super golden eye

Chapter 271 Finding Land

Chapter 271 Finding Land
Chapter 278 Finding Land
Lin Mo nodded after hearing Lin Feng's words, then hesitated.

Lin Jun also knows that in a rural area like his, it is not impossible to rent other people's land to grow diseases in a rural area like theirs. However, on the one hand, whether his formula can work is still a question. On the other hand, the cash that the Lin family can control now is only 2 yuan. How much money, if all the money is invested, if it fails, then the Lin family will really be penniless and destitute.

Lin's mother left and came in to look at the father and son. The father and daughter sat there looking worried, and couldn't help but asked aloud.

Lin Fang showed Lin Jun's words and the herbs planted to Mother Lin.

"This is a good thing. We really have to find a way to try to talk about the land. Then in the village, I know that the land of Widow Zhou's family is not planted."

Mother Lin thought for a while and said to Lin Jun.

"Does Widow Zhou's house still have land?" Lin Fang asked curiously, because she had never seen Ms. Zhou farming or tending crops.

"Of course there is. When this map was changed, all the villagers were given land, but his sister Zhou's family had no one, so the land gradually fell into disrepair, and then it was taken by some rogues who settled down. They used to plant some It's such a mess, and Miss Zhou has no ability to get it back by herself."

Although Lingwu doesn't say how high a status is in the village, after all, the three aunts and eight aunts of them are together, and they just love to discuss who is added to which family and what happened.

Therefore, Mother Lin is quite clear about the history of Zhou Meichu's family.

"Isn't this bullying others' orphans and widows?" Lin Jun said angrily. For Zhou's sister, Lin Jun actually has some heart-warming shadows. She is mature and beautiful, and her figure is so powerful. If you don't like Na Linjun, you can't say it. Sorry to say I'm a man.

So now hearing that someone actually did such a bullying and kind thing, Lin Jun of course felt very angry.

"Ma, do you mean to ask Xiao He to help Zhou Meiqi get this land back?" Lin Fang said in disbelief.

My mother has always been the most timid and fearful of getting into trouble, and has always been afraid of taking on any responsibility. How can she force Lin Jun to meddle in sister Zhou's family affairs now.

"Hehe, this is not an idle matter. It's fine if we don't have enough land for our family. Now our family has no land. Zhou Mei's family has land but no one lives in it, and they will not come back. Xiao He is now in the village. It has a bit of reputation inside, just go and tell those rogues to settle down."

Mother Lin laughed, and said that this is the wisdom of the working people. If the Lin family was still in decline, then Mother Lin would definitely not have such an idea, but now she has such a powerful son, Diao Ba The kid was punched by Lin Jun and stayed in the hospital for so many days, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Lin's mother knew Lin Jun's ability, I'm afraid it's really not small, and it's not difficult for those Zhou sisters to get his land back.

And another thing that is in my own favor, although the land of Zhou Meizu's family belongs to his Zhu family in name, but no one planted it. To put it bluntly, before Zhu Xiaobao grew up, it was managed by the Lin family.Moreover, Lin Jun helped Zhou Meiqi to get this land back, how much would he have the nerve to rent this land?Compared with Zhu Qi's family's land, it must be more cost-effective to go to Zhu Zhongzhou's sister's family's land.

Lin's mother said this analysis, which shocked Lin Mo, Lin Jun, and Lin Fang.

Unexpectedly, Lin's mother, who only knows how to wash, cook and do housework on weekdays, came to the adults.There is actually such a scheming and calculation.

But after the three of them looked at each other, they burst out laughing.

Mother Lin was a little baffled by the laughter of the three of them.

"What's the matter? Is what my mother said wrong?"

Mother Lin said angrily.

"Yes, yes, mother, of course what you said is right. You really have nothing to say about your idea. In this way, if my son starts a company in the future, he will definitely ask you to be the general manager, and he will definitely not suffer a loss."

Lin Jun jokingly said that as soon as Lin Jun said this, Lin Mo and Lin Fang continued to laugh, and Lin's mother gave her son a blank look.

But jokes are jokes, and the suggestion made by Lin's mother made Lin Jun listen to his heart. On the one hand, Zhou Mei's family is orphaned and widowed, and it is really up to him to be bullied like this. The Lin family really needs land, so it might as well go through this experience. Lin Jun is quite confident in his ability now, and even Diao Ba, who is called a big bully in the countryside, is no match for him. These little rascals in the village will not be his next meal.

Just do what you say, and Lin Jun came to Zhou Meichen's house early the next morning.

"Xiao He, why do you have time to come over today?" Although something embarrassing happened that day, Zhou Meichen was still very grateful to Lin Jun.

So Zhou Meichu was very polite when she saw Lin Jun coming.

"Sister, sister, does your husband's Zhu family still have land in this village?" Lin Jun didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

Zhou Meichu was taken aback by Lin Jun's question.

"Yes, but those lands have been planted by others"

Of course Zhou Meizu knew that her family still had land, but she was the only one in the family who was orphaned and widowed, how could she win against those rascals, so she had no choice but to say.

"Hey, it's fine if you have it. You tell me the location and range of the land, and then show me the certificate of your land, and I'll ask you to get it back."

Lin Jun laughed, and then said to Zhou Meichu.

"No, Xiao He, can you do this? It's not very good." Zhou Meichen said hesitantly. It's not that she doesn't know how well the Lin family treats her. Lin Jun also helped him a lot, but Zhou Meichen didn't like that She is an insatiable person. She knows that the Lin family is not rich and has no power. If they ask for land for themselves, they will definitely offend others, so Zhou Meichen is not very willing to owe the Lin family any more favors.

"It's okay, sister, this matter is on me." Lin Jun also knew what Zhou Meiqi meant, but he didn't say anything, just patted his chest to assure.

Since Lin Jun was so enthusiastic, of course Zhou Meichu couldn't cool Lin Jun's heart, so she found out her own land certificate, which said where from where to where, the land belonged to Zhou Meichu's family.

Lin Jun looked it over, and then took the certificate to the car and walked to the land of Zhou Meichu's family. Zhou Meichu always followed closely. She was afraid that if Lin Jun fought with others, he would be injured or It is not a good thing to break others.

Lin Jun just walked around the route of this land, and it is true that it is full of various crops.

But the growth is not very good, and it seems that no one has carefully taken care of it.

The land of Zhou Meizu's family is not particularly good, nor is it particularly bad. The terrain is good and relatively flat. Lin Jun looked at the land and thought it was relatively fertile.

Then Lin Jun knew what was going on, and told Zhou Meichu. "You know that I am not taking it back for nothing for your family. This land is like this. I rent some land to plant it. I think your apprentice is very good. Let's talk about the price first."

What Lin Jun did made Zhou Meichu a little dazed. If it was said that the Lin family wanted to plant his family's land, it would be no problem for Zhou Meichu to give it all to the Lin family without saying a word.

Regarding Zhou Meichu's words, Lin Jun just smiled and shook his head.

"Sister Meiliang, you still have to pay the money that should be paid. Let's talk about the price here, and then we will sign the contract, and you don't have to worry about other things."

Seeing that Lin Jun was so persistent, Zhou Meichu didn't get entangled anymore, and just said the number casually. Lin Jun added something to what Zhou Meichu said, anyway, he didn't mean to let Zhou Meichu suffer.

Then Lin Jun found a pen and paper to write the contract, and signed a copy with Ms. Zhou.

From now on, the land of Zhou Meizu's family will belong to Lin Jun, and what Lin Jun has to do is: level the land!

After Lin Jun signed the contract with Zhou Meichu, he found more than a dozen strong laborers in the village without stopping, came to Zhou Meichu's land, and pulled out all the crops on it with one order.

When the land was half leveled, someone emerged.

"Hey, I said, what are you doing? This is my family's land, what are you uprooting?" A rascal who seemed to be in a hurry ran over to stop everyone from working.

Those who help Lin Jun are all peasants, and they have nothing to do in the face of these helplessness, they can only look back at Lin Jun.

And Lin Jun was also working together at this time, and when he saw someone coming, he just laughed.

Then walk up to that person.

"You said it belongs to your family, take out the land certificate and have a look."

Where did the rascal get the land certificate?I was taken aback by what Lin Jun said.

But since he is a rogue, he will not reason with Lin Jun.

"Whoever has their own land certificate on their body, and this apprentice, I say it's mine, it's mine!"

The scoundrel didn't go to see the excitement of Lin Jun's house last time, so he still doesn't know who Lin Jun is.

"You said it was yours, so you have to show proof?" Lin Jun didn't get annoyed, but asked the other party flatly.

"Hey, grandpa's fist is the proof, do you want to see it?"

The rascal raised his fist. He saw that Lin Jun was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and he was still a student at first glance, although he didn't know why he was being the leader of this group of peasants.

But to him, he was just a guy who could be knocked down with two or three punches, and he didn't believe that Lin Jun would not be afraid of being beaten.

"Oh? Do you mean you're going to beat me up?" Lin Jun asked in surprise.

And the peasants who followed Lin Jun to work laughed, most of them had seen the scene where Diao Ba went to Lin Jun's house to make trouble.Everyone knows that Lin Jun is no longer the submissive poor boy he used to be.

It's not bad for this rascal to get close to Lin Jun's body, but he still wants to beat someone?
(End of this chapter)

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