I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 343 A Visitor in the Snow (22)

Chapter 343 A Visitor in the Snow (22)

When the five men from Laoxionggou came to the big wine tank, the big wine tank was already overcrowded, even though there were hundreds of seats, they couldn't hold back the drinkers who came here to drink lightly and slowly, and put on a large array.

This scene is like a teahouse in Sichuan Province. A teahouse with a large enough scale can have nearly a thousand seats, but if you go later, you won’t be able to find a seat at all, because the people present are either chatting or playing mahjong.

The teahouse culture in Sichuan Province is very different from that in Kyoto. The old Kyoto paid attention to drinking afternoon tea and evening tea, but the teahouses in Sichuan Province are full of people in the early morning, all of them come to occupy seats. This is called living clearly, To live a good life, to say "good men don't enter Sichuan" is actually because people from other provinces look at the slow life of people from Sichuan Province with envy, envy and hatred.

The five people stood at the back of the line, and the noisy big wine tank was suddenly quiet.

Because these five people are so eye-catching, even though it is winter, this big wine tank is located on the [-]th floor of Kyushu Dingshi, and it is heated. Suddenly, five strong men wearing sheepskin jackets come here. Rare?
The four old men, who were shaking their heads and appreciating the "General and Prime Minister", all looked at these five people, thinking in their hearts, could it be that the words came?Looks like it!

Long Dashen writes articles, and what he pays attention to is observation skills. When he saw these five men, his eyes lit up. Pork head meat, beckoned to Wu Rongrong: "Rongrong, have another plate of peanuts and another plate of pork head meat."

Wu Rongrong glared at him: "The wine is gone, and you want food? You are the one who hates it the most, always occupying the seat and not leaving."

Long Dashen chuckled: "You care about me? I'll drink tea when the wine is gone. Chef Zhou said that the jasmine here doesn't cost money, and you can drink as much as you want. My blood viscosity is a bit high recently, so I need to drink more tea.

Hey five friends over there, the seat next to me is empty, it's just right for the five of you to sit down, look at how novel you are all dressed up?These days, even in the three northern provinces, few people wear it like this, right? "

The luck of Xiong Buer and five people is really good. Originally, there were more than a dozen people in the front line, but a few tables of guests just left, and they even had a seat, but the big wine tank arranged for them happened to be a table with Long Dashen ,
After entering the big wine tank, the five people took off their sheepskin jackets, and all of them showed their tight-fitting cotton vests. Seeing that the Dragon God was so enthusiastic, Xiong Buer nodded with a smile: "I made this little brother laugh, and the rest of us It came out of the mountains to the north."

"Oh, sorry to bother you."

God Long's complexion changed when he heard the words, he lowered his head to eat vegetables and drink tea, and stopped making porcelain with them.

After all, I was writing. I knew that even in this day and age, the men who came out of the mountains in the three northern provinces are still not easy to provoke. Let alone provoke, it is best to keep a certain distance from them.

I'm still a little curious in my heart, and I can't help stealing glances at these five people, it always feels like I'm watching Tiger Mountain outsmarting
Wu Rongrong walked up to the five people nervously and said, "Gentlemen, what kind of wine and food do you want?"

Four of these five people reminded her of the big bear in the mountains, only one was pretty good-looking, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, but she was not very good, a lot of grades still love to stare at her Look at such a little girl.

Xiong Buer smiled: "Little girl, what kind of food and wine do you have here?"

"Today is Monday and there are no easter eggs for the three chefs, so there are only a dozen hot and cold dishes that are always on the menu,

However, the luck of a few guests is very good. Today is the first day that the new wine brewed by our chef Zhou is on the market. Including the previous wine, there are two wines in total. "

"Hehe, what is this, little girl?

Big wine vat old tavern, the positioning of this type of restaurant is not a restaurant, but the focus is on the word "wine".

So you just said that there are more than a dozen hot and cold dishes, which is not a small amount, but quite a lot; but when it comes to wine, you only have two kinds of wine here, which is not worthy of the name of the big wine tank? "

It was Wu Tingze, the fourth oldest who spoke, one of the five who was good at cooking pots, and also an expert in brewing wine, and his craft was well established, so he was taught by "the god beggar eats without talking", so he naturally had a high level of vision and a good tone of voice. It is also slightly bigger: "shochu, rice wine, rice wine, sour wine, sweet wine, bitter wine, what lotus white, Zhuangyuan red, Wuquanming, Laobawu. Not counting all kinds of yellow beer, dark beer, white beer that are popular now. Beer, there are no ten or twenty kinds of wine for sale, so it can only be called a restaurant, but it’s not good to call it a big wine tank, girl?”

Wu Rongrong glanced at him and said, "Look at what you said, the customer. I, a waiter, can decide what the name of this store should be?"

"well said."

Xiong Buer smiled gently: "This is your fault, fourth child, what joke are you playing with the little girl?

I'm sorry, girl, my brother actually didn't mean anything malicious, just because he is a brewer and has also run a tavern, so I just said a few more words. "

"If you say so, then it doesn't matter."

Wu Rongrong had a good impression of Xiong Buer, and felt that he was very kind, just like the uncle next door, so she said with a smile: "I'm afraid some customers don't know yet. Not only are there few varieties of wine in our store, but there are also a lot of them. There must be a limited supply.”

"Hehe, it should be, this is not unusual."

Xiong Buer nodded and said: "Whether it's an old tavern or a big wine tank, since the main thing is wine, you must not let the guests drink too much.

There is a saying that is good, wine is gut-piercing poison!
If you make your guests drink too much for the sake of making money, that's a shame, and you're not worthy of running a tavern at all.

So, if it is rice wine, it should not exceed two catties per guest, and if it is white wine, no matter how high or low it is, it should not exceed one catty."

"Haha, I'm afraid the big brothers are thinking too much. Master Zhou doesn't have so many wines here. Each person is limited to [-] cents of wine, which is more than three or two."

Long Dashen also saw that Xiong Buer was an easy-to-contact person, and smiled and said: "This place can't compare with the three northern provinces, it's freezing and snowy, especially in the mountains, sometimes wine is life!
Moreover, the wine brewed by Master Xiao Zhou is not an ordinary product, not only one kind can top a hundred kinds, but also the top quality wine, if you can drink two cents, you will be lucky. "

He was very dismissive of what Wu Tingze said just now, can it be called a tavern just because of the variety?I'm afraid you haven't had any good wine!

"Top wine?"

Wu Tingze smiled coldly and didn't even look at Long Dashen: "Little girl, is this rice wine or baijiu here, what's the name?"

China's old taverns and large wine tanks generally rarely sell beer, so he directly ignored it.

"At present, we only sell rice wine here, one is called 'Three Bowls But Butter', and the other is called 'Jiangxianghe'.

However, if the gentlemen ordered two horns and three bowls but couldn’t get enough, then they can’t order the general and have to wait until tomorrow.”

"Hehe, it's amazing to have a name."

Wu Tingze was not surprised when he heard the name of the wine, but shook his head with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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