Chapter 382 Mastering Hundred Famous Dishes

Looking at a mountain of fish piled up by the lake, Zhou's father had nothing to say for a while, Zhou's mother just kept laughing, every time her son wins over his wife, she would regard it as her own victory, thinking it represented a benign The maternal gene has completely defeated the inferior paternal gene, and the son is born to follow his mother!
There are some differences between grass carp cakes and ground pot fish. Ground pot fish pays attention to half of the noodles in the soup and half on the wall of the pot, half of the noodles absorb the soup, and half of the noodles are browned and crispy. On the surface, knead the dough with high gluten and elasticity, roll it into a thin and nearly transparent cake, put it in the fish soup piece by piece, cook it and put it in a bowl and suck it lightly, the delicious fish soup is full of elasticity The chewy biscuits just entered the mouth, delicious and full, and healthy and easy to digest.

Zhou's father, who had expected his son's craftsmanship for a long time, couldn't help but praise him repeatedly, and didn't care whether his son would be proud of it. Zhou's mother made an exception and even ate seven or eight slices of cakes and drank a small pot of fish soup. , looking at the empty bowl in front of him, with deep worry on his brows, how good is this, if he often eats the delicious food made by his son in the future, will he lose his figure?The old man is very bad, I can't become a yellow-faced woman early, I have to be beautiful for a lifetime!

After eating this meal for more than an hour, the driver who was waiting at the entrance of the village almost honked his horn, and the family of three walked out of the village happily.
Zhou Dong directly transferred 100 million to Zhou's father's bank card. The car purchase was recommended by his father. For nothing else, he just likes to enjoy the fun of this kind of shopping!

Who said that this kind of fun can only belong to women?And I have heard from some old brothers who often play chess together that there are a lot of beauties in the shop of the fourth son, and they only focus on half-grown "uncles" like him. If you go, you have to face the gunfire by yourself!
As for why his son suddenly had so much money, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother didn't ask much. This level, if the annual salary is not two or three million, I am embarrassed to meet people?Both husband and wife have seen today's scene. Just by looking at the hospitality of the eight chefs, you can tell that the son is now in Kyushu Dingshi.
Zhou Dong actually wanted to transfer more money to his parents, but this time the two elders rejected him at the same time as if they had a good understanding, saying that the future is still long, and you have to learn how to manage money yourself, let alone in the future we You moved to Fengqi Mountain, and you have no one to take care of you in Chu, so you can pay back if you don’t have money?

In fact, Dad Zhou still has something to say, a man is not enough to have a career just because he looks good, he has to have money in his pocket!Those beautiful little girls are the only ones who come forward in an organized way. They all gave the money to their parents. Are you stupid?Do you understand the truth that people are not romantic and young people are wasted?

Anyway, my parents were very satisfied with this trip to the mountain, and they all agreed to settle in Fengqi Mountain, but the way they looked at Zhou Dong was very wrong, and they often whispered behind his back. The most basic trust between people has been lost, no matter how you look at it, this pair of parents seems to be calculating themselves
"You can't bring up the matter of going to the capital right away, let alone mention it as soon as the private room hall opens. This may make Zhou Dong think that the Gu family is plotting against him."

The sun on Sunday did not have a holiday, it was abundant and bright, shining into the meeting room on the [-]th floor of Kyushu Dingshi, and also shining on the faces of the eight chefs who were "with their own ghosts".

While Gu Yacheng was thinking in his heart, his eyes swept across the faces of the eight chefs.

It seems that you can't sit still?The fact that the eight chefs appeared at the small courtyard of Zhou's family in Huilongwo at the same time yesterday's lunch can't be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Gu family. Judging from the meaning of the eight of them, it should be that they intend to make friends with Zhou Dong, but it's hard to say. Smiling and stabbing a knife in the back is not uncommon. My sister and I need to be more careful. This kid is stupid. He didn't talk about his cooking skills, but when it comes to fighting against the sky, the earth, and people His ability is absolutely inferior to the eight 'old fritters' in front of him.

He winked at Gu Yanan, meaning that you, the president, should speak first, and explore the minds of these chefs.

Gu Yanan nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Chef Zhou is not only busy in the big wine tank, but also goes to the breakfast department every half a month. It is rare to have a rest on weekends. We should be more considerate when he comes late. It just so happens that he No, it's convenient for us to talk
Well, the private room restaurant is about to open. I believe all the chefs know the plan of Kyushu Dingshi, so I won’t say more. In short, it is to rely on the private room hall to promote the top-level gourmet image of Kyushu Dingshi. Therefore, this requires everyone cooperation and support. "

In fact, Zhou Dong is really not a person who likes to sleep in. It is because the Gu brothers and sisters notified him that the meeting time was postponed for half an hour, just to let him arrive later, so the two brothers and sisters can communicate with the eight chefs in advance. If there is any problem, try to solve it before he comes.

The eight chefs exchanged glances with each other, thinking that it was indeed so.

Gu Yacheng smiled and said: "President Gu has finished speaking, I will also add a few words,

That's right, in the future, our Kyushu Dingshi will focus on 'Zhou's Private Kitchen', supplemented by eight major cuisines, and all resources will be tilted towards Zhou Dong. Why are we holding this meeting today? Don’t keep it in your heart, just say it, you have to speak freely.”

Hearing Gu Yacheng's words, the needle could be heard in the conference room. Although none of the eight chefs expressed objection on the spot, none of them spoke. Everyone's expressions were a little subtle.

What resources will Zhou Dong's private room compete with other cuisines?There is nothing to dispute about hardware resources, and there is no shortage of service personnel, but they are the most important ingredients for Qinxing.

In other words, the dishes of the eight major cuisines are different, and when the ingredients used are also interlinked, whether a dish is good or not depends on the chef's craftsmanship, but the ingredients are not important?Ordinary ingredients are nothing more than some top-notch ingredients that money can’t buy much, so whoever has more in their hands will be the best!

In the past, when encountering such precious ingredients, all major cuisines were firstly distributed according to the needs of the cuisines, and then according to the qualifications of the chefs. On the premise of friendly consultation and common progress, the distribution was more reasonable.

For example, the rare three-headed abalone should be given to Cantonese chef Qin first. After all, we all know that Cantonese cuisine has a huge proportion of seafood, but you can use abalone in Cantonese cuisine, but I don’t have it in Sichuan cuisine?Do you dare to say that the four-flavored abalone in Sichuan cuisine is not delicious?
My Dalu cuisine also has abalone, and our "grilled abalone in original shell" is also famous, which is worse than anyone else!Don't worry about whether this dish must have three-headed abalone, I will dare to use it if you give it to me!

It is true that each cuisine has its own chef and purchasing personnel, but such top-level ingredients cannot be obtained by the chef of a certain cuisine, and Kyushu Dingshi can only purchase them through special channels of the group. The distribution is coordinated by the hotel. If there is no rule for distribution, then it must be brains?
You must know that these top-level precious ingredients represent not only profit and RMB, but also the strength of a chef, the face of the chef, and even directly determine the influence and reputation of the chef among high-end customers!It has long gone beyond the meaning of the ingredients themselves.

In the past, these ingredients were distributed according to the rules, but now that Gu Yacheng has made a final decision, all resources will be tilted towards Zhou Dong in the future?Although everyone has been prepared in their hearts, they are still a little bit upset. Is it because only newcomers laugh and old ones cry?
However, Zhou Dong is now in full swing, not to mention various titles, just an international gold medal in the Xiangjiang Food Competition is overwhelming, not to mention that this young man has a pure and honest personality, and he is really liked, so although everyone feels a little Dissatisfied, but no one said anything.

Gu Yanan smiled and said: "Chefs, if you have any opinions, please put them forward. If it is really reasonable, we will consider it."

"Okay, then I'll just say a few words, after all, Zhou Dong has been an intern in Lu Chu, and he even called me Teacher Shen"

Shen Gongdao said with a smile: "If you want me to say this is nothing, it should be like this. The group's plan is to establish the image of China's top food group with great ambitions. Think about it, if it wasn't for Chef Zhou , who else can carry this banner?"

Shang Shicheng said: "Brother Lu said that Chef Zhou is kind and skilled. With him in our Kyushu Dingshi, we are afraid that we will not be able to prosper? In the future, the business will spread all over China, and even go abroad. People like us Anyway, he can be regarded as a veteran, so I'm afraid it won't be good? I'm afraid we will all have to thank Chef Zhou at that time."

Seeing that both Shen Shang and Shen Shang had stated their positions, Chef Qin of Sichuan Cuisine hurriedly said: "What the two elder brothers said is exactly what we are doing diligently. In the end, strength is the first priority. Chef Zhou has this strength, so he should be awarded by the group. Resources are skewed, anyway, I have no objection.”

Well, the three of you don't have an opinion, so should we have an opinion?Not to mention that the benefits in the future will be seen, even if we don't mention these things, we must try our best to make friends with a diligent young master. If we can't figure out this joint, we will still rush to visit Zhou's house with gifts?The remaining five chefs also expressed their opinions one after another: That is to say, Mr. Gu and Gu Dong said this first, and even if you don't mention it, we will bring it up too!

Gu Yanan smiled and said: "That's good, when Chef Zhou arrives later, let's tell him the good news."

"Haha, Chef Zhou will definitely be very happy when he finds out. This can be regarded as an opening gift from us people to the 'Zhou's Private Hall'. When Chef Zhou's private hall opens, we have to let him Would you like a table?"

"That's right, he can't hide from this meal"

The atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became very harmonious, and the scene of 56 ethnic groups singing a song together is probably like this.

The door of the meeting room was knocked, and Zhou Dong walked into the meeting room under the guidance of the secretary. He was a little confused when he saw the scene, no, I came a few minutes early, why am I late?

"Sorry, maybe I'm late?"

Zhou Dong looked at Gu Yanan suspiciously, it seems that she notified the wrong time, right?
"Chef Zhou, it's not your fault, it's my secretary who got the meeting time wrong when notifying you."

After successfully throwing the pot away, Gu Yanan smiled gently at Zhou Dong: "Sit down, we were talking about the opening of the private room hall just now, and decided to give more resources to the private room hall in the future and fully support your work."

After listening to what Gu Yanan and several chefs talked about, Zhou Dong smiled and shook his head: "Thank you everyone, but there is no need to do this, everyone needs top-quality ingredients, and I will give them to my private hall It's not appropriate, I think it's better to follow the previous rules."

Gu Yanan said anxiously: "Zhou Dong, this is the hotel's decision, so don't push it away."

"Mr. Gu, you don't think I can't cook well without those top ingredients, do you?"

Zhou Dong said with a smile: "Actually, for a chef, it is good to have top-level ingredients available, but even if you don't have top-level ingredients, you should have confidence in your cooking skills. Naturally, there are green vegetable tofu recipes. I don't want to be a chef dominated by top ingredients.
And now even the menu of the private room has not yet been decided, it seems that it is too early to talk about the ingredients. "

Top ingredients?There is nothing in the map of the ground material, and there is no need to compete with these chefs.

Shen Gongdao said with a smile: "Chef Zhou should not shirk the things that have been decided, otherwise everyone's hearts will be chilled. By the way, just now Chef Zhou said that the menu has not been decided yet? And the daily business hours after the opening, Have you decided on the number of tables to be served?"

They are all insiders, so they naturally understand that there are private kitchens. Everyone guesses that Zhou Dong should serve one table a day. Too much is not good, too little, the 'style' is too high, The private kitchen that just opened did not do this.

The descendant of the royal chef that Gu Yacheng mentioned is an exception. Firstly, his family background is there, and secondly, he did not only serve one table a month at the beginning. He also started the business first, and his reputation spread throughout the forty-nine cities. Then he started to get irritable.

"Well, my plan is to serve one table a day. I need to book in advance. I also plan to use this private dining room to familiarize myself with the famous dishes of various cuisines. If possible, I also want to introduce some new dishes."

After returning from Fengqi Village last night, there have been some subtle changes in the system. Although the breakthrough mission of the legendary tasting skill 'Gourmet Duck' is still in the process of completion, a new mission has appeared, and it is a continuation of the main mission .

'The time is not limited. The host is required to be proficient in more than ten signature dishes belonging to the eight major cuisines during the operation of the private room. It needs to be at the top level of China (corresponding to the perfect level, real life chef level), and develop three new dishes at the same time or Restore three lost ancient dishes.

After the task is completed, the host will be awarded the title of "Little Expert in Management", and the appreciation value obtained in the future will be increased by 20.00%. '

Since winning the Supreme Gold Award in the Xiangjiang Food Competition, the main task has not appeared for a long time, and this time the task rewards are generous, and the appreciation value bonus of 20.00% is simply too useful, which means that Zhou Dong will be able to practice a lot in the Good Fortune Kitchen , but don't worry about running out of appreciation points.

"One table a day, isn't it too frequent?"

Gu Yacheng smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, Zhou Dong, I'm not trying to interfere with the operation of the back kitchen, but I've been to 'Zhang's Cuisine' in Kyoto, and the reputation of this private kitchen is no less than that of Suiyuan, and its temper is comparable to that of Yuan Zidan's." Bigger, they only serve one table a month, and there is no recipe, so what the guests can eat depends entirely on the mood of the chef
This is what top-level private cooking should look like. I'm afraid one table a day is not worthy of your identity as the chef of last week? "

"Hehe, look at what Chairman Gu said, what is my identity? Although I have achieved a little bit, I am still a diligent junior."

Zhou Dong shook his head and said, "I still want to do my best. If I don't have to go to the breakfast department every half a month and have a big wine tank to look after, I would still like to serve lunch and dinner in one day."

The other courtyard in Ajie Lake is almost completed, and it can't be settled with hundreds of thousands. Zhou Dong is already planning to give Shen Cheng a sum of money. Besides, parents can't stay in Fengqi Mountain all the time, can they?My mother's dream when she was young was to travel around the world. If she hadn't been dragged down by herself all these years, she might have realized it a few years earlier. Now that she has the ability, it is natural to help her realize her dream.

It all takes money!Although Zhou Dong wanted to retire to Fengqi Mountain to enjoy his life in the future, he still had to earn enough money before that. He could supply one table a month.

Gu Yacheng smiled bitterly: "Chef Zhou, don't think about your income. If it affects your income, the group will naturally make up for you. The banner that Kyushu Dingshi needs now is of course the higher the better." .”

Zhou Dong shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. I rely on my own ability and hands to make money. It's not a long-term solution for the group to make up for me, and it's not good to say it. It seems that Kyushu Dingshi spent money to support me as an idler.

What's more, I have to rely on the money I earn from the private room to subsidize the big wine tank. Is the loss of the big wine tank also borne by the group? "

Gu Yacheng was speechless for a moment. He knew that big wine tanks don't make money, and the better the business, the more losses he will lose. But this is the feeling of Chef Zhou. He and his sister can't say anything, but let the group bear the loss. That is obviously impossible.

"Haha, Chairman Gu and Chef Zhou, take a step back each if you want me to tell you.

I have also heard of the Zhangjia cuisine that Chairman Gu has been to in Kyoto. In fact, one table a month is a later thing. At the beginning, I didn’t have such a big temper. After all, Kyushu Dingshi is open for business. There is no reason to let the guests come to us in turn, right?
I don't think Chef Zhou's plan will change, one table a day, but Chairman Gu's words are not unreasonable, and Chef Zhou should maintain some restraint in his current position in Qinxing.

I don’t think it’s better than this, one table per day, but Chef Zhou is only in charge of the main course for each table, which is actually one dish per day, and Chef Zhou has one day off on Sunday.”

Zhou Dong nodded slightly. After making the 'eggs' in the big wine tank on Saturday, he can go back to live in Fengqi Mountain. In this way, he can steal Fusheng's two days of leisure, but each table only cooks one dish, and the other dishes are left to Huai. It seems a little bad for Liang Ren and Yan Yi to do it, right?
Although both of them expressed their intention to join his private room, but occupying the 'c' position like this is too disrespectful to the two friends. Zhou Dong is a kind person.

Before Zhou Dong could ask, Shang Shicheng said, "Then who will cook the rest of the dishes?"

"Hehe, it's not that simple. Although Chef Zhou's private room is owned by Chef Zhou, it's also owned by our Kyushu Dingshi. As Mr. Gu said just now, we all have to support it with all our strength.

Chef Zhou can choose the main dish of the day, so the rest of the side dishes must really match the main dish of last week's chef.

It’s not that I’m boasting, if I say that the cuisines in the world are the most exquisite and luxurious, and can be matched with this “Zhou’s private kitchen”, then it’s our Lu cuisine!

So, Chef Zhou, you don't have to worry about the side dishes at all, these will naturally be solved by our Lu chef! "

"Ah bah! Your surname is Shen, you think it's pretty?"

(End of this chapter)

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