I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 89 Longevity Village

Chapter 89 Longevity Village

"Master Cheng, are you joking?"

Zhou Dong always felt that Shen Cheng was fooling himself.

The growth conditions of lotus root are obvious. The water temperature must not be lower than 15 degrees Celsius to survive, and more than 20 degrees Celsius to ensure rapid growth. Therefore, it is generally grown in summer and harvested in autumn.Now Chudu will experience a few cold springs every now and then, but where can I find the fresh lotus root in season?
Not to mention going to the south, the temperature difference between the north and the south is actually not too big in this season. To raise the water temperature to the standard required by the lotus root, it is estimated that you have to go to the vicinity of the Flame Mountain.

"Of course I'm not joking, Mr. Zhou, you know that I often have 'private duties'.

However, I am a very principled person, and I occasionally take on some charity-related business with low compensation.

Half a year ago, I went to the nursing home in the depths of Fengqi Mountain. They are all from Chudu. Master Xiao Zhou, who is the development project of Fengqi Mountain, has always heard of it, right? "

Zhou Dong nodded. This incident had caused a lot of uproar a few years ago, not to mention outside, even in the mental hospital.

There are many mountains in Chudu, and Fengqi Mountain is the general name for the mountains in the western suburbs of Chudu.

Later, it was discovered that there was a very rare natural hot spring hidden under the surface of Fengqi Mountain, so Chu Dudu moved his mind and planned to spend a lot of money to turn Fengqi Mountain into a tourist attraction; at that time, newspapers and radio stations reported it, saying that since then Chu There are also natural hot springs, which can fill the gaps in the tourism market.

It's a pity that the uproarious Fengqi Mountain Development Project died down after one round, because the underground hot springs are too far away from the surface and too scattered to have much commercial development value.

"Master Cheng, you are not talking about the hot springs in Fengqi Mountain, right? The development has been suspended, not to mention that there are no hot springs on the surface, even if there are, the hot spring water is not suitable for the growth of lotus roots."

"I'm not talking about lotus roots growing in hot springs.

It was late autumn when I went to Fengqi Mountain, but it felt like it was early summer and late summer.Think about it, Mr. Zhou, in such a temperature environment, if..."

"If there is an ordinary water source in Fengqi Mountain, the lotus root can grow out of season in such a temperature environment."

Zhou Dong's eyes lit up. Shen Cheng has made a contribution this time. According to him, this is a good place.

Whether you can find out-of-season fresh lotus root is actually a second matter. Maybe you can find an ideal place to live for your parents when you go to Fengqi Mountain this time.

Mom and Dad are also people who are rushing to fifty, and they have been doing hard work for the first half of their lives. The old man is indifferent by nature, and his favorite is mountains and rivers.

What my parents envy the most is this kind of life returning to the mountains and forests, but they have long planned to do so.

If it is really like what Shen Cheng said, isn't Fengqi Mountain a "heaven and paradise" created by nature?The warm climate is of great benefit to the condition of the elders.

Moreover, according to Shen Cheng's introduction, although the Fengqi Mountain project was abandoned halfway, the mountain roads have been repaired in sevens and eighties, and the life in Fengqi Village, which used to live in the deep mountains, is much more convenient; two years ago, a Hong Kong businessman returned to Fengqi Village Worshiping ancestors, a nursing home for the elderly was built in the village to house some lonely nest elderly whose children went out to work.

If there is a road and popularity, parents will not be lonely in the future, so I will take it as a stop, and if I feel satisfied, I will take the time to take the elders to Fengqi Mountain to have a look.

The more Zhou Dong thought about it, the more enthusiastic he became. He nodded and said, "Master Cheng, if it's convenient, take me to Fengqi Mountain today."

"Master Xiao Zhou, see what you said, what's the inconvenience?
The last time I went to Fengqi Mountain for private business, it was to celebrate the centenary birthday of a dozen centenarians in the nursing home. I lived in the village for two or three days at that time, and became good friends with the village chief.

This time we went, we went to eat at the village head's house, he took good care of us and entertained us. "

Don't underestimate the village head, even if he lives in a secluded mountain, he is the most open-minded person in the village. Can the red and white Erxi in the village leave a good chef for big things and small things?Not to mention a master master from a five-star hotel like Shen Cheng, he would naturally make friends deliberately.Zhou Dong may not understand this truth, but Shen Cheng is very bright-hearted, otherwise he would not dare to guarantee it in front of Zhou Dong.

"That's great, let's go."

Zhou Dong was even happier when he heard that Fengqi Village was still a longevity village.One side of water and soil nurtures one side of people, so he can feel at ease when his parents live in this kind of place.

Shen Cheng owns a Kyoto jeep, which is suitable for walking on mountain roads, and the elders don’t have anything to prepare when they go out, so they just grab a bottle of mineral water and leave Luchu.As soon as he reached the elevator entrance, he saw Huai Liang came out of the elevator, looked at Shen Cheng suspiciously and said, "Where are you taking Zhou Dong?"

"I didn't take your daughter-in-law with me. You don't care where I take Master Zhou. Are you sick?"

Shen Cheng cursed secretly, but said with a smile on his face: "Master Xiao Zhou and I are going to visit Fengqi Mountain, Master Huai, you won't be interested."

He can see countless people with his eyes, and he can tell at a glance that Huailiang is definitely the kind of person who is extremely picky and has high requirements for the quality of life. Simply put, he is forced~gegao.Announcing Feng Qishan's name is to make him retreat in spite of the difficulties.

"Fengqi Mountain? The name sounds good. It must be a beautiful place. Zhou Dong, I'll go with you!"

"But I don't welcome you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't welcome me, Master Shen, don't you welcome me too?"

"Oh, Master Huai, you are too polite, I dare not call you Master in front of you.

You see, this time I mainly went with Master Xiao Zhou, he is the master, and I am a helper.Since Master Zhou doesn't welcome you to go with him, why don't you go another day?
Besides, Master Huai is a person who has seen the world, what is there to do in the countryside, if he can't say it, he will have a face full of dust and a foot of dog shit, why bother? "

Shen Cheng can also be regarded as a lot of tongue, he is obviously rejecting people, but he has to make people feel comfortable listening to him, and by the way, he didn't forget to make two flattery, after all, he wears flattery and doesn't wear flattery.

"Hehe, what happened to the countryside?"

Huai Liangren's answer surprised them both: "In my eyes, a farmer's black hands are cleaner and nobler than the sheets of a five-star hotel!

In my eyes, the country roads are much purer than the red carpet of the White House.

Therefore, I will go to Fengqi Mountain! "


Zhou Dong raised his eyes to look at Huai Liangren, he didn't expect him to say such a thing, this person is not useless.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing.

Just now I had a phone call with the chairman of Suzhou Culinary Association, and I suddenly found that being a judge of the Star Hotel Evaluation Committee seems to be a very interesting thing. The chairman is very happy, and this matter was finalized over the phone . "

Hearing these words, Shen Cheng trembled, and said in a low voice: "Master Xiao Zhou, we really can't afford to mess with the judges of the star hotel rating committee."

Zhou Dong nodded to Shen Cheng, looked at Huai Liangren and said, "Okay, you can go if you want, let's go together."

"Haha, that's right! I just said, we will become good friends"

 Thanks to the book friend 'Shuhua' for the reward of ten thousand coins, thank you.Thank you for recommending this book to friends :)

(End of this chapter)

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