I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 448 My hand is the jig!

Chapter 448 My hand is the jig!
At this time, the people from the logistics team had already delivered the ingredients that Cang Yun needed. Seeing that it was freshwater sweet shrimp, even Cai Bo was a little puzzled: "Master Cang, is this the 'species' you chose for tempura?"

Vitality is the only way to plant.

The islanders believe that a top tempura is alive, so they insist that the ingredients used in the tempura dough should not be called ingredients, but 'species'.

There are only a dozen types of tempura, among which fish and shrimp are the most common.
Shrimp is the best variety of tempura. Among them, peony shrimp is the top grade of sea shrimp. This kind of shrimp is bright red in color and sweet in taste. The taste is first class.

This is the top super-star hotel in China. Cang Yun could have chosen peony shrimp as her species, but she chose freshwater sweet shrimp. Cai Bo, a super fan of tempura, was naturally puzzled.

Cang Yun smiled slightly: "Elder Cai also said just now that tempura is actually passed down from our country.

It’s just that when Tang Guoer was introduced to the island country in the Tang Dynasty, it was only spread in the court at that time, but the Portuguese missionaries directly passed this frying method to the people of the island country, so this delicacy got its Portuguese name.

My father once asked, because tempura was perfected in island countries, chefs in island countries like to use sea shrimp as a species. If it is perfected in my country, what kind of species should they use? "

All the chefs were taken aback when they heard the words, and then fell into deep thought.

That's right, in terms of the tenderness and sweetness of the meat, even the top sea shrimp such as peony shrimp cannot compare to the top river shrimp, and the freshwater shrimp species are inherently superior to sea shrimp.

If tempura is perfected in Huaxia, Huaxia chefs are likely to choose freshwater shrimp produced in rivers and lakes when selecting species.

Although Cang Yun challenged Team Leader Zhou with famous dishes from the island country, she still maintained the way of thinking of a Chinese chef, which is really rare.

Moreover, the freshwater sweet prawns sent by the logistics team should have been carefully selected, each with a length of about eight centimeters, no worse than sea prawns.

Cai Bo also nodded and smiled: "Very well, it seems that I can taste the tempura with Chinese characteristics today, I am really looking forward to it."

As he spoke, he walked to Cang Yun's side and watched her prepare the mask carefully.

The tempura batter is also called "Tempura Clothes". Most of the batter is made of egg batter, but it is not easy to prepare it. First of all, ice water is used in summer, and the ice water is easy to irritate the egg batter, making it impossible to mix with the flour. Full fusion requires the chef's superb skills in conditioning.

The egg liquid and a kind of thin flour with less gluten should be mixed and melted very quickly. After the ice water is added, the chef should stir it quickly and evenly so that it can be quickly absorbed by the flour. This will not only not spoil the egg liquid, but also make the egg The final fusion process of liquid and flour is carried out at the most suitable low temperature.

The reason why it is called "tempura coat" is that the final batter is neither sticky nor thin, neither can it be too sticky like when making egg pancakes, and at the same time, it can't drip after being wrapped on the shrimp, otherwise it won't wait. When 'planting' it into the pot, first drop some egg noodle liquid into it, and the pot of oil will be useless.

When Cai Bo came to watch, even Mr. Shang came over to take a look curiously, and then Mr. Yan, Zhou Dong and the chefs all came to watch. Although they may not all be masters of tempura, the slightly yellow As soon as the smooth and viscous egg noodles entered the eyes, even a layman could see that Cang Yun's craftsmanship is extraordinary.

"It seems that there is something wrong, old Zhou, are you sure?"

Standing behind Zhou Dong, Shang Qingxiong successfully avoided the eyes of his father and grandfather, and said in a low voice.

Zhou Dong didn't answer him. He seemed to be watching carefully from the side of the case, with a slight smile on his lips, but he had already entered the system space.

Experts will know whether it is there or not.

Cang Yun, the new generation of Qiankun entrants, is really extraordinary, Zhou Dong knows that he has encountered a strong enemy just by looking at him.

After the tasting skill has been upgraded to legend, now Zhou Dong can grasp the chef's [-]% ingenuity even if he just smells the taste. Time waits for no one. He has eaten tempura before, but he has never made it himself, let alone It is said that it was produced by a master of Cang Yun's level, so when Cang Yun prepared the 'Tempura Clothes', he had already started countless times of practice in the Good Fortune Kitchen.

"Uh, I didn't say a word, but still looked calm. Is this a sign of full confidence?"

Shang Qingxiong saw that Zhou Dong was looking at the case with a half-smile, with indifference in his eyes, and he couldn't help shaking his head secretly. This guy seemed to be worrying about him for nothing.

It wasn't until Cang Yun finished processing the shrimps and poured a large amount of sesame oil into the iron pot to heat up that Zhou Dong came to his senses. He went to the pot to have a look and found that Cang Yun used sesame oil.

"Tempura's rai is not simply pasted with a layer. Such things can really only be called fried shrimp, not tempura."

Cai Bo was obviously very satisfied with Cang Yun's display of craftsmanship, and the conversation also became lively: "This layer of Luo Yi is like the clothes of beautiful women, it is extremely thin, but it must be thin and not see-through!
Once oiled, the 'Tempura Clothes' will be shaped quickly. The advantage of this is that it can lock the 'kinds' of moisture and prevent it from escaping. You may not be able to fully understand it even though you are a famous artist on the white case. This tempura, do you know the benefits of doing this? "

Zhou Dong nodded, and said in a rare initiative: "The moisture in the 'kind' is locked, but the oil temperature is still high outside, so the moisture in the Luoyi will be evaporated, forming a "like" inside the Luoyi. steam' environment.

Fried outside and steamed inside, tempura actually uses two cooking methods of steaming and frying at the same time, so sweet shrimp tempura can guarantee the tenderness and sweetness to the greatest extent. If the noodle liquid is too thick, even Wrapping it directly with bread crumbs like a quick bite will absorb a lot of hot oil, which is not only unhealthy, but also has no way to guarantee the top taste. "

Cang Yun raised her head and glanced at Zhou Dong, thinking that children can do it, are they also masters of tempura?
Cai Bo nodded with a smile and said, "As expected of Zhou Mianwang, you are right.

In fact, there is another function, because the tempura coat can quickly lock the water in the inner layer of the 'seed' and egg liquid, causing the water to evaporate,
The evaporated water not only guarantees the 'kind' taste, but also protects the tempura clothing in turn, so that the tempura clothing will only become crispy during the proper frying process, but will not become burnt!
But if only this is not enough, the oil temperature is also the key point.

The most suitable oil temperature should be 170 or 180 degrees Celsius, so rapeseed oil, soybean oil, etc. are not acceptable, because their boiling point is 250 degrees Celsius.

So the most suitable is sesame oil, which boils at just 180 degrees Celsius, just keep it boiling.

And the effect of coloring with sesame oil is the best, and the taste is more fragrant.”

While talking, he glanced at Cang Yun: "You should use Taibai oil, right?"

There are two types of sesame oil. The one that has been baked is sesame oil. Cut some pickled lumps and add some sesame oil. It will be delicious in the world when it is used for porridge.

The one that has not been baked is called Taibai oil. Both types of oil can be used for tempura, but if you use unbaked Taibai oil, the frying time will be slightly longer, and the test for the chef will be even greater. Bigger.

"Elder Cai is right."

Cang Yun nodded, seeing that the oil pan was boiling, she gently picked up a shrimp with her pre-washed hands, and put it into the egg noodles.

Her technique was very fast, the shrimp turned over gently in the egg noodles, and was quickly taken out. The shrimp body was covered with a layer of egg noodles with a uniform thickness, but there was no sign of dripping.

Both Yan Lao and Cai Bo nodded slightly. There is nothing wrong with the preparation of this egg noodle liquid. Just looking at this hand, it is worth looking forward to.

"The oil is fine, and the egg batter is also good. Next, it depends on her frying technique. Well, the tools used are also very important!"

When making tempura, you definitely need a thin jig, which feels very delicate. It takes long-term practice for the chef to use this kind of jig well. Generally, the higher the level, the lighter and thinner the jig will be.

Basically, there is no need to wait for the tempura to come out of the pan, as long as you see the tempura expert Cai Bo, the jig, you can judge the quality of the tempura.

What surprised him was that Cang Yun never took out the jig.

When it was time to put the tempura into the pot, he realized that Cang Yun didn't use any clamps at all, she used her own hands!

"Old Cai, I forgot to tell you that I never need any tongs when frying tempura, because hands are the best tongs!"

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Old Guo 003' and 'People's Heart Upward' for their support, and thanks to friends who support light and darkness for subscription, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets:)
(End of this chapter)

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