Chapter 270
Chapter 277 The Warm and Fragrant Nephrite in Her Arms
But being hugged by Lin Jun and Zhou Meichen felt that her whole body was getting weaker and weaker, as if someone had taken all her strength away at once.

Moreover, a numb and itchy feeling slowly emerged from the place where Lin Jun touched, making his heart itchy more and more, and some places became moist, not to mention his face, red The ones were as red and bright as the best apples.

The inside of a pair of eyes also gradually moistened, and there was a feeling of winking like silk.

"Thank you, thank you." Lin Jun muttered to Zhou Meichu.

Zhou Meichu originally thought that Lin Jun was going to do something, but now she was a little puzzled when she heard Lin Jun say thank you.

"Xiao He, what's the matter with you? Let's go inside the house if you want anything. It's not good to be seen by so many people here."

Zhou Meizu said in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

"You don't need to enter the room, I'm going to be here!" Lin Jun said excitedly, and Zhou Meichu blushed even more when she heard Lin Jun's words, and looked around. It was dinner time at this time, Zhou Meiju There are no residents near the house, and then Zhou Meichen gritted her teeth and said to Lin Jun.

"Damn enemy, just say what you say." Zhou Meichu came to untie Lin Jun's clothes after speaking.

"Hey, hey, sister, what are you doing?" Lin Jun was taken aback by Zhou Mei's move, because that's not what he meant.

"Ah? Didn't you say that?" Zhou Meizu was also taken aback, what exactly is Lin Jun going to do?He promised, but he still didn't do it.

"No, what I said is that I want to watch the salt dissolve in water here, which is dilution." Lin Jun said puzzled.

"Ah???" Zhou Meiju was so depressed. It turned out that Lin Jun spoke this language, and it was dissolved into salt water. What's so good about this? It made him so excited that he misunderstood.

It’s also good, Lin Junzhen’s first brother in love has never experienced a woman, so he is ignorant of Zhou Meixi’s actions, and doesn’t know what he is doing.

"Yes, sister Zhou, how about I come here to see how your salt water dissolves? You won't refuse, will you?"

Although Lin Jun knew that Zhou Meichen would definitely not refuse, because this was also helping his family with work, and it was not a big deal to look at his salt water.

"Look, look, you idiot." Zhou Meichu said out of embarrassment.

Lin Jun was inexplicably watching Zhou Meichu get angry again.

I can only sigh in my heart, it is really a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart.

Then he concentrated on studying how the salt dissolves in water. In fact, he not only learned this physical phenomenon in middle school textbooks, but also often did it himself, which is to dissolve and dilute a high-concentration solid or liquid into more , but the kind of liquid with less concentration, in this way, the amount of medicine can be enlarged and the amount of medicine can be reduced. Remember to believe it, which is very common in chemical methods.

Lin Jun didn't think about it for a while, but now that he thinks about it, he gets more and more excited. It turns out that he is worried about two aspects. On the one hand, he is worried that his blood is limited and he loses blood every day. It is impossible for the body to maintain it for a long time.

On the other hand, the medicinal effect of spiritual blood is too powerful, and ordinary medicinal materials can be turned into top-quality products in one fell swoop.

Although this is a good thing, it is not a good thing when it is sold. You can’t sell much for an ordinary medicinal plant even if it is a top-quality medicinal material. Second, if you produce such a high-quality medicinal material for a long time, it will also cause shocks in the market. , everyone will see it.

So what Lin Jun has been worrying about is how to increase the amount of its blood, and at the same time reduce the efficacy of this spiritual blood.

It was really the right time for him to come to Zhou Meichen's house to give this lump of bacon today. He would not have thought of this if he hadn't seen Zhou Meichen dissolving the diluted salt water.

And this dilution method perfectly meets Lin Jun's requirements.

That's why Lin Jun is so excited. For her, this means finding a new opportunity to make a fortune, and this opportunity to make a fortune is far better than using the mud pills rubbed out of her body to treat diseases, because a person Even if he sits there for 12 hours a day without eating or drinking to treat diseases, not many people can be cured, and the mud pills on him are limited, and he has accumulated them without taking a bath for several months. When it's over, it's gone.

And this method of transforming medicinal materials or crops with spiritual blood is a long-term plan for Lin Jun. As long as some have medicinal seeds, the medicinal materials planted will be his, and absolutely no one else can learn the formula. .

Lin Jun helped Zhou Meichen dissolve all the salt in the water as quickly as possible, and Zhou Meichen could slowly filter the sediment for other things.

Then he turned around and left, only to say hello to Zhou Meichen who was in the room loudly.

Zhou Meichu is so angry, it's just that Xiao Linjun really doesn't understand the style, is it that he is so old that he is so unattractive?

Zhou Meichu touched her face, looked in the mirror and found that she was still fair and beautiful.

Although the clothes are not good, after all, the talent and beauty have not been taken away by time.

And Zhou Meichu unbuttoned her shirt, and saw that the white greasy inside was still firm as before, and it didn't sag due to breastfeeding or other reasons.

Could it be that Lin Jun dislikes me as a widow?Zhou Meichu couldn't help but think of her biggest weakness.

Then he buttoned his clothes from the right and sighed.

Lin Jun didn't know that his actions today stirred up sister Zhou's chastity for many years, and made her desire for men even hotter.

He was really busy right now, so he rushed to his own field and pulled out a few herbs that her father had planted before, then took them home and found two big pots, planted them properly, and put them in the room.

After everything was busy, I came out to have dinner with my parents and sister.

"Xiao He, what are you busy with? You don't even care about eating." Seeing that Lin Jun was busy and finally came to the table after finishing the work, Mother Lin couldn't help but blamed.

Of course, Lin Jun couldn't talk about it now, he just smiled, and then said to take care of the flowers and plants, and then sent him away.

This remark provoked Lin Mo to teach him a lesson for a while, saying that Lin Jun should not be playful, but should study hard.

He is now a senior high school graduate and has just finished the exam. The results have not yet come out, and he has no chance to fill in the application form.

Of course, Lin Jun could only giggle and prevaricate.

After eating, Mother Lin and Lin Fang were cleaning up the dishes while Lin Jun got into his room.

Looking at the five herbs in front of her, Lin Jun was still a little nervous. She was just imagining everything, but she had to experiment slowly on how to do it.Lin Jun found a small knife, and then gently let out a little blood, and then divided it into two or three parts with a jar of clean water, diluted each of them and poured them on the five herbs.

Well, someone who has gone to school knows that the experiment also needs a control group, so he left one behind. There was a mosquito repellent planted in the house before, and if there are six in total, it depends on the situation.

After everything was busy, Lin Jun also felt a little tired, and then fell asleep.

When he got up early the next morning, he was surprised to find that these herbs grew as he imagined. The more diluted according to the dilution ratio, the worse the ingredients to be fried.

But even when Lin Jun diluted it the most, he still grew very good medicinal materials.

At least it is the kind of medicinal material that is common in the market, but very good.

This lifted Lin Jun's spirits.

This request is Lin Jun's request, as long as this effect is achieved, then Lin Jun thinks it is all right.

The quality of medicinal materials grown with such a ratio is very good, and they can be sold at a relatively high price in the market, and they are produced in such batches.Then Lin Jun can plant a large piece of land with a little less spiritual blood.

Lin Jun tidied up the herbs he had planted, and then showed them to his father Lin Mo.

"Hey, Xiao He, where did you get so many high-quality medicinal materials?" Lin Mo is also an old doctor, and of course he is more accurate than Lin Jun in seeing the quality of medicinal materials. all very good.

Lin Jun just chuckled. "To be honest with my father, when I got the pill formula, I also got an agricultural formula. With this formula, both medicinal materials and crops can grow very well. At first, I thought we If you can earn money by selling medicine, then there is no need to work hard to farm, but since our prescription has been taken away, then we have to work harder and continue to farm. These medicinal materials are the agricultural formula I used It’s made from the compounded fertilizer, if you water it, it’s still fine, right?”

"Okay, okay, this medicine is very good. If it is this kind of medicine, it will be expensive in the market." Hearing what Lin Jun said, Lin Mo had no doubts, and he didn't ask Lin Jun where he got it. This prescription, because people in the countryside know a word, that is, don’t be too greedy. Lin Jun is so lucky to be able to get these two very good treasure formulas. If he wants to ask for more treasures, then he is not greedy enough. .

"Then we can try planting it." Lin Jun said very happily after getting his father's affirmation.

"Our family's land has been confiscated, even if we want to grow it, we have nowhere to grow it." Lin Fang came in just in time, heard the conversation between the father and son, and then interrupted.

This is true, the few acres of Susukida in his family have been expropriated by the land expropriation team, and it is useless now, and the expropriated land is not used for storage, but for road construction. At that time, the medicinal materials were all dug up to build roads before they were planted. Isn't that not worth the candle?
Lin Jun also had a good time during this time, and he didn't want the humiliation of being confiscated before, so he really forgot about it.

"This is also a problem. If we rent other people's land to plant, it will cost some money, so the investment may be a bit large."

(End of this chapter)

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