I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 97 The Haze of Qinxing in Chudu

Chapter 97 The Haze of Qinxing in Chudu

'The most memorable first meeting'.

The first single high skill that Zhou Dong got was Goubuli steamed stuffed bun, followed by secret egg pancakes, which were all Baian’s delicacies, so he still had a lot of affection for Baian.When it was possible to choose the scope of the task, it was natural to subconsciously choose 'white case random'.

"The host has selected the white case random task, the task reward will be the corresponding skill of the white case, the task content is as follows:

The host is invited to taste the Baian delicacies of major restaurants within three days, and to give comments on the "poisonous tongue" that are spicy, ruthless, straight to the essence, and hit the nail on the head, so that the name of "Zhou's poisonous tongue" has become a "haze" floating over Qinxing in Chudu '."

"System, I have a master-level tasting skill, it shouldn't be difficult to find faults, are you going to 'send' a random task to me for nothing?
And this task will make me offend my colleagues, right? "

Zhou Dong frowned slightly. After all, he was still a rookie. He didn't even get the fifth-level chef qualification certificate, so he jumped out to criticize his colleagues? Is it easy to do a 'poisonous tongue'? You may be beaten in the back at any time.
'Host, ability and responsibility are always brothers. Since you have the ability to taste, you should take responsibility!

Your "venomous tongue" can not only help the reviewers find problems and improve themselves, but also urge them to strive for improvement. The critics will only thank you in the end; at the same time, it is also a learning opportunity for you.Just imagine, when you discover all the problems in a delicacy, will you make these mistakes again? '

Zhou Dong remained silent, and what the system said seemed to make sense?
"Host, to gather the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, you must first learn to avoid the weaknesses of a hundred schools of thought. Please make good use of your taste skills, try to figure out, or even create your own recipes or recipes!

Special reminder: The host can not only improve the 'taste' skills in the process of completing the white case random task, but also can summarize and improve the recipes in the real world, and the host's self-improved recipes will be practiced in the Good Fortune Kitchen."

"Sounds very good, the system, you are becoming more and more like a good teacher who is persuasive and persuasive."

Zhou Dong, who has perfect vegetable washing, master knife skills and master taste, has long been eager to try. Since he was awarded the title of 'Hundred Years Genius', his idea has gradually matured.

A good young man with self-motivation should not wait passively forever, independent learning is also very important.

Open the system panel to check, in addition to a few basic skills, there is a golden triangular object in the system, which is the 'gold medal for avoiding death' fragment rewarded by the system after completing the task of wishing grandpa.

In addition, there is an extra progress bar for the white case random task: 0/30, this is to let him taste thirty white case delicacies in three days, and complain to the innocent colleagues thirty times?
Zhou Dong stopped the kitchen knife in his hand, wondering where to start?
Well, time is running out, so let's start with the nearest Kyushu Dingshi; the grass on the edge of the nest is always the most fragrant, and after all, it is 'one of our own', which can reduce the risk of being beaten.

"Master Xiao Zhou, what are you thinking about?"

Shen Cheng has been teasing Zhou Dong, hoping that he can stand up on behalf of Chef Lu, even if he agrees to make a temporary cameo during the review, it would be good; Shen Cheng is convinced of Zhou Dong's knife skills, and changed his mind. He may not be able to cut the Cunjin cartilage into neat and uniform shapes.

"I'm thinking about what to have for lunch."

Zhou Dong looked up at the wall clock. It was already 10:30, and it was lunch time for the Lu kitchen staff.

"Haha, that's right, every day I eat the back kitchen's set meal, and birds are coming out of my mouth! Master Xiao Zhou, how about I treat you to the front hall?"

What kind of character is Shen Cheng?Guess Zhou Dong is probably tired of ordering meals.In fact, this back kitchen meal was not prepared for the 'master chefs', so it's hard for Zhou Dong to keep a low profile for so long.

Finally got a chance, maybe he has to do his best!It would be even better if Zhou Dong was willing to drink two taels. Chinese culture includes wine table culture, and many difficult things become easy to handle once they are on the wine table.

"Okay, let's eat at the nearest Kyushu."

"Haha, the hero sees the same thing, Mr. Zhou, you thought of going with me. I still have some face in Kyushu Dingshi, no matter which hall I go to, I have to give a [-]% discount!
Master Zhou, which cuisine do you prefer? "


Zhou Dong pondered for a while, in three days he had to eat [-] Baian delicacies, and it seemed that all eight major cuisines could be visited; but Master Cheng is so enthusiastic, he always wanted to give some face, and went to other places in front of Lu Chef. Isn't that a slap in the face?

Well, my mother said, you have to be tactful in dealing with people, and you have to show your emotional intelligence
"Let's go to the front hall of our Lu Chu, after all, it is the first of the eight major cuisines, and it is our own place."

"Come on, let's eat at our own house today!"

The front hall of Lu Cuisine is just like Shen's own living room. Shen Cheng swaggered and led Zhou Dong into the private room of "Shi Ya Xiang" in the front hall of Lu Cuisine, and said with a smile, "Master Zhou, is the environment here okay?"

Zhou Dong looked at the ingenious furnishings in the hall, frowned slightly and said, "Even the tables and chairs are made of mahogany, I'm afraid this private room will cost a lot of money, right? Even a [-]% discount is too expensive. Master Cheng, We just have a light meal, there is no need for such extravagance."

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Zhou. I said that the [-]% discount is in other cuisines, but where is this?
The front hall of Shandong cuisine, this is our own place.Let me tell you the truth, my uncle heard that Master Zhou was coming to the front hall, so he specifically asked me to bring you here.

This private room is called 'Shiya Township, and it is not open to the public at all, and those who can come here to eat are all our hard-working big shots'.
Let's put it this way, people who eat here don't spend any money, it's Lu Chu who pays for it. "

Zhou Dong shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate, let's eat outside in the lobby." He got up and was about to leave.

Shen Cheng grabbed him and said, "Master Zhou, if you leave, I will be scolded by my uncle. If you feel embarrassed, you can leave."

Zhou Dong looked at him: "Is it really free to eat here?"

"I really don't want to! The guests here are all distinguished guests that we can't even invite. How can we ask for money?"

"Well, let's eat this"

Shen Cheng was stunned, and said to himself, Mr. Zhou, we don't bring such things, so you didn't plan to spend money, you?However, seeing Zhou Dong really saving face, he was also secretly happy, and quickly called the waitress to come in.

The young ladies in the front room of Lu Cuisine have gone crazy for a long time.

'The male god has arrived at the Lu Cuisine Hall, and our Da Lu Cuisine finally has today! '

'Wow, accompanied by Touzhen, he went straight to Shiya Township, from now on the status of the male god is equal to the Big Three! '

"Guess what the male god will order, I guess it must be court food, that is, court food is the most suitable for the male god's temperament."

A piece of information was sent to the 'Kyushu Male God' group, causing ripples immediately.

Seeing Shen Cheng beckoning people in, after a fierce fight, a good-looking young lady finally won the first place in the boxing competition, and got the opportunity to enter Shiya Township to get close to the male god.

"Master Xiao Zhou, please order, don't be polite."

The place where Zhou Dong appears always attracts hot eyes from the girls. Shen Cheng is used to this, so he took the menu from the waitress who obviously just had her make-up done, and handed it to Zhou Dong.

"Well, a purple sweet potato plum blossom bun, a leek box, and a three-page pancake"

Zhou Dong ordered three noodles in a row, all of which are traditional dishes of Shandong cuisine.

The waitress was a little dazed, the male god must be starving, right?After working as a waiter for so long, she has never seen a customer who ordered pasta first.

"Master Xiao Zhou, this is you."

Shen Chengxin said, what kind of way are you doing?Can you order food or not?But remembering what his uncle had explained, he dared not raise any objections.

"Let's have two more eggplant noodles, Master Cheng, I think it's enough for us."

"Uh, yeah yeah."

Shen Cheng nodded again and again, isn't it enough to eat, Quan Te is something to suppress hunger.
 Thanks to the book friends of 'Siyue Wushang' for their reward and support, and thanks to the friends who recommended and collected this book.

(End of this chapter)

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