I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 403 Vance Tofu

Chapter 403 Vance Tofu

In Zhou Dong's opinion, the request made by this 'Senior Qinxing' is a bit interesting.

The rule of Zhou’s private dining room is that customers cannot order their own dishes. In fact, many private dining rooms in China have the same rules. It’s not because they deliberately pretend to be aloof, but because most of the dishes provided by private kitchens are exquisite and cumbersome, and many ingredients must be prepared in advance. Yes, and chefs who have reached the level of starting private kitchens generally have their own tempers, and what dishes they provide to customers depends on their mood.

If the chef suddenly has the idea of ​​making fish, and prepares the best fresh fish and various side dishes for the guests in advance, and the guests come and say they want to eat pork elbows, wouldn’t it be a mess?

This self-proclaimed senior Qinxing shouldn't be ignorant of the rules and make sticks and sticks, but he said that the dishes should reflect the skill of the sword, but he didn't specify which one. This is not a violation of Zhou Dong's rules ,

After all, in a broad sense, [-]% of the dishes require knife skills. If you are stir-fried green pepper and potato shreds, you must have knife skills, right?What people want is shredded silk, you can get a plate of potato chips and try it out, if you meet someone who is difficult to talk to, the master can really arrange you, and you still have nothing to say.

It's also a coincidence that today's private kitchen served Su dishes, and Lu Luxin rushed to help the cook early in the morning. In fact, Boss Hua didn't want to come. She had seen Zhou Dong's knife skills in the Xiangjiang Competition. Compared with Zhou Dong in these two times, it seems that there may be a gap between her and Zhou Dong. When the time comes, not to mention making a fool of herself, and getting a reputation that she can't fight well, she can't bear it.

However, Shang Shicheng’s strict demands cannot be supported. The reputation of Zhou’s private kitchen is now high, and it was nothing before. The dishes cooked by Zhou Dong are just more exquisite, delicious, and expensive than those of other chefs. Now it is different. How many doctors could not cure anorexia, but Zhou Dong cured it with a dish?

This story is not only spread in Chudu, but also in most of Jiangsu Province. "Great Country Searching" has a long report, and that girl Lin Qing is so excited that she wrote three poems "My Satisfaction" and "My Treasure" " and "My Bao", they are really talented, and they just came up with an auspicious three treasures.

Lin Qing has a wonderful brush for life and flowers, and Long Dashen also has a wonderful brush for life and flowers. In the book, Zhou Dong is almost written as a contemporary chef. Even some old readers laughed and complained that this book is almost fantasy. Fantasy?Life is more fantasy than novels, there is nothing impossible, only unexpected.
As far as chef Zhou is now famous, junior sisters, we are following the glory. I heard that chef Zhou is not planning to go to the eight major cuisines all the time. He may have other pursuits, so we have to seize the opportunity Little tail, come on, junior sister, you are Athena!

Lao Shang is now a bit obsessed with role-playing, and his favorite is Saint Seiya. Now the more he looks at Zhou Dong, the more he looks like the Bronze Five.

Lu Luxin came here frowning, isn't it just Zhou Xiaochu?He's amazing, so you've blown him up too much. Boss Hua has always been convinced and unconvinced, and when he saw Zhou Dong, he directly expressed his attitude: "Old Zhou, which main course should you choose? Old duck soup ? Crabmeat and lion head? Neither? That’s three sets of ducks, right?”

Zhou Dong still shook his head: "None, it's Wensi Tofu."

"Wensi Tofu, I saw your ghost."

Lu Luxin frowned slightly. Boiled dried shredded silk and Wensi tofu are both well-known "kung fu dishes" in Jiangsu cuisine. In terms of the high requirements for knife skills, they even surpassed the three sets of duck dishes.

How complicated are the knife skills of these two dishes?
Even many experts are arguing endlessly because of this. Some think that it is more skillful to boil dried shredded silk, and some think that there is no doubt that the best knife skill is Wensi tofu. The competition is urgent, and sometimes they can even quarrel, which is unheard of in the industry. From this conclusion, it can be seen how high the requirements for knife skills are for these two dishes.

However, although these two dishes are famous for their knife skills, they are a little bit reluctant to be used as main dishes. Although they are not just simple tofu, after all, there is no lion's head and three sets of ducks sound hard enough.

If it wasn't for Xiangjiang's party and Zhou Dong's intimate knowledge of him, Lu Luxin even suspected that this guy was deliberately testing her sword skills.
"I don't have a ghost for you to see."

Lu Luxin is also a friend of the opposite sex that Zhou Dong met after he was 'born', and Zhou Dong spoke to her more casually: "Don't worry, you took the boss to come here, and I can really let you do it?
I will cook this dish, if you are afraid of being bored, you can help me with some cold dishes, or stir-fry some hot dishes. "

"Why, you don't believe in my knife skills, are you afraid that I will screw it up?"

Lu Luxin has such a temper, she won't let her go and backs away. She heard that Zhou Dong didn't let her cook the main dishes, so she was excited. Although she also knew Zhou Dong's rules, all the main dishes in the private room were made by herself and not faked by outsiders. , but who is her flower boss? Could it be an outsider?You little chef Zhou, you don't even recognize you when you have some reputation!

Zhou Dong said with a smile: "Today's guest is a bit special. He claims to be senior Qin Xing. He wants to eat a dish that embodies knife skills. It just so happens that what I prepared is Wensi tofu, so I decided to do it myself. Uh."

Suddenly feeling something was wrong, she hurriedly stopped talking, but saw Lu Luxin staring at him with blazing anger in her eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean."

"Let me cook this Wensi tofu dish! That's it!"

Lu Luxin snorted coldly: "Senior brother asked me to help the cook, and I make cutting boards. If you don't let me do it, then you will look down on the entire chef Su!"

"Boss Hua, I don't mean that."

Zhou Dong couldn't help but smile wryly, the hat is a bit too big, if you don't let you get started, it means you offend the whole Chef Su?
Today's main dish is Wensi tofu. The clear chicken soup is prepared in advance. After excluding the broth, is there anything else besides knife skills?You are not here to help the cook, you are here to usurp the class and seize power.

"When I get started, you can watch from the side. If you find something wrong, you can point it out at any time."

Lu Luxin laughed secretly in her heart, this guy probably thought she was against him?This time you're thinking about it, my aunt is angry with that 'Senior Qinxing'!

It's not that Lu Luxin disrespects her seniors. In her opinion, the real diligent seniors don't do such things. Going to other people's restaurants and yelling about what kind of senior she is, can this kind of person be really superior?Most of them are blind and bluffing eyes.

"That's fine, I don't dare to point out Boss Hua's mistakes, the main thing is to exchange and learn."

"Hey, why did you learn to be polite when you were on Mango Channel last time?
What are you still doing in a daze, let's go, go to the back kitchen! "

This dish of Wensi Tofu sounds like just tofu, but the ingredients used are extremely complicated. In addition to the most basic clear chicken soup and tofu, shiitake mushrooms, cooked ham, chicken breast, lettuce leaves, and winter bamboo shoots are also used.
How thin should the tofu be cut into shreds after peeling off the old skin?
It can be as fine as possible, and it must be fine and continuous. The chef's knife skills are different, and the final effect is the difference between heaven and earth.

Mushrooms, shredded; winter bamboo shoots, shredded; ham, shredded; chicken, shredded.
To be honest, this dish is really nothing without knife skills. Lu Luxin is the back kitchen of Zhou Dong. If it were any other chef, he would not be able to tolerate him. You can serve this dish on the cutting board What is the face of the chef?
It costs a knife to spend a knife, and it’s a knife to go to the old tofu family, and then cut into slices and shreds, and the interval between cutting the knife does not change at all. The tight sound of the knife is like the most beautiful serenade, and it is a kind of enjoyment to listen to.

Zhou Dong just took a few glances, then told the fat man and the Su brothers to study hard from Mr. Lu, and then he didn't say a word.

From his current point of view, Lu Luxin's saber skills are not without problems, but judging by her saber techniques, they are at least close to the level of a master, which is extremely rare for a woman.

Even if the guest who came today is really Senior Qin Xing, such sword skills must be enough to satisfy him.

"These eight screens were sent by Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, right?"

In the 'Yiyin' hall, a man with a stiff yellow complexion and also wearing a yellow suit was sitting at the table, but his eyes did not look at the cold dishes that had been put on the table, but he nodded slightly at the eight screens: "That's right. Although the paintings and calligraphy on the screen are not made by anyone, the handwork is very exquisite, and the materials used are considered exquisite, so they are very valuable."

"This man has a big tone, as if he has seen so many good things."

Su Momo murmured to herself, but still looked carefully at the two guests at the table with a smile on her face.

It's really extravagant for only two people to eat such an expensive private meal!
Moreover, these two people don't look like the kind of people who are very rich and afraid that people don't know they are rich. Wearing a few emerald rings and a limited edition Vacheron Constantin on their wrists, they dress in a low-key manner.

There were about fifty people sitting next to the man in the yellow suit. Although they smiled kindly, spoke softly, and even spoke softly to her, Su Momo's eyes, which had seen countless guests, could still One can see the official air in him at a glance.


Su Momo was a little surprised, the man in the yellow suit was obviously not an official, but he spoke in a loud tone, but this official was acting like a companion, obviously the man in the yellow suit was the main one, Such a combination of guests is really strange.

"Yes, sir, this set of eight screens was given by Mr. Guo, and many guests praised it.

By the way, the cold dishes are already served, let me give you two names of the dishes."

The man in the yellow suit waved his hand: "You don't need to report the name of the dish. It's a few common hot and cold dishes. There are no major problems, but it's not amazing. It shouldn't be your chef Zhou."

Although the tone was flat, it seemed that he didn't think much of these opening dishes, but he was still very polite. He took a few bites with his chopsticks, nodded slightly and said, "It's not bad, barely worthy of the quality of this private dish. .”

The bureaucratic fat man next to him could hardly stop eating with his chopsticks. After hearing this, he could only smile awkwardly, put down his chopsticks reluctantly and said, "Hehe, it's okay, it's okay."

Su Momo suppressed a smile and glanced at the fat man: "Two gentlemen, eat slowly, I'll rush the next dishes,
By the way, gentlemen, today's main course will be Wensi Tofu. "

"Oh, it's Wensi Tofu?"

The man in the yellow suit nodded: "Did Chef Zhou make it yourself?"

"Of course, don't worry, sir."

Su Momo also spent some days in the back kitchen, so she naturally understands that as long as the chef is cooking on the stove, the dish is considered to be made by the chef himself, even if the boss Hua put it on the cutting board, it cannot be named.

Seeing Su Momo leave, the official-looking fat man lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Huang, I heard from the news from the capital that Cangjiuwang and Chef Ling have both met this Chef Zhou. What are you doing?"

The man surnamed Huang looked at him. After he came to Chudu, this local official was considered to be very attentive. In fact, although he also had an official status, he was just a cook after all. What the other party valued was not that he could often Are you walking around the 'grandfather'?

In the officialdom, people pay attention to reciprocating love and making good friends. It is not easy to hide this matter from the other party, so he lowered his voice and said: "Speaking of this time, I would like to thank you for helping me make an appointment for Chef Zhou's private kitchen. it's not good to lie to you
Cangjiu Wang and the others came to find Zhou Dong, which can be regarded as a business matter, but I came here for a private matter. "

"Private business?"

The fat man was startled. Does he know whose personal chef this Mr. Huang is? If there is no dish cooked by Mr. Huang on weekdays, the old man will not have much appetite for meals. If it is not for special things, how can Mr. Huang be good at From Kyoto?

And a week in advance, someone in the capital contacted me, asking me to help me reserve a table at Zhou's private restaurant, how could this be an ordinary private matter?

"This matter comes out of my mouth and into your ears. Don't spread it everywhere. It will have a bad influence."

The man surnamed Huang lowered his voice: "The old man heard that Chef Zhou once used a bowl of porridge to prolong people's life. "

The fat man's face turned serious when he heard the words, and he understood why the man surnamed Huang reminded himself not to publicize this matter, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xiao is not worried, so I asked Mr. Huang to find out about Chef Zhou. ?”

"You guessed it.

In fact, Chef Zhou is well-known and must have strength, but the old man wants to see him. This matter is no small matter, but it is a little different from Cang Yanshan using his dozens of catties of wine. "

Mr. Huang said: "I was entrusted by Mr. Xiao. Firstly, I want to see how far Chef Zhou's culinary skills have reached. Secondly, I also want to see his people.
If he is only good at cooking but frivolous and restless, then he is not suitable to meet the old man, and Mr. Xiao will naturally explain something to the old man. "

"Yeah, it's Mr. Xiao's thoughtfulness, which is admirable."

The fat official secretly repeated Zhou Dong's name several times, and vowed to keep it firmly in his heart. No matter whether this Chef Zhou had a chance to meet the old man in the future, he was also a person who had registered with the old man. Not only must such a character never be offended, but one must also find opportunities to get close to him, preferably to become friends with him.

The two had their own thoughts. After waiting in the private room for a while, they heard footsteps outside. Mr. Huang twitched his nose a few times, nodded slightly and said, "It's the Wensi Tofu that arrived.
To identify dishes, you must first identify the taste. This broth is really amazing! "

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Big Brother Xu' for their reward and support, and thanks to friends who support light and darkness by subscription, monthly pass, and recommendation ticket:)
(End of this chapter)

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