I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 494 Peerless Beef Soup

Chapter 494 Peerless Beef Soup

The system did not shine as usual, and the chef-level recipes that Zhou Dong was looking forward to were even missing, but there was an extra line of explanatory text.

'The conditions for the host to receive the reward are not enough, the collection failed! '


Zhou Dong felt that he was being tricked. This was the first time since he got the master of the system. When did he have to meet the conditions to receive a task reward?
"System, why there are conditions for receiving rewards, please explain clearly!"

"Because this chef-level recipe will have an extremely profound impact on the world's culinary and gourmet world, and may even trigger a major earthquake in the industry, the system has to add an additional receiving condition, which is."

A line of golden characters appeared in front of Zhou Dong.

'The host must gather three or more master chefs to receive the reward. "

"Gather three master chefs?"

Zhou Dong was slightly taken aback, as if he understood the system a bit.

To actually put forward such a perverted request, it can be seen that this chef-level cookbook will indeed have a profound impact on the world's culinary and food circles as it says.

And this request doesn't seem too difficult to fulfill, Zhou Dong suddenly thought of Takemiya Masada, the old Takemiya followed from Rejing to Kyoto, and from Kyoto to Eslando, this sincerity is almost comparable to that of Cheng Menli The snowy one, it would be a lie to say that he was not moved at all.

"Counting me and Takemiya Masada, the master chef of the island country, there should already be two master chefs, right?
In other words, I only need to find another master chef to meet the conditions for receiving this cookbook? "

'The system detects that Takemiya Masada as mentioned by the host meets the standard of a master chef, but the host's identity as a master chef still has a lot of water.
Therefore, the host needs to gather two other master chefs to meet the conditions for receiving it. '

"Well, the system, you are going too far now, don't you know it hurts to say that?"

Zhou Dong was very depressed. What do you mean there is still a lot of moisture? Isn't this going around saying that I am a parallel importer?
Suddenly, I thought of the God Long who was far away in Chudu, China. This man is often called a "parallel importer" by readers. I didn't expect that I would also be called a parallel importer one day. It's fate.
Thinking of what Old Wu Gong once said about going to Chudu and the place where he fought and lived, Zhou Dong couldn’t help but smile wryly. It seemed that he really had to bring this international friend back to Chudu. He was still traveling in Europe, but he never liked islanders.

But besides Lao Wugong, how could it be so easy to gather two other chef-level figures?You can only take one step at a time.

The chef-level recipes rewarded by the quest are far from being able to quench thirst, and now we can only pin our hopes on the treasure chest of recipes that has not been opened. After all, it is also a reward for the legendary vegetable washing skills to reach the peak of Dzogchen, so it should not be too embarrassing. Are you disappointed?
Sure enough, it was very different from the primary and intermediate treasure chests before. The golden treasure chest in front of him looked very noble. Zhou Dong chose to open it with the idea of ​​trying it out.

A cookbook surrounded by golden light appeared in front of him.

'Chef-level recipes - unparalleled beef soup! '

beef soup?
When the three words "Master Chef Level" jumped into his eyes, Zhou Dong was overjoyed at first, but when he saw the name of the recipe clearly, he felt like being teased.
The system is getting more and more skinny. Even if the beef soup can barely be included in the menu, when can a beef soup be promoted to the level of a master chef?
Is hanging soup important?Nature is important.Among the eight major cuisines of Lu, Su, Sichuan, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Hui, who can do without soup?In true chef inheritance, the master absolutely does not allow the apprentices to use any chicken essence and monosodium glutamate, relying on the hanging broth to enhance the freshness and flavor.

Strictly speaking, beef soup is a hanging soup series. Even if it is different from high soup and can be served independently as a dish, no one really regards it as a dish; on the contrary, it is closer to the staple food. In the Suhuai area, a A bowl of beef soup with two noodle cakes can make people have a full meal.

But even if you make a top-notch beef soup and a flower, it can't suppress a table of hot dishes at the national banquet level, can it?And why can it be called a chef-level recipe?
Suddenly a golden light flickered in the system, and this master chef-level recipe of unparalleled beef soup quickly flooded into the depths of Zhou Dong's mind.
Scenes of color, aroma, and taste and their related pictures flashed in Zhou Dong's mind like a revolving lantern. It may be because this is a chef-level recipe. In the end, Zhou Dong was able to taste the recipe himself in the system. The so-called unparalleled beef soup!

Even with Zhou Dong's current level of cooking skills and his picky taste skills at the legendary level, after tasting this beef soup, he didn't feel he fell into a moment of sluggishness.

How can there be such a delicious beef soup in the world!
Where is the word 'soup' to describe it?

It is not only a soup, but also a dish, a high soup, and even a chef-level dish. It can suppress countless top-level famous dishes in the country and banquet. It is the king of soup and the king of dishes!
The so-called "diligence supreme, precious soup beef, command the world, no one dares not to obey, the master of cooking does not come out, who will fight for the front!" '

Carefully recalling the taste and recipe of this unparalleled beef soup, Zhou Dong frowned slightly. It was quite difficult, and I am afraid that he would have to practice in the system for a long time.

Checking his existing appreciation value, Zhou Dong closed the door tightly, pressed the Do Not Disturb button, and then directly turned off the internal contact phone assigned to him by the chef group. Before he came out, he had to refuse all contact methods.

"What happened to Lao Zhou? After going to your place for a meeting, I stayed in the room all the time, and even locked the room, and didn't answer the phone. I asked the person in the hotel to open the door and found out that it was he who asked not to be disturbed. Yes, under such circumstances, the hotel dare not open the door without authorization!"

Standing in front of Zhou Dong's door, Shang Qingxiong turned around like an ant on a hot pot, glaring fiercely at Ling Zhenfeng and said: "You have to make it clear to me, what did you say to Lao Zhou that day? What, it's been more than 30 hours, and he hasn't even beaten his teeth!
I've asked, but no girls entered Lao Zhou's room, which made me very worried. If something goes wrong, you, the chief chef, will be responsible! "

Shang Qingxiong is really in a hurry, Zhou Dong doesn't eat or drink, there is no girl in the room, is this too abnormal?Grandpa had told him to take good care of Zhou Dong. If something happened, how would he explain it?Even if Ling Zhenfeng is the chief chef of Huaxia, he still won't give face.

"Uh, young people, don't worry. I think brother Zhou is thinking about the hot dishes the day after tomorrow. He promised me that he would come up with a hot dish that can suppress the entire banquet. You know, this time the Four Kingdoms Banquet, Our Huaxia cuisine can't lose face."

Shang Qingxiong sneered: "It's up to Lao Zhou alone to think about the dishes? You people are masters of hard work and top-level, don't they all eat for nothing?

Anyway, I don't care, if something goes wrong with Lao Zhou, you will be the first to take responsibility!Compared with the face of Chinese cuisine, Lao Zhou's body is the most important!Do you know or not?"

Suddenly remembering his grandfather's explanation, Shang Qingxiong quickly stopped talking, thought for a while before saying: "I don't care about that much, just open the door first!"

"Yes, yes, my support!"

Although the door of the five-star hotel was thick, it couldn't stop him.

Takemiya Masada, who came quickly after learning about Zhou Dong's 'accident', was more anxious than Shang Qingxiong, and Takemiya Yingzi beside him even had red eye circles.

"Old merchant, if the door is broken, you have to pay for it, and it's very expensive. Do you have money?"

The smiling words came to my ears, and the door opened slightly, revealing Zhou Dong's still handsome but slightly pale face.

Everyone standing outside the door breathed a sigh of relief. Ling Zhenfeng smiled wryly and said, "Brother Zhou, what are you doing? We are so worried to death by shutting ourselves in the room for more than 30 hours."

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Zhou Dong smiled at Ling Zhenfeng: "I thought of that dish."

(End of this chapter)

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