I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 446 Tempura (2 more)

Chapter 446 Tempura (Part [-])
The chef's surname is Luo, and his name is Luo Xiaoming. You can tell from his words that he is a sensible person.

If it comes to the master's inheritance, he actually has a little relationship with Mr. Yan, and after all, he is a chef from Jin Province. Although Mr. Yan didn't say it clearly, he still pays close attention to him.

But after hearing his words, Mr. Yan's expression darkened.

Based on Mr. Yan's life experience, what kind of person has he never met?
Whether Luo Xiaoming admires Zhou Dong's craftsmanship from the bottom of his heart, or uses Goubuli to flatter him in order to rise up the ladder, Mr. Yan can tell at a glance.

Obviously, he, a little fellow from Jin Province, belongs to the latter.

But Mr. Yan just kept silent, it depends on how Zhou Dong handles it.

Zhou Dong was actually quite embarrassed.

Based on his knowledge of Goubuli, just take a casual look, and you will know that Luo Xiaoming's Goubuli is made with some effort. Look at the slightly oily yellow on the bottom of the bun, and the [-] buns blooming like petals. The pleats of the buns, and the smell of meat, you know that Luo Xiaoming followed the procedures in all steps.

Moreover, this person's talent in white cases is really outstanding. If he didn't have the skill of taste, Zhou Dong would be highly affirmative of this Goubuli bun.
If the tasting skill hadn't broken through to the legendary level, and could be traced back from the food to the chef's mentality when cooking food, Zhou Dong would even think that this is really his admirer. Luo Xiaoming is studious and talented. With a little soft heart, the Su brothers might have an extra 'junior brother' from now on.
It's a pity. This person learns to be a dog and ignores buns. I'm afraid his intentions are not right.

Zhou Dong personally tasted a bun, chewed a few mouthfuls, looked at Luo Xiaoming and said, "It's not enough to play big swords in front of Guan Gong's gate, Master Luo is being polite.

The buns are good, this is my evaluation.

Regarding Master Luo's passing the selection"

"Leader Zhou, please tell me that it doesn't matter whether you can choose me or not."

Luo Xiaoming's eyes lit up. In fact, he went to Chudu to taste steamed stuffed buns. It was just that he happened to pass by Chudu one time. He wanted to see how much this Zhou Mian King weighed. If it was just a false name, he didn't mind. Find an opportunity to challenge Zhou Dong according to the rules of the industry. If the new noodle king is defeated, Luo Xiaoming will be the noodle king?
But he is also really talented. After eating Zhou Dong's buns, he turned around and left. He didn't want to challenge anything, but he took note of the color and taste of Goubuli buns. After returning, he kept trying to figure out what Zhou Dong used. Several types of flour and how to mix them.
After a few months, he has learned a lot. This time, he heard that Zhou Dong was the default team leader of the white case, and he had the right to choose the chef of the white case, so he moved his mind and acted as Zhou Dong's admirer; after all, In fact, it's still a matter of fame and fortune, but not everyone is as indifferent to the name of the chef of the National Banquet as Zhou Dong is.

Judging by Team Leader Zhou's appearance, he must have a good impression of me, right?

Luo Xiaoming was thinking that he had a plan, but Zhou Dong suddenly changed his tone: "It's still up to Mr. Yan and Mr. Cai to decide, and I still want to avoid suspicion."

Cang Yun almost laughed out loud when he heard it, this kid is deceitful and smart enough, Luo's intentions were really seen through by him.

All the people present are famous white cases from all over the world, who doesn't know each other?
I said that everyone should show their strengths, but you made a fool of yourself, isn't that too thick-skinned?Seeing Zhou Dong's answer like this, everyone secretly exclaimed in their hearts.

"Master Song's Longxu noodles in Zhongdu are very good."

Cai Bo is very good at being a man this time, seeing that his old friend is a little embarrassed because of Luo Xiaoming, he quickly changed the topic.

He is a person who is very serious about food and beauties. Once he agrees, he can directly praise people to the sky, and then no matter the food or beauties, it is difficult to escape his lips.

He was very satisfied with the Longxu Noodles made by Master Song Jing in Zhongdu.

There are no other seasonings in this noodle except shallot leaves, pepper and salt.

But I drank the sweet aroma of wheat from the noodle soup.

The noodles are very springy, and each one can be scattered in the clear soup. Don't you think this bowl of noodles is more like a painting, a beauty? "

Everyone was overwhelmed immediately. You said everything well before, but why do you always keep your three words in line, and you can talk about beauties when you talk?
Elder Yan glanced at Cai Bo helplessly, but he also affirmed this dragon beard noodle. Zhou Dong even said: "The work of ingenuity can be selected."

Song Jing is obviously one of the three candidates for the Bai case team.

Su Bi of Duoweizhai was the second candidate, but when all the chefs expected Mr. Yan and Zhou Dong to name the third candidate, they found that even Cai Bo, who loves to talk most, kept silent.

In the eyes of the three of them, apart from Song Ming and Su Bi, the chefs present were really lackluster.
Maybe these famous white case masters are the top figures everywhere, but in the eyes of Yan Lao and Cai Bo, they are still not enough; Zhou Dong has become more tricky since he broke through to the legendary taste, and now he doesn’t need to eat many times. Just look at it and smell it.

The rest of them are far behind Song Ming and Su Bi, so it's hard to choose.

Mr. Yan looked at Cang Yun: "This is Master Cang, right? Why didn't you participate in the selected works?"

Of course he knew about Cang Yun's background, but he didn't say it directly; in Yan Lao's view, if there was a third candidate among the chefs present, it must be Cang Yun, the new generation of "Heaven and Earth Oiler".

Shang Qingxiong lightly poked Zhou Dong with his arm, and whispered: "Here she is, she must challenge you, haha, I finally waited!"

In the eyes of Mr. Yan and the others, the delicacies made by these famous Baian masters may be nothing more than that, but in the eyes of Shang Qingxiong, they are all delicious, and he didn't even eat breakfast!
But in order to wait for Zhou Dong to make a move, Shang Qingxiong tightened his belt a little more,

No matter how hungry you have to endure!If he is full now, when Zhou Dong cooks top-notch delicacies later, he will cry to death?
I still have enough respect for Yan Lao Cangyun: "Yan Lao, because I decided to challenge Team Leader Zhou, there is no need to participate in the selection."

The chefs present were all taken aback, who didn't know that Zhou Dong's ability to become the team leader of the Bai case was due to his strong strength, and secondly, someone from above appointed him, who was Cang Yun going to slap in the face?Not a small amount of courage
"Are you going to challenge Team Leader Zhou?"

Mr. Yan was not surprised, this generation of Qiankun veterans ranked ahead of Zhou Dong on the Qinxing weapon spectrum, and the descendants of the Cang family would definitely not be convinced if they didn't see the truth.

And according to the rules, if Cang Yun loses, the third candidate may still be selected, but if Zhou Dong loses, he will be automatically reduced to one of the three candidates, which saves a lot of trouble.

However, if the dignified king of Zhou Mian wants to be reduced to the point of being beaten by others, I'm afraid he may not be able to bear this tone.
"That's right, I've asked the logistics team to prepare the required ingredients, and we're just waiting for today's challenge! Team leader Zhou, you will definitely accept the challenge, right?"

Cang Yun stared at Zhou Dong closely, reminding him of the heroine who stepped on the box last night and dragged her to drink wildly.

"Since it is determined by the rules, of course I have no objection."

Old Yan nodded: "Okay, since Team Leader Zhou agrees to the challenge, the challenge can begin now.

Master Cang, what dish are you preparing? "

The Cang family is well-known for its deep-fried dishes. It is conceivable that the dishes Cang Yun chooses are related to deep-frying. However, there are countless fried foods in Huaxia, and Mr. Yan is also very curious about how Cang Yun will choose.


What I want to do is real tempura, not just a layer of flour and fried fish and shrimp. "

There was a lot of discussion in the field, and many chefs were shaking their heads
 Thanks to 'Lao Guo 003''Book Friends 20180828005409223' for their support, and thanks to friends who support light and darkness with subscription, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets:) Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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