I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 9 Playful?

Chapter 9 Playful?

Spicy Potato Cubes is a famous dish in Jiangsu cuisine. Because of its low price and high quality, it sells a lot.

Not to mention that Kyushu Dingshi's Su Cuisine Restaurant occupies a full floor, and it claims to have 480 seats and 36 private rooms. The amount of potatoes consumed every day can be imagined, and the waitress in the front hall does not need to come to serve it. Just be prepared in advance.I'm afraid I have to prepare hundreds of catties of potatoes for the base every day. Calculated as a bag of fifty catties, it would take more than a dozen bags.

Sister Guan only left half a bag of pools, and the burden of other pools would naturally become heavier. Strange eyes looked over from various strange angles. When they saw Zhou Dong in work clothes, everyone immediately understood and expressed their deep understanding. Sister Guan.Forget it, if I brought a cute new girl, I would be afraid that she would be tired.

The Shuitai area of ​​our Kyushu Dingshi is not a place for women, is it easy for Sister Guan?Anyway, it's an old apricot flower in our Su Cai's kitchen, it's rare for her to be happy, so let her be happy once, so what?

Everyone didn't have any opinions, and Pan Ke didn't dare to have any opinions, let's carry it.
Sister Guan obviously didn't feel sorry for this black and fat trainee dog, and no one in the pools would feel sorry for him. At most, they came closer to help, which already made Pan Ke feel the warmth of spring.

Pan Ke secretly swallowed tears and swore: "I must work hard and become a good boy. Oh, this is a bit difficult, so let's work hard to be a chef. When I have money, I will go to Smecta, liposuction, and beauty treatment." , a set!
Ake, you have to work hard, work hard, Smecta!
You can do it, Smecta! "

When the panting fat man came back, Sister Guan was patiently imparting experience to Zhou Dong: "Xiao Zhou, the water table is not an easy job, all kinds of vegetables and meat must be cleaned, and each has its own cleaning method. Law.

Let’s talk about washing potatoes. The task of our water table is to pass the water, remove the mud, and not remove the skin.Peeling is the job of the chopping board, and side dishes are the job of picking the potatoes. What we have to do is to clean the potatoes with their skins, so that the cutting board can’t find any faults.”


Zhou Dong nodded slightly earnestly, with a cold look on his face. The more Sister Guan watched, the more she liked it, and the explanation became more detailed: "Potatoes and lotus root are ingredients with a lot of mud. If they can be washed in the sink, it will save money. Gone was the hassle of changing the water.

However, the pool in our vegetable department is limited after all. Not everyone can occupy the pool when they are busy, so they need to use a basin to wash vegetables and change the water over and over again.

But Xiao Zhou, you are a newcomer, and my sister will take care of you no matter what, so I can give you a pool, so you can wash in the pool with sister Guan. "

Pan Ke wiped his sweat and stood listening. The more he listened, the more he felt uncomfortable. Sister Guan took too much care of Zhou Dong. A newcomer who just arrived can occupy a pool?
Zhou Dong shook his head: "No need for Sister Guan, it seems easy to remove potatoes, but it's not.

I looked at it just now, and we use plateau red-skinned potatoes, which are thin-skinned and fine-grained, even as good as Sichuan Province potatoes.

When removing the mud, whether it is by hand or with a brush, it will inevitably cause certain damage to the potato skin, and even the most skilled vegetable washing master cannot completely avoid it.

If you then rinse directly with water, the tap water may seep into the inner layer of the potatoes.

The water quality in our Chudu is hard and has high alkali content, which will affect the taste of potatoes, and finally directly affect the quality of this dish.

So I still choose to wash it with a basin, and it is best to wash it by hand, which is the most perfect operation."

"Hey, Xiao Zhou, you have also learned how to wash vegetables, and you know a lot?"

The handsome guy who originally needed his help suddenly became an expert, and Sister Guan was a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, my family runs a restaurant."

Suddenly feeling a little irritable again, Zhou Dong frowned secretly, this disease is too annoying, it seems that he needs to start washing vegetables as soon as possible, so he made excuses casually.

"So you were born in the sect? That's fine, it's up to you."

Sister Guan nodded to Zhou Dong with a smile, turned around and began to give orders to the poor fat man: "That...Pan Ke, right? You are responsible for collecting and changing water for Zhou Dong, and you will do it right?"


The fat man wants to cry but has no tears, how can I become a sniper?
Is there still justice and justice in this world?They are also trainee dogs, so why is there such a big gap?
Complaining in my heart, I still have to smile on my face, and my movements are more agile than a puppy out of the den to grab food. Who can believe that this is a fat man who has just succeeded in "slimming down", but still has 210 pounds?

Seeing the fat man bring a large vegetable bowl, pull a long water pipe, and pout his buttocks to drain the water, Zhou Dong was not ready to help.He is not interested in the simple operation of changing the water. If washing vegetables can improve his skills and help his recovery, he would not fall in love with this kind of "rough work".

"Don't put the water in the basin first. The water in Chudu is highly alkaline. This water pipe has not been used overnight. I am afraid that there is accumulated water and alkali. Also, the rubber hose you pulled out has not been used overnight. I’m afraid there will be a rubbery smell, so I have to rinse it for 5 minutes first to ensure that the quality of the dishes will not be affected.”

Seeing that the fat man pulled the pipe and poured it into the water basin, Zhou Dong hurriedly stopped him, pulled the front end of the water pipe, and led it to the criss-cross waterways on the ground.

"Really or fake, don't pretend?"

The fat man suspected that this little boy was putting on a show.Sister Guan's eyes brightened slightly, and she looked up and down at Zhou Dong. The handsome guy seemed to be more than just eye-catching.


After putting the water in for a few minutes, Zhou Dong nodded, indicating to the fat man to continue to drain the water, and quickly filled half of the basin of clean water. The fat man turned off the convenient faucet connected to the front end of the rubber hose, and was about to pour half a bag of potatoes into the water basin.

The fat man can also see that a guy like himself who has no looks and weight needs to work harder.The grading during the internship period is very important, and Sister Guan has the power of life and death in his hands.

"Stop, you can't fall like this."

Zhou Dong held down the fat man's hand: "If it falls down like this, the skin of the potatoes will be damaged, which will affect the quality of the ingredients. Put it down, and I will pick it up myself."

"Really, you, are you exaggerating?" The fat man can now basically believe that this little boy is pretending to be aggressive, and he is not allowed to pour potatoes into the basin after washing them. What kind of rule is this?
Dude, if you want to perform well, you can't use me as a springboard. They are all trainee dogs, so why are you in such a rush?
Now even Sister Guan has some doubts. Could it be that this handsome guy is still a good actor?

The drama sister also likes it!

There is a literary style!
"Listen to Zhou Dong!"

Sister Guan's tone is beyond doubt.

Sister Guan said so, what else can Fatty say?He could only obediently step back and watch Zhou Dong's performance.

It's better not to let the potatoes be poured, and this baby also saves energy.

Although fat people are not very popular outside, they are basically the targets of bullying from school to society, but they are also parents' treasures at home.

Zhou Dong's movements are very skillful. Every time he reaches into the sack, he can accurately touch two to three potatoes. When he gently rubs his left and right hands, the soil covering the potatoes will fall down one after another. The movements are graceful and smooth, and very natural, just like The wind blows through the forest, and the surface of the lake is full of waves. It is not done by human beings, it is completely natural!

Those who knew that he was rubbing the soil off the surface of the potatoes, those who didn’t know that he thought it was a skilled expert who was panning walnuts, skewering hand skewers, and was tepid, breathing with the heaven and earth, and sharing the frequency with the universe.
Sister Guan looked at Zhou Dong, who had a serious face and could cook a potato like a master, and was stunned.

Men who work hard are the most attractive.

A handsome guy who works hard is even more deadly!
(End of this chapter)

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