I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 402 Chapter 401 The Master of Diet Therapy (6-character chapter)

Chapter 402 Chapter 401 Diet Therapy Master ([-]-word chapter)

Before Wu Juan finished speaking, a waiter had already opened the second partition, and said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, Mrs. Wu, now is the second act."

After the second partition cover was lifted, the Wu family could see that there were porcelain grids in the large plate, just like the mandarin duck pot used for hot pot in Sichuan Province. However, because the plate is large enough, each section can be self-contained. a whole subject.

Previously, the 'flood raging' endangered the living environment of the small animals, which attracted Wu Juan to help the small animals drink the 'qi-replenishing porridge' carefully prepared by Zhou Dong. The vitality lost by the little girl's illness for many years also made her gastrointestinal function gradually recover, and thus she developed an appetite, even saying that she was hungry.

And the second theme is 'harvest',
There are acres of fields on the plate, and the golden crops in the fields are full of grains. It is time to harvest. The small animals that escaped the flood in the previous scene are hiding in the nearby forests or hiding in the forest. In the fields, it seems that they are celebrating this hard-won harvest with the farmers.

The field is made of flour mixed with pumpkin powder. It smells like bursts of scorched aroma. If you look closely, you will find that this is a big pancake made in Lu Province. It is spread with a well-mixed batter The fragrant and crispy pancakes baked on the continuously heated porcelain plate below, as well as the crops erected on the field, are actually real ears of wheat, but the wheat kernels in them are already baked. Take it off and rub it lightly, and the wheat kernels that have been baked into topaz color will fall on the palm of your hand with a little warmth. You don't need chopsticks or bowls to eat this kind of roasted wheat kernels, you just have to throw them into the mouth at once. smell it.

Wu Juan held the peeled wheat grains in her hand and looked at them quietly, and suddenly remembered the roasted wheat grains her father made for her when she was a child. They were delicious, fragrant and sweet.

Putting a handful of wheat grains into her mouth at once, she ate a piece of crispy pancake when she was chewing her mouth full of burnt aroma. With the mellow soup and porridge in the first scene, Wu Juan ate faster and faster. Those big eyes that are deeply sunken in their sockets are gradually shining. I haven't felt that eating can be so happy for a long time.
"Step by step, this is the right way to gourmet!"

Father Wu was grateful before, but now he has added admiration to his gratitude. Chef Zhou tried every means to warm up his daughter's stomach and restore her appetite. Zhongzheng food to fill the empty stomach of the daughter, this kind of care is not only a famous chef, but also a famous doctor!

How lucky is the Wu family to have such a chef, and how lucky is Huaxia to have such a chef?
"Dad, why am I getting hungry more and more and suddenly want to eat meat?"

Wu Juan felt that her stomach had suddenly turned into a bottomless pit. Although the thin wheat-flavored pancakes and baked wheat grains were delicious, she gradually felt that they were not enjoyable enough. She suddenly remembered that she loved meat most when she was a child. Tear off the chicken legs and let yourself eat alone.

'Gollum! '

Wu Juan couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva, and the glutton in her belly, which had been silent for a long time, started to move again.
"Haha, little sister Wu Juan, you haven't eaten meat for so long, you can't just eat it now? Otherwise, your stomach won't be able to bear it."

Along with the laughter, Zhou Dong, Huai Liangren and Yan Yi walked into the 'Yi Yin' hall at the same time. The three chefs looked at Wu Juan with smiles, obviously happy that her condition was relieved.

It was Zhou Dong who spoke. Ever since the three of them walked into the private room, Wu Juan's gaze had been on his face. The little girl's thoughts were the most genuine. Among the three, Zhou Dong was the most handsome and conceived Compared with Zhou Dongyi, he can barely read it. As for Yan Yi, hehe.
Seeing that the three chefs had come in person, Wu's father and Wu's mother hurriedly got up, and Wu's father said gratefully: "Chef Zhou, thank you so much for making you worry so much about my daughter.

The first plate in the world, one dish is divided into three acts, and the ingenuity can be seen in each act. Wu Zhongting will never forget this love! "

Huai Liangren and Yan Yi looked at Father Wu carefully, secretly surprised in their hearts,

This man who seems to be dressed in simple clothes and his family background doesn't seem to be very good actually has extraordinary knowledge.It is very difficult for ordinary customers to call out "the best plate in the world" in one bite. People who can recognize this kind of plate, if they are not from the Zhongming Dingshi Family, must be well-informed. But from the outside, Wu Father and these two types of people are not close to each other, right?
Zhou Dong was also a little surprised. His comprehensive level of white cases is now close to the perfect level, but this is the case, and he has to practice in the system for many days before he can perfectly present this "childlike fun", let alone the soup and porridge first. It takes a lot of ingenuity to make up.

Father Wu was able to see his thoughts at a glance, which surprised him, but also made him secretly happy. Chefs are like musicians, painters, and writers. After creating works with heart, they also hope to be recognized by experts. If you have a 'confidant', you will feel more comforted.

"Chef Zhou, it's been a long time since Juan'er got this disease. I don't know the third act of this dish."

At this moment, Mother Wu was most concerned about whether her daughter would have enough to eat, and she didn't even have time to thank Zhou Dong, so she asked about the content of the third act.

Wu Zhongting glanced at his wife, and said with a wry smile: "Chef Zhou, don't be surprised, as a mother, you only want to be a daughter, and you have lost your manners."

Zhou Dong waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, Mr. Wu, my mother also cares about me. If I got this disease instead, she might be even more anxious. Pity the parents of the world.

Don't worry, Mrs. Wu, since you have entered my private room, there is absolutely no reason not to let the guests eat. However, considering that little sister Juan'er has been ill for a long time and her spleen and stomach are weak, it is absolutely impossible to eat something too greasy, so this last The scene is called 'Celebrating New Year's Harvest', and the main course is a fish, but it is vegetarian fish. "

Speaking of this, he smiled and glanced at Yan Yiyi who was standing beside him: "This dish is not made by me, but by our master Yan Yi. Although it is vegetarian fish, its taste and nutrition are not inferior to meat dishes. "

As he spoke, he gently opened the third small partition, and suddenly a unique smell of cooked fish rose up. On the plate was a fat doll made of dough, holding a big carp with a big head and tail in his hand. Knowing that this fish is vegetarian, I am afraid that I will think it is real.

Zhou Dong said with a smile: "Celebrating Nianfeng, also known as 'every year there is fish', Mr. Wu, Ms. Wu, sister Juaner, please taste."

This vegetarian fish dish is one of Yan Yi’s specialty dishes. The bamboo shoots used for the fish bones are shredded and frozen in the freezer to make them hard. Yes, it is made of seaweed with a fishy taste. The taste is almost the same as that of real fish, but it is all vegetarian from the inside to the outside.

All three members of the Wu family ate with great appetite. Wu Juan ate half a vegetarian fish and half a bowl of rice. Since she suffered from anorexia four years ago, this is the first time she has found food again. feeling full.

After belching lightly, two blushes suddenly appeared on Wu Juan's skinny face. She glanced at Zhou Dong lightly, and her face became even redder. At the moment when she was full, the 15-year-old The young girl finally has the affection she should have at this age.
After sending off thousands of thanks and Wu Juan who had regained her vigor, Zhou Dong looked at Yan Yi with a smile: "Master Yan has done a good job of vegetarian fish, and today you have contributed a great deal, so if a reporter comes to interview you in the future , that's up to you, Master Yan."

"Haha, I'll take care of the reporters, don't worry, I'm good at this!

But Lao Zhou, you are too polite. Although this vegetarian fish dish is my specialty, if it is not for your last reminder of "take the soup into the belly", I am afraid it will be inferior. Lao Zhou, this time I Lao Yan was really convinced. "

"Master Yan, please be polite."

"Hahaha, each other each other."

"Father, there is news from Chudu."

The middle-aged man stood in front of the old man's desk a little cautiously, with a look of joy on his face.

"Oh, it's about Juan'er?"

The old man gently took out the green tea leaves from the teacup, stuffed them into his mouth, chewed them up and swallowed them slowly, and looked at the middle-aged man with some expectation: "Are you going to tell me that countless famous doctors are helpless with anorexia, but the result is Solved by a chef?"

"Father guessed right!"

The middle-aged man beamed and said: "Chef Zhou is really ingenious. He actually used the 'No. [-] plate in the world'. One plate is divided into three acts. It starts with enticing Juan'er to eat, first replenishing the yuan with soup and porridge, and then using wheat Noodles to satisfy their hunger, and vegetarian fish for the three members of the Wu family to have a full meal,
Juan'er was also suffering, for four years, she was finally willing to eat a full meal! "

The old man took off his presbyopic glasses and looked at his son carefully: "Are you full?"

"I'm full, I'm really full. It is said that when Juan'er walked out of Zhou's private hall, she was still hiccupping, and her face was flushed. It is obvious that her vitality has gradually recovered and her condition has eased."

The old man nodded again and again: "It's good to be full, it's good to be full, as long as a person can eat, there will be no problems, haha!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "Before the Wu family left, Chef Zhou also gave a prescription for diet therapy. It is said that he and the other two chefs researched it together, and asked Wu Zhongting to give Juan according to this prescription every day. The son is warming up slowly, and it is said that after three to five months, Ke's vitality will be completely restored."

"He is a careful boy."

The old man smiled and said, "Zhou Dong, I have written down this name, what are the other two names?"

"Huai Liangren, Yan Yi."

"By the way, that brat Huai is said to have won the French Le Cordon Bleu medal? Yan Yi is that old monk's disciple, right? Not bad, not bad!"

The old man smiled and said: "By the way, Ling Zhenfeng and Cang Yanshan recommended Zhou Dong, right? You can start to deal with this matter. If he agrees, you can get a regular salary first, and you don't need him to sit on duty, just When the country is in need, he can come to help.

There are also two other boys, if they are interested, they will be treated the same way, but the chef is in control of our mouths, they are also talents of the country, we must cherish them! "

The middle-aged man nodded: "Yes, father, I will start to do it immediately, but according to Cang Yanshan, Zhou Dong doesn't seem to be very interested in the official status, if he refuses."

"Haha, there are not many people who don't want to be an official. If he refuses, I will look up to him even more. Didn't Cang Yanshan say that Zhou Dong would come to help if he promised? When he comes to the capital, you Receive him personally, and bring him to meet me if you have a chance.”

The middle-aged man was startled: "Father, although Zhou Dong has some status in Huaxia Qinxing, he doesn't even have an official status. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to come to see you directly?"

"What's inappropriate? If he really has an official status, then it's inappropriate! What's more, if he is kind to the Wu family, it is equivalent to being kind to our business. It is not an exaggeration to meet a 'benefactor'."

The old man glanced at his son: "Your father is seventy-five years old this year, and he wants to try his green lotus root fat jade porridge too."
Although there are many famous chefs in the contemporary era, there are not many "cook doctors" like him who can cure serious ailments and prolong their lives with just one porridge!This is a master of food therapy, don't you understand? "

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up: "Father, my son understands!"

A business can't do without the old man, the old man is the luck of the business!

Now Huaxia has produced a person who can continue the luck of the business at a critical moment!

How stupid I am, why didn't I think of it before?

Suddenly remembered something again, the middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Father, although Fan Mingren lost for a while, according to the information I got, it seems that he has not given up. He still wants to use means to force Chef Zhou to work for the Fan family."

The old man smiled coldly: "Well, then you should inform Fan Mingren, tell him that Zhou Dong is my business benefactor and a distinguished guest in the future, and let him think about what to do.

Hehe, making troubles in the industry, forming cliques, and using power to overwhelm others?

Seeing that they were just a bunch of cooks before, the country didn't bother to ask, really thought they couldn't be dealt with?joke! "

"Brother President, Chef Xie from Huacuiju is leaving tomorrow, and it is estimated that he will arrive in Chudu around noon tomorrow.

According to your instructions, we will also set up a private room on the side of 'Food is the Sky', and sooner or later let that Zhou Dong, Brother President? "

The skinny monkey is planning to do this cleanly and neatly, and he is about to be praised by Fan Mingren. This Chef Xie can cook authentic palace dishes. In today's Shandong cuisine, there are two honors. He is very proud of the name of a young master of Lu cuisine. Even though he is from the Fan family, he is also a high-ranking guest official. He would not come to fight against each other at first, thanks to his sharp tongue. .

Thin Monkey San'er feels that he is Sun Dasheng now, called Tian Tian Ying and Di Di Ling, he can borrow any soldier he wants to borrow, cow is just one word, I only say it once!
Unexpectedly, the CEO didn't seem to hear his words, he stood there for a long time without opening his mouth, just frowning in thought, as if he had encountered something embarrassing.

"Could it be that my 'little sisters-in-law' are annoying the president again? No, they should be called little aunts? If that's the case, the president's mood will definitely not get better right now, so I should be more careful."

"A shot can cure a serious illness, and a porridge can save your life. Benefactor, honored guest?"

Fan Mingren shook his head suddenly, and sighed: "San'er, tell Chef Xie that the affairs of Chudu are over, so he doesn't have to come here."


The thin monkey was stunned for a moment: "Brother President, didn't you say that Zhou Dong is a rare genius who has been working hard for a century, and our Fan family must make him obediently submissive. Don't you want to include him in the Fan family?"

"You think the Fan family is awesome, right? There is no cook in Qinxing that I, Fan Mingren, can't do, and can't handle?"

"That's right, our Fan family is half the sky of Huaxia Qinxing. If any chef dares not to listen to you, President, he won't even be able to keep his job unless he changes his career!"

"Hehe, but where is the job of the Fan family?"

Fan Mingren smiled wryly and said, "San'er, do you know that some people can make the Fan family lose their jobs with just one word? But it is this kind of person who brought me the word that Zhou Dong is his benefactor, and he will be even more so in the future." VIPs.

Don't even think about it, this 'Master Zhou', can our Fan family afford it!

From today onwards, forget what I said, Chef Zhou and our Fan family will never make a deal, they have been good friends from the very beginning! "

Skinny Monkey San'er's eyes widened when he heard this: "A good friend?"

"What's the matter, what's your problem? Such a talented young chef, the master of Huaxia Qinxing's young generation, has a great future in the future, and I, Fan Mingren, are afraid that I won't be able to climb high! I'm afraid that Chef Zhou will not want me as a friend!
No, I have to think about it. I'd better send a few pairs of flower baskets first, what's the use of you!My good friend Fan Mingren opened the business, and you didn't even ask for a post?Not to mention sending a few flower baskets over?How I taught you before!It's just trash snacks! "

San'er is wronged, but he didn't dare to refute, he just said: "But they have been open for a long time, so I will send you a flower basket at this time."

"What's the matter with sending it at this time? As long as it can express the goodwill of my Fan family! What are you still doing, why don't you do it immediately!"

"Yes, Brother President, I'll go right away, don't be angry, it's all my fault, I'm not good at doing things."

San'er thought to himself, I've never seen someone like you, so I know how to scold me, my surname is Dou, I'm Dou E's own brother!

Dou E's brother sent four pairs of flower baskets. At first glance, the flowers are rare and expensive, but what is even rarer than the flowers is the eyes of the staff and guests of Zhou's Private Office. I have never seen such two. It's been a month since the opening, and now you think of sending flower baskets?Moreover, the opening of Zhou's private room is very low-key, and it takes a 'high-cold' route. You rush to send flower baskets, isn't this just flirting with blind people?
Zhou Dong also felt strange. It was strange that the five Laoxionggou brothers were withdrawn before, but now Fan Mingren is showing his favor directly, throwing a lot of flowers of friendship. Could it be that the head of the Fan family is also sick and needs to go to Chu Are you looking at a mental hospital?It felt like he was more of a patient than himself!

But Zhou Dong has a good thing, he puts aside the things he can't figure out, so as not to tire himself out, in fact, what kind of struggle for master status, these are not his real goals.

To achieve the ultimate achievement of the world chef as soon as possible, the most important thing is to completely get rid of the root of the disease. In the future, I will live in Ajie Valley when I am free, and go around the world when I want to move. Isn’t this day more beautiful than a fairy?Zhou Dong felt that the dispute over national dishes had nothing to do with him.

The meeting of the Huaxia Cuisine Association held every three years will be held in more than a year. He, a diligent young master, will definitely attend the meeting at that time, and he will not be able to avoid it. Both internally and externally hope that he can support Sichuan or Jiangsu cuisine. It is simply because Mr. Dong was originally from Sichuan Province, and now he is the chairman of the Suzhou Cuisine and Food Association. A respected old man also has a butt problem.

Yi Zhiyu and Lu Zhiwei had already told him such things, Zhou Dong felt more and more headache the more he listened to it, so he just kept silent.

After entering the system to check, I found that the task of 'Little Expert in Management' has been completed for the most part.

However, the so-called majority means that the ten dishes belonging to the eight major cuisines have reached the level of "proficiency", but the progress of the task of developing three new dishes or restoring three ancient dishes is still zero.

By the way, I took a look at the task of 'Gourmet Duck'. This task requires Yongyong to become a 'Gourmet Duck' who can taste food and has a certain level. After completing the task, his tasting skills will break through to the legendary level.

The more he reaches Zhou Dong's level, the more he understands how important taste is to a chef. Now his basic cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and he has the ability to learn and study dishes even without relying on good luck. It's still a little short, probably because the perfect level of tasting skills is not enough to support his needs.

Counting it, it has been a few days since Baiweisheng took 'Yongyong' to Kyoto, and I don't know if the task will change now?Zhou Dong called up the Gourmet Duck task interface and looked expectantly.


On the interface of the gourmet duck task, there is actually an extra task progress bar, the full value is 100, and now it has reached 55/100. Zhou Dong is overjoyed. Can do some practical things.

Thinking that Baiweisheng had left his phone number for him when he took Yongyong and his wife away, Zhou Dong wanted to call him and ask about the recent situation of the two big white ducks. Zhou Dong frowned slightly, but still got through the phone.

"What's the matter, Momo? You said that the guest who made an appointment tomorrow claims to be a senior Qin Xing, and wants to test my cooking skills? I hope that I can eat a dish with outstanding knife skills tomorrow?

Hehe, didn't you tell him that it is not allowed to order food in Zhou's private restaurant? "

After Zhou Dong put down the phone, he shook his head and couldn't help laughing. Why did a senior Qinxing appear again? Could it be that Huaxia Qinxing's seniors let him meet?

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Infinite Brilliance', 'Elmy' and 'People's Heart Upward' for their support, and thanks for the subscription, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets for supporting the light and dark friends:)
(End of this chapter)

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