super golden eye

Chapter 343 Comprehension

Chapter 343 Comprehension
3 Chapter Fifty
"Xiaowan, go back to the gazebo and sit, I'll take care of it."


"No, but I provoked this matter, and I have to deal with it myself."

After Lin Jun sent Meng Xiaowan back to the gazebo, he turned to face the murderous Sister An, and his expression turned cold.

Sister An probably didn't really want to kill him, she was probably upset at being stolen by him, so she wanted to beat him up for real, to make him remember.

But, it's a pity, he is not the kind of passerby who will be beaten casually.

He is the protagonist, the protagonist with the system.

If you refuse to accept it, you can only hold back.

"System, she is really serious. If you don't give me more strength, I may really die."

"Ding—strength +10, the strength value reaches 30 points, comprehend the talent 'natural power'."

"Innate natural power effect: explosive power doubled."

There is only one effect, but it is also the most practical one.

Strength, although it only increased by 10 points, was increased by 50% proportionally.

Coupled with the effect of innate divine power, his strength and explosive power have been explosively improved.

"I'm a martial artist, and I'm a student of the Extreme Intent Sect."

Sister An looked at Lin Jun coldly, and spoke slowly with a cold voice.

"You stole your own footwork, and you should be punished."

"What's the use of being punished?" Lin Jun asked back, "You don't dare to kill me, even if you break my leg, the footwork is still stolen. Does it make sense?"

"There is another way. I can recommend you to become a teacher of Ji Yi Sect." Sister An felt a little helpless in her heart, and also felt the bitterness caused by jealousy.

"I refuse." Lin Jun rejected her proposal without thinking about it.

It's not his arrogance, now he doesn't even know where the Jiyi Sect is, what it teaches, how the sect is, etc., so he can't easily agree to such a thing.

Besides, with the system in his body, he didn't think he needed anyone to be his teacher.

"Then it depends on your own creation!"

Sister An sneered coldly, and she burst out at an unprecedented terrifying speed, rushing towards Lin Jun like lightning, so fast that she couldn't even see the figure clearly.

It was the familiar flying kick again, this time with a burst of strength unique to martial arts, the strength was terrifying.

However, this moment, that moment, the Lin Jun at this time is no longer the Lin Jun before.


He suddenly raised his hand and clasped that slender and straight leg.

And, only with one hand.

"You?" Sister An shrank her pupils in shock.

"How have been hiding your clumsiness before?"

"You stop now, there is still time."

Looking at her shocked face, Lin Jun said slowly.

Although he really wanted to continue stealing martial arts from Sister An, since it was a big taboo, forget it, there is no need to offend Jiyimen for this.

Therefore, there is no need to continue this contest.

"You think this is all my strength?"

Sister An gave a low cry, retracted her legs and punched.

Boxing is her strongest method!

Martial arts Jiyiquan, destroying the dead and destroying the dead, is famous all over the world!
Lin Jun didn't block hard, he opened the distance, and focused on dodging and blocking.

Since Sister An is going to beat her forcibly, then he can learn a little by stealing.

If it doesn't work, I will pay homage to Jiyimen, a martial arts genius like him, I believe Jiyimen will like it.

After his strength improved, he became more calm.

Sister An attacked with all her strength, her moves were fatal, and every punch could burst out with the power to collapse mountains and rubble.

It put him under a lot of pressure, but not to the point of being overwhelmed.

Martial Cultivator is another major cultivation system besides Transcendent.

Unlike extraordinary people who awaken various talents, martial practitioners are mostly ordinary people who cannot be awakened.

Compared with extraordinary people, the number of martial arts practitioners is much larger, but the quality is uneven.

The original martial artist came from a martial artist who could not awaken and could only train his physical body hard.

After the Void Invasion, Void energy merged into Earth.

Martial practitioners discovered that by tempering the physical body, after the body is strong to a certain extent, it can also actively or passively absorb the energy of the void, thus becoming stronger.

Because it gave hope to countless ordinary people who could not awaken, various schools of martial arts developed rapidly.

But it is a pity that not everyone can absorb void energy through tempering their bodies, and there are always only a very small number of people who can do it.

In addition, it is too hard to exercise, and it is too difficult to be promoted.

As soon as the peace period entered, the influence and power of martial arts practitioners declined sharply, and the world returned to the helpless scene of awakening talent.

The abilities awakened by the extraordinary can almost be said to be obtained for nothing.

Although it also requires a certain amount of practice and sharpening to be promoted, the difficulty of promotion is one level higher than that of martial arts practitioners.

So even for martial arts, the major sects prefer to recruit extraordinary people.

I especially like power-awakened and physique-awakened supernatural beings, who are euphemistically called concentrating resources to cultivate elites.

Lin Jun is not an extraordinary person, nor is he a martial artist, he is just a different kind whose attributes have been improved by the system.

So far, he has not awakened any special abilities.

Can't manipulate fire, can't control spray.

It will not release electricity, nor will it make wind and rain.

Apart from the improvement of various attributes, as well as the corresponding skills and talents, he has nothing.

So the path of martial arts is very suitable for him.

Stealing a teacher is immoral, so what?

Who told you to beat me up?

You are only allowed to beat me, not to steal my teacher?
I stole it, what can you do?
As the party who was beaten up inexplicably, Lin Jun didn't feel any guilt for stealing the teacher.

Sister An didn't know it was a real fire and lost her mind.

He still didn't think he was capable at all, and secretly learned the essence of Jiyimen's footwork, boxing and kicking.

It is not that simple for a martial artist to refine himself to be comparable to or even stronger than an extraordinary person.

It is useless to just practice the moves, but you need to have the method of movement and mental formulas to learn the essence and exert the true power of martial arts inheritance.

And these are all precepts and deeds, and the master will only pass them on to trusted disciples.

Outsiders can only see the outside by watching, or even watching the video, but not the inside.

Sister An was really angry, more because of jealousy, jealousy of Lin Jun, a martial arts prodigy.

What stealing a teacher is just an excuse she made up casually, and she wanted to use this excuse to beat Lin Jun violently.

But not only was Lin Jun not beaten to death by her, but the beating became smoother and smoother, which made her feel chills not only on her back, but also on her heart.

"Ding—— I have some understanding of boxing skills, boxing skills +10, boxing skills reach 30 points, comprehend the talent 'Iron Fist Warriors'."

"The effect of the talent 'Iron Fist Warriors': Double the power of boxing and double the learning speed."

The effect of the talent is simple and rude, but it is direct and effective.

After another dozen strokes.

"Ding——I have benefited a lot from the battle, and I have learned the boxing skill 'Budo Jiyiquan', the current level: beginner."

Can you still learn skills?
Lin Jun was so overjoyed that he almost fainted from happiness.

Haha, he wanted to hug Sister An and kiss her fiercely.

The big pie that fell from the sky!

Looking at Sister An again, seeing that Lin Jun actually started to fight back, and using the boxing moves he had used before, his eyes turned dark.


Lin Jun seized the flaw and punched her flying decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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