super golden eye

Chapter 342 Premeditated

Chapter 342 Premeditated
Chapter 349 Premeditated
Lin Jun's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously avoided it.

Sister An had expected it a long time ago, her slender and vigorous body spun in place, and the other leg swept towards Lin Jun again, even more fiercely.

The short Lin Jun was just at the time when his old strength was exhausted and his new strength was not born. Facing this kick, he could only raise his hand to block it.


There was another muffled sound of legs and hands touching, and Lin Jun's body was swept off balance and fell to the side.

However, Lin Jun did not just fall down.

Because he knew that if he fell at this time, Sister An's follow-up attacks would be even more irresistible.

So at the risk of his legs cramping, he twisted his body back forcibly, stood firm, and blocked Sister An's slender left leg.

"That's right, it actually blocked my serial kicks."

Sister An withdrew her left leg and looked at Lin Jun in surprise.

"Blind defense will only get you beaten, why don't you fight back?"

"I'm waiting for a voice."

Lin Jun replied solemnly.

He is waiting for the system's voice, a voice with power +10.

Sister An's strength is very strong, and her explosive power is stronger, which is not like what ordinary girls can have.

It stands to reason that the system has improved his strength at this time.

But the strange thing is that this voice has never sounded, and his strength has not improved.

"A voice? What voice?"

Sister An thought he was waiting for Meng Xiaowan's voice to tell her to stop, so she couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't wait, she was very angry on the way here, calling you a scumbag, understand? She wanted to beat you with premeditation."

"Why am I such a scumbag?" Lin Jun couldn't help being speechless, "It's obviously a bad idea that she came up with, so why blame me?"

"Yes, blame me! Sister An, stop beating him, beat me."

Meng Xiaowan, who was sitting in the gazebo watching the play, snorted coldly, making Lin Jun stiff.

Let's be reasonable, okay?

Sister An just took office, she didn't know what happened between them, the corner of her mouth twitched.

"I don't care if you're scum or not. I use money to do things. My task is to beat you up."

After speaking, another extremely sharp kick swept towards Lin Jun.

This kick, based on Lin Jun's increased reaction power of 10 points, plus his own reaction power, he almost didn't react.

Because it was too close, he was distracted by Meng Xiaowan's words.

Fortunately, he raised his hand subconsciously, and Sister An's long legs were blocked by his arm again.

However, this time, Sister An didn't show mercy any more, her legs were so fast that she couldn't even see the shadows of her legs clearly, and Lin Jun's arm was aching from the kick.

This is a very scary thing, because he not only has 30 points of physical resistance, but also has the talent of "King Kong is not bad", which greatly improves the effect of physical defense.

Now his arm hurts from being kicked by Sister An, are all professional bodyguards so powerful?

What was even more frightening was that he was kicked so hard by Sister An that he had no strength to fight back.

He wanted to fight back, but as Sister An said, he only had brute strength and almost zero skills.

So at this time, he didn't know how to fight back if he wanted to fight back.

"You're pretty tough."

Sister An's legs started to hurt from kicking, she couldn't help snorting coldly, stopped, and took a few steps back.

"It's okay, don't you feel bad too?" Lin Jun couldn't help laughing, and stepped back a few steps.

He probably knew why the system didn't increase his strength.

The system wants him to learn skills from Sister An.

Blindly using strength to defeat the enemy is not a good thing, because he will always encounter times when his strength is not enough.

At this time, strong skills and experience are needed to make up for the disadvantages caused by insufficient strength.

Sister An is a good training target, she won't hurt his life, but she attacks with the intention of sending him to the hospital.

If he doesn't want to go to the hospital, he can only learn from her experience and skills, and then defeat her.

In other words, steal a teacher.

"Have you waited for that voice?" Sister An looked at Lin Jun expressionlessly, "If you haven't, I'll get serious."

"I heard it." Lin Jun nodded with a chuckle, "That's my heart, and it's teaching me what to do."

Sister An frowned slightly, put away the urge to knock Lin Jun down with a punch, and kicked Lin Jun again.

This time, Lin Jun no longer defended, but focused on dodging.

His legwork has 10 points. Although it is definitely not as good as Sister An's, it is because he is not as good as it is that it is necessary to learn.

Sister An's steps, the way and strength of her feet, and even the angle are all things he needs to learn.

This time, the trajectory of Sister An's legs clearly emerged in his mind and was engraved in his mind.

One kick after another, facing this duel with different mentalities and goals, Lin Jun's thinking immediately became broad and sharp.

Dodge, footwork, strength, timely block, and record and analyze in your mind.

"Ding - I have some insight into footwork during the battle, footwork +10."

"Ding - I have some insight into legwork during the battle, legwork +10."

"Ding—concentrate, focus +10."

"Ding—response in time, reaction power +10."

finally come.

Moreover, four attributes have been added in a row, and it is true that actual combat can train people the most.

The system is invincible!
Although he still didn't increase his strength, he was finally able to keep up with Sister An's attack rhythm and became calm and unhurried.

It doesn't matter whether you increase your strength or not, it's enough now, why not take this great opportunity to improve other attributes.

Sister An's eyes gradually showed surprise and amazement, and finally turned into shock.

Lin Jun was just in front of her, learning her footwork and legwork, and he still learned it well?
Could it be that Lin Jun is the legendary martial arts genius who is rarely seen in thousands of years?

She suddenly got really angry, and she didn't know whether it was because of anger or jealousy, she gritted her teeth secretly, and got real.

Yes, for real.

The power belonging to the martial artist was finally released.

Another swift sweep.

Lin Jun thought the kick was the same as before, and raised his hand to block it, but his expression changed when his hands and feet touched.


Lin Jun's body flew out diagonally backwards, and after rolling a few times on the ground, he stopped the rolling of his body.


A mouthful of blood was spit out on the lawn by him.

see blood.

He felt the viscera in his body aching, and the arm used to block him began to become numb.

"What kind of power is this?" He looked up at Sister An, frowning.

"Are you a superhuman?"

"Lin Jun!" Meng Xiaowan ran out of the gazebo, ran to Lin Jun's side anxiously, and looked at him distressedly.

Obviously she asked Sister An to beat Lin Jun, and seeing that Lin Jun really vomited blood, she began to feel distressed again.

Women are such strange creatures.

"It's okay, you never get hurt in a fight." Lin Jun shook his head, stood up slowly, and looked at the expressionless Sister An.

No, that was a standoff.

Sister An looked at Lin Jun, her eyes became cold.

"From now on, it's no longer a fight, it's a contest."

Meng Xiaowan's face turned pale, and she hurriedly stopped her and said, "Sister An, that's enough, that's enough! I'll give you [-], don't hit me anymore!"

"From now on, this is no longer your business, but mine."

Sister An took out a headband and tied her shoulder-length hair behind her head.

Then, he looked at Lin Jun coldly.

"Stealing a teacher is a big taboo in martial arts."

"Lin Jun, you have crossed the line!"

The voice is cold and murderous.

Lin Jun couldn't help being speechless.

Can't learn your footwork and legwork?Are the rules so strict?

Well, even if I really stole my teacher, do you still want to kill me?

It's modern, big sister, you can't kill people casually!

(End of this chapter)

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