I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 354 Rose Dew

Chapter 354 Rose Dew

After the rose dew was poured into the wine glass, it turned out to be the pink color that my daughter's family liked quite a bit, and it was a bit rich in the meaning of hanging the glass. It seemed to be quite old.

Obviously, it can't be Wu Tingze's new brew. He has followed Xiong Buer to open a tavern in Laoxionggou for many years, and he probably has a lot of stock in hand. Now that the old tavern is open, it is natural that it has to be transported from the three northern provinces quickly.

The wine was warmed in hot water in advance, and the hot water not exceeding [-] degrees was used to warm it through the wine corner.

China's food culture is extensive and profound, not comparable to those small countries in Quer. Just talking about wine, there are three types of wine: warming wine, boiling wine, and suppressing wine.

Squeezing is for cooling wine, generally for all kinds of refreshing fruit wines with low alcohol content. In the hot summer, put the wine dice into the hanging basket and then drop into the well water to cool. The temperature after cooling is the most suitable for the human body. Those old men who throw ice cubes directly into the wine don't know how clever they are for centuries.

Gentle cooking is a means of warming wine. Guan Yu warms wine to kill Huaxiong, and Cao Liu cooks wine to discuss heroes. The former is generally used to avoid cold wine from hurting the stomach and making the wine more fragrant in autumn and winter; High-quality rice wine often needs to add seasoning to make the taste of the wine more diverse.

For example, Cao Cao was frugal in order to show that he was facing a national crisis. He drank bad wine that did not consume much food. It also faintly fits the saying 'the best taste in the world is plum salt'.

As soon as you hear the name of the wine, you will know that the method must be delicate and cumbersome. Naturally, there is no need to use cooking methods. The old tavern is very particular about warming the wine. Touching the corner of the wine is slightly hot. , and a looming rose fragrance makes people very comfortable.

This is not only because of how attractive the aroma of the wine is, but also because the wine looks very high-quality, unlike the three bowls, but the combination of Gang and General is only after you drink it. It's that he has a high level of compulsion even before he starts drinking. For a layman like Gu Yanan, this is enough. Drinking or not drinking is actually not that important.

Coupled with the tables and chairs that are obviously made of high-quality wood, the shopkeeper and the guys who follow the rules in every move, Xiong Buer's old tavern looks ordinary, it is simply a model of low-key decoration, with the rose in front of him The flower dew actually made Gu Yanan, a well-informed returnee elite, feel a great sense of joy, and suddenly came up with a thought, "This place seems to be good, how many times can I come here when I have time?" '

"The wine is good, but it's a bit sweet. It's not a man's drink!"

Lu Luxin didn't think as much as she did. She had already drank her first cup, her eyes lightened slightly, but she frowned in the end,

The wine is actually pretty good, in addition to the faint aroma of wine, there is also a smell of roses, if you turn it around in your mouth a few times before swallowing, there will be a lingering fragrance between your mouth and mouth, and when you exhale it, it is called "blue air attacking people" ', can fascinate men to death.

But she just didn't like it very much. If she had to choose, three bowls of Bugang would obviously be more enjoyable, and she would be happy when drinking and drunk.

"Are you a man now, should I call you 'Brother Xin' from now on?"

Gu Yanan and Lu Luxin are used to each other. After Zhou Dong came back from Xiangjiang, the two of them seemed to hold each other's breath, and they wanted to say a few words to each other when they had the opportunity. What's more, the wine made her very satisfied. Lu Luxin like this Criticism made her feel that the three views were inconsistent, and the slightly sentimental mutual confrontation between girlfriends turned into a debate where the butt decided the head.

"This wine is delicious. It's a bit like the fruit wine I drank in an izakaya in the island country. The light floral fragrance is obviously higher in style, and isn't the sweet wine more comfortable than the hot and spicy taste in the throat?"

"Can you forget about the izakaya in the island country? The place is as big as a palm, the table is smaller than the desk used by elementary school students, small dishes and small bowls, one dish can cover the bottom of the plate?
Can the wine there be called wine? "

Lu Luxin, who just came back from the island country some time ago, wanted to complain when she mentioned this izakaya. She felt that the island people inside were like children playing house, which made her very uncomfortable as an adult. "

"I'm just making an analogy, why are you so excited? I just want to say that the customer base for this rose dew is probably not small. If Chef Zhou is not careful, he may really be robbed of his business.

Xinxin, don't always try to argue with me. I'm looking at things from the perspective of the president. We look at things from different angles. "

"It's okay to have different angles, but you are not allowed to tell Zhou Dong about this matter. If he also brews this kind of 'sissy' wine, Gu Yanan, I will never end with you!"

"What sissy is not sissy, you man!"

"You dare to scold me? Three cups!"

"Just punish me?"

"You punish me with three cups and I accompany you with three cups, is that enough for the girls?"

Lu Luxin didn't wait for Gu Yanan to reply, she drank three cups in a row, it was really strange, she didn't like it very much at first, but after the aftertaste of the wine, she still wanted to drink it, what Wu Tingze was Interesting?

Although her mouth is hard, Lu Luxin is actually a little worried. Xiong Buer's old tavern releases this kind of wine, which really means a lot of money.

The second daughter is really working hard, after several rounds, there is not much food, and three empty wine slots have been placed in front of one of them, Gu Yanan squinted at Lu Luxin, raised her hand and asked the waiter to add more wine, but Huabiao walked over with a smile Said: "You two, if you don't have enough food, you can add more. If you want wine, but there is no more."

"Hey, is this going to be staged in Water Margin?"

Lu Luxin chuckled: "What do you mean, take me as Wu Erlang?"

Gu Yanan clapped his hands and laughed, "You're not Wu Erlang, you're a hag!"

Lu Luxin glared at her: "Don't follow along.

Shopkeeper Hua Er, you are going to learn from Zhou Dong to limit purchases, right?But he is because the wine is really strong, and he is afraid of affecting the health of the guests. If you do this, you are just learning to walk in HD. "

"Don't dare, it's just a small business, and I don't dare to let the customers get drunk in the store, and Lu Zhentou, don't look at the rose water drinking softly, in fact, the stamina is very powerful."

Huabiao said with a smile: "If you two want to buy it back and drink it slowly, we will also sell it. No more than one catty per person is fine. After all, this wine is currently used in stock, and it will take a few months for the new one to be connected."

"You want to sell it, but I don't want to buy it yet."

Lu Luxin shook her head, suddenly regretted, thinking, what happened to my dignified boss?The ass issue is a matter of position. How can you sway left and right to make some people laugh?

"I'll buy a catty and take it away."

Gu Yanan stood up unsteadily and said, "Can you warm me up?"

Carrying the warm wine, Gu Yanan walked out of the old tavern with a sway. The cold wind blowing outside made him feel sober. He looked up at the [-]th floor of Kyushu Dingshi. At this moment, the business of the big wine tank should be booming with.

"Give Zhou Dong a taste of this wine, and then I, the president, can point out the 'important problem' that the big wine tank has insufficient product categories and the consumer group may be lost.

Then don't I have a reason to let that kid brew this kind of wine?
The first one to drink this time must be me!

Gu Yanan, you are so smart, hehehe"

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Harley' 1969'' for their support, and thanks to friends who support light and darkness by subscription, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets:)
(End of this chapter)

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