appearance.

" are Lin Jun?"

The invisible man obviously knew Lin Jun's identity, but he didn't inquire about Lin Jun's ability, otherwise he wouldn't dare to take the job if he had ten guts.

"I don't make it difficult for you either. Tell me, what does the Long family want you to do?"

Lin Jun's calm and composed posture also made the Invisible shudder non-stop. This is a kind of high-end suppression of low-priced ones, and now the Invisible is still restrained by Lin Jun.

"The Long family's intent was to create panic among the employees and leave the company unused." Then the company couldn't work, and they bought it to replace it.Lin Jun completed the following words for the invisible, and also gained a new understanding of the shamelessness of the Long family.

"I'm done talking, can you let me go? Actually, I just wanted to trick them a little bit, but there have been a few accidents, and I'm sorry for that. You can pay for the medical expenses, just let me go." The shadow man It seems that there is no moral integrity. For a person who is greedy for money like him, it is impossible to do too much bad things, so Lin Jun decided to just give a small punishment and a big reprimand.

"Then you can work for our company for free for a month. You will be responsible for the delivery to special places in the capital." The company's products are very popular among girls, so there are many girls who have fallen into prostitution.The people in the company wanted to stay away from these girls, and every time they received such a list, they would evade for a long time.Although Lin Jun felt that these girls were just forced to make such a bad move by life, they would not be avoided like snakes and scorpions.

However, Lin Jun doesn't have so much time to deliver the goods, so now he has caught a free laborer, so he has to make good use of it.

The shadow man did not expect that the conditions proposed by Lin Jun were so simple. If he really made some demands that violated his principles or were very difficult, he might rather die than give in.But after this month, maybe the money he earned from this ticket will be spent.

"Don't you have any regular job? And can you stop using this method, can't we just confess it frankly?" Lin Jun also realized that he was talking to the air like a psychopath, so he asked the shadow man The senses are worse.

"I'm sorry." The actual appearance of the shadow man turned out to be a very delicate young lady, no wonder he kept appearing as a shadow, otherwise it really seemed useless.

"My name is Gu Sheng, I am an orphan, I..."

Before Gu Sheng finished speaking, Lin Jun roughly guessed that this was a miserable childhood story, so he hurriedly asked Gu Sheng to stop, not intending to listen to this story.Lin Jun wanted to tell Gu Sheng that life has never been based on pity.

(End of this chapter)

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