I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 495 Can I Have Another Bowl?

Chapter 495 Can I Have Another Bowl?

No matter how lively the turmoil before the banquet, the attention of the country, the expectations of the big bosses, the secret competition of chefs from various countries, in order to dominate, the banquet of the Four Kingdoms is just a banquet after all. That's all, even if the status of the participants is the highest in the world, it is a relatively high-end party in the final analysis.

Except for the few minutes when the camera was framing the scene and the serious sitting at the beginning of the banquet, after drinking for three rounds, the bosses are almost like normal people, except that they don’t know how to drink and fight alcohol lawsuits, other aspects are the same. Looking forward to whether the chef's craftsmanship can bring surprises to everyone.

A certain boss in Smecta country smiled happily. The chefs' secret fight did not make him care at this level. Naturally, he didn't know that the dominance of cold and hot dishes has long been in the hands of Huaxia chefs. When several pre-dinner appetizers and kimchi were delivered to the table, I still didn’t forget to recommend them to the bigwigs from other countries, ‘Ah, this is natto, and that is spicy cabbage, everyone should taste it carefully,

Hahaha, the kimchi culture of our Smecta country is just like the pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China, they are all miracles of human civilization! '

The Russian emperor looked at him with some disdain, and said in his heart that you think I don't understand?Hehe, I heard about it when I went to Huaxia the year before last. What kind of Smecta pickles are actually pickled pickles, far inferior to Huaxia’s Sichuan Province pickles. They are the real pickles!

What are the benefits of eating too much of this kind of thing?To be put on a state banquet?

Obviously, there are not a few bigwigs who have the same idea as the Russian emperor. Mr. Shang from the Chinese side and the bigwigs from the island country still focus more on the dishes of their own country.

"Well, didn't we serve our food in the first round?"

Mr. Shang was slightly taken aback. There were a lot of Smecta kimchi on the table, as well as the island-style cold tofu, prawns, fruit daifu, etc. from the island country, but there were no cold dishes from Huaxia.

Not to mention Smecta's kimchi, these cold dishes in the island country are also difficult to be elegant, and they are completely incomparable with the Chinese cold dishes he knows. If this round of dishes does not have Chinese cold dishes, I am afraid that this country The biggies of the feast have to drop at least two notches because of this.

Shang Lao winked at his son: "It's because you don't care enough about the hot and cold dishes of the chef group in this banquet. We Huaxia have the dominance of the hot and cold dishes. Can there be Huaxia dishes? I can't see it now because according to my suggestion, Added pre-dinner porridge.

Don't look at the many kimchi in Smecta country, they are all used to serve with porridge, this is because the chef team is considering Smecta country's face, otherwise we will simply use the kimchi from our Sichuan province."

During Zhou Dong's 'retreat', Smecta and Daoguo's chef team turned their backs on their backs. Ling Zhenfeng brought a few capable generals and directly held down the clamoring stick chef, firmly controlling the dominance of hot dishes; As for the island country, they had lost the intention of competing for a long time, but after the banquet recipes were announced to the chefs of various countries, the chefs of the island country discovered that the tempura had just been renamed by the Chinese, and they immediately exploded!

The god of tempura from the island country quickly bought a plane ticket and rushed to Fort Islan after hearing the news, but he only stayed for less than half an hour before returning with a humble face. It was because Takemiya Masada said something to him The words——'In the future, you should not be called the God of Tempura, right? '

The old Takemiya fried several pieces of tempura himself, let the god of tempura taste it, and then told him that the chef who can change the name of tempura will be his lifelong pursuit.
Cang Yun also followed Xiaolu a few times, and after asking him to taste the tempura she fried, she made it clear that compared to Chef Zhou, I am just a schoolboy
Since then, the island country has no god of tempura, because there is no more tempura in this world.On the menu of the Shikoku Banquet, tempura is gone, replaced by 'Sesame Shuangjia'.

"Appetizer porridge?"

Mr. Shang was quite surprised. The Chinese food culture is extensive and profound, and there are great differences in different regions. Some places drink soup first after the banquet, while others drink porridge first. For the first time, I always felt that the picture of a big man from all over the world holding a porridge bowl should not be too beautiful.

Mr. Shang was very dissatisfied with his son's reaction, what happened to the pre-dinner porridge?
Isn’t Master Xiao Zhou’s Haggis porridge delicious?
I wouldn't even bother coming here if I wasn't greedy for this bowl of porridge!
Feng Wu Jiu Tian is a gaudy dish, and it is a cold dish, which is far less attractive than raw porridge in Shang Lao's opinion.

The banquet was about to start, and then the big bosses from all over the world watched the waiters walking over with big casserole, and the whole banquet hall was filled with the aroma of porridge.

In order to respect the customs of Ba Tie, Zhou Dong has changed the raw porridge to use haggis.

Although it felt a little strange, the bosses were indeed attracted by the aroma of the porridge, and a banquet that was originally a political event that far outweighed American justice began to look a little bit out of order.

"Oh, it's very fragrant. Seeing this bowl of porridge, I feel hungry. It seems that filling my stomach is more important than world peace?
Or I can put it this way, if everyone can fill their stomachs, the world will naturally be peaceful, right?

I want a big bowl, thank you. "

The eagle-like eyes of the Russian emperor could always easily see through the phenomenon to discover the essence. When the big bosses from other countries were still wondering that this bowl of "legend" was porridge made from sheep offal, that layer erupted. The porridge oil with a strange fragrance and a very attractive appearance made him immediately judge that it was a good thing not to be missed.

Ba Tie's waiters were very coquettish, and they satisfied the emperor's request with a porcelain bowl the size of a human head.

As Huaxia's best friend, although Batie's own food culture is lackluster, there is an inexplicable sense of pride that comes from deep in the bone marrow. Isn't Chinese food the same as our food?As good friends in the food-advanced region, they may look up to the Great Emperor in other things, but in terms of food, they can definitely look down on this hungry man from the bitter cold place in the north.
The Russian emperor picked up an extra-large spoon to scoop up a spoonful of porridge and put it in his mouth, and then the bigwigs from all over the world were surprised to find that the famous "eagle eyes" of the emperor immediately turned into a very cute and cute "panda" eyes'!
The "bitter child" who was born in the northern country since he was a child has never eaten such good food, and his eyes widened twice!
So fragrant, so slippery, so warm and so delicious!No need to ask, this must have been made by chefs from the Huaxia Kingdom, and the chefs from Smecta and Dao Kingdom do not have such skills!

The emperor couldn't help speeding up his porridge eating, at this moment he looked like a hungry wolf from the north.

"Good! Good! Good!"

In order to let the bigwigs from all over the world understand their excitement, the emperor, who has always admired his native language, took his head out of the bowl, spoke three sentences in English, and then looked at the staff expectantly. : "Can I have another bowl?"

(End of this chapter)

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