I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 237 You Are My Superman

Chapter 237 You Are My Superman
The fumigation pot used for bacon is actually a large bottomless pot. There is a steel net near the bottom of the pot. The cooked pork belly can be placed on it. Wait until the pine smoke in the furnace rises, then cover the pot and start cooking. fumigation.

Seeing puffs of pine smoke coming out of the gas hole of the pot cover, Zhou Dong grabbed the pine smoke and brought it under his nose to sniff, then nodded with satisfaction: "It's still the best oil, Master Su, as expected Old name."

In order to save costs, ordinary pairing shops mostly use cypress sawdust.
Although it can also be used for bacon, the taste will be quite different; occasionally, pine sawdust is used at all costs, and it will not be very high-quality oil powder.

This kind of "oil powder" is pine sawdust mixed with turpentine, and the price is twice as high as that of ordinary pine sawdust.

Moreover, there are a lot of specialties when drying the sawdust, which requires a lot of labor, and the general pairing shop will not consider it at all.

"Hehe, King Zhou Mian praised you.

Although we are just a couple, we also know the truth that "although the taste is expensive, we must not reduce material resources; although the processing is troublesome, we must not dare to save labor".

Cutting corners is not only sorry for the diners, but also sorry for the ancestors! "

Su Tingyu smiled and said: "It takes a lot of effort to prepare this kind of 'oil powder', and it has to be done by an experienced master, and I'm afraid you can't find it in Xiangjiang.

When Zhou Mianwang returns, I will give you a set of cooking utensils and a dozen catties of 'oil powder', and they will be delivered directly to you. "

Zhou Dong was slightly taken aback when he heard the words: "Is it suitable?

The 'youmozi' used for this bacon can be regarded as part of the Su family's secret recipe. Master Su gave it to me. This kind of favor is not small. I'm really afraid that I won't have the chance to repay you. "

"Hehe, it's a surprise. I hit it off with King Zhou Mian. If you think highly of me, Su Tingyu, don't say anything about repaying or not repaying."

"That's it, then thank you, Master Su."

Zhou Dong frowned secretly, he didn't really like this feeling,

But just as Huailiang said, "People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves",
You are now the Zhou Mian Wang and Zhou Dionysus, and you may be the final silver medal winner of the Xiangjiang Food Competition in the future, and your status in Qinxing is getting higher and higher.
When others treat you respectfully and fawn on you, you have to accept it if you don’t want to. If you are too modest, they will say you are proud.

In Zhou Dong's opinion, the silver award and so on are Huailiang's 'hard mouthed', but there is still some truth to the other words, he should gradually get used to the changes brought about by the change of identity.

"No thanks, but Su still wants to remind Zhou Mianwang that the pork belly should be cooked until it is seven times ripe before putting it into the fumigation pot.
Zhou Noodle King has been cooking for about 15 minutes just now, and it should only be half-done.

If it is completely fumigated in the later stage, I am afraid it will not be very easy to control? "

Su Tingyu looked at Zhou Dong flickeringly, he wanted to judge whether Zhou Dong had really seen through the Su family's secret recipe, or just fooled around.

"Oh, is it?"

At this moment, the pine smoke in the yellow clay stove is getting thicker, and bursts of smoke and pine wood aroma are gradually overflowing.

Zhou Dong checked the temperature with one hand in front of the furnace mouth, and glanced at Su Tingyu with a smile.

"It's the easiest way to boil it until it's seven ripe.

But in this way, all kinds of spices have been deeply flavored. Isn't that a waste of this furnace's 'oil powder'?
If I'm not wrong, the Su family's secret recipe is probably related to this, right? "

"What is the old man doing!"

Su Jianwen Su Jianwu looked at the old man suspiciously, not understanding why the old man wanted to deceive his idol!

Although the two of them are incompetent, they have also heard from their father that the key to the Su family's secret recipe is 'cook the meat for five minutes',
Although I didn't understand it very well, I asked my father why he didn't cook it directly and then put it out of the pot, but he was scolded bloody by his father.

The old man is very abnormal today. Just now he said that he would send tools and 'oil powder' to the idol, but now he is talking nonsense in front of the idol.

The two upright children couldn't stand it anymore and were ready to stand up.

"Idol, actually"

"shut up!"

Su Tingyu severely interrupted Su Jianwen and Su Jianwu who were about to speak, and said angrily, "What a good learning opportunity is this for the prince Zhou to face each other?

You two don't say that you are watching with your heart, but you dare to talk nonsense! "

Although the two brothers were a little confused, they were really afraid of their father, so they had no choice but to hold back their words, and their faces turned green.

Zhou Dong smiled slightly: "Actually, all kinds of spices should be used to remove fishy smell and enhance the flavor of bacon, but the most taboo thing is that the smell of all kinds of spices overwhelms the pure aroma of bacon. To avoid this result, pork can only be cooked until five mature.

However, in this way, the fumigation technique is very important. It is not enough to rely on ordinary pine smoke to fumigate!

Patriotic, have you noticed the change in the smoke? "

As he spoke, he pointed to the lid of the smoking pot.

Zhou Aiguo nodded quickly: "Just now the smoke was still light gray, but now it is dark gray, and it has risen even higher!"

"Well, you have good observation skills.

The smoke becomes darker and higher, indicating that the smoke in the steamer is full.

If we had cooked the meat until it was half-baked, now we only need to wait for about 10 minutes, and the bacon is done.

But this kind of bacon is barely edible.

Just now the meat was only cooked until it was half-ripe. If it was fully smoked to full-fledged, it would take at least 10 minutes.
When the time comes, the meat will be cooked, but it will turn into a black lump with a bitter and woody taste. Not to mention humans, dogs will not like it.

At this time, it depends on the chef's technique!
Patriotic, prepare mint water and strong liquor,

I'll do it just once, you have to see clearly! "

As he spoke, Zhou Dong sank into his dantian, his right leg was the axis, his left knee was raised lightly, and his left ankle seemed to be fitted with a bearing. on the pile of pine logs.

"Wow, good kicks!
Second child, could it be that this is the legendary Seven-Roll Slash? "

Su Jianwen widened his eyes and exclaimed.

"I told you that I'm not the second child, you can't finish it!"

Su Jianwu glared at him angrily: "It's really uneducated!

Seven-spin cut is the unique skill of Dong Haizun Changli and Changli Yixiao. They pay attention to the use of both hands and feet. This is not an idol, this is really seven-spin cut.

Idol, I admire you so much, you are my Supoman! "

Zhou Dong's kick was the result of "a month" of hard work and tens of thousands of times of "hard work" in the kitchen.

The pile of pine logs was thick and thin, there were small wooden beams thick enough to support a continuous fire, and there were also small wooden branches that were the most convenient way to start a fire. They were mixed together, but when he kicked them, three thin wooden branches burst through the air. It flew out and shot steadily into the furnace!
Su Tingyu took a closer look and was stunned.

These three wooden branches are actually about the same thickness and length, and they are all high-grade with a slight rosin!
At this moment, the three wooden branches were all inserted into the smoldering pine sawdust. I don't know what kind of ingenuity was used. The tails of the three wooden branches were stuck on the furnace door, and the heads of the three wooden branches were mixed together to prop up the pine sawdust. piece.

With the space, the air suddenly poured in,
In addition to these three wooden branches to support the combustion, three flames shot up under the thick sawdust, mixed with the billowing pine smoke, and went directly through the steel net used to place the bacon!
It's too late to say it!

With the tip of Zhou Dong's tongue touching his lower jaw, his pubic region turned with qi (in fact, his stomach held his breath), his right leg was used as the axis, his left leg stepped out, and a whirl hit the fumigation pot.

Then with his left palm, he swept away the dazzling pine smoke, and quickly lifted the lid of the pot with his right hand!

Suddenly, a puff of green smoke evaporated, like a cloud of mushrooms bursting above the fumigation pot!

The pine smoke that had been suffocated in the pot for a long time dissipated, revealing a dozen pieces of pork belly trembling on the steel grid. The pork belly was cooked first and then smoked. black air,
It can be seen that he lifted the lid of the pot at this time, just in time!

When the lid of the pot was opened, a large amount of oxygen poured in. The three flames that had just passed through the steel net suddenly exploded into three balls of fire. When they encountered the fat oozed from the pork belly, they spread out immediately, as if they had been ignited in the fumigation pot. Like a sea of ​​fire!

Zhou Dong used both hands and feet without stopping his mouth!
Zhou Aiguo, who had been instructed by the teacher in advance, was nimble like a butterfly wearing flowers, and quickly 'floated' to Zhou Dong, and handed him a bowl of water.

Zhou Dong quickly rinsed his mouth, feeling very good,
The patriotic young man carefully added mint to the water to make his breath fresh, and he could go directly to the date, and shouted: "Here comes the wine!"

Zhou Aiguo had prepared it long ago, and an opened bottle of [-]-degree 'suffering donkey' was handed over to Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dongjing took a big sip of wine, his cheeks puffed up, like a puffer fish that exploded in air, suddenly spewed out the wine,
I saw the sky full of silver threads, fluttering, dense like mist,
Just like the rain master's sad tears, and like the dragon girl's snot,

This mouthful of wine directly fell into the smoker pot!


The sea of ​​fire in the fumigation pot seemed to usher in a level [-] tsunami and typhoon Lekima!The flame suddenly ignited more than half a foot high, and in the blue-red flame, pieces of pork belly sizzled and the aroma was overflowing!
"Remember, at this time, you must act quickly!

As long as you're fast enough, the fire won't reach your hand! "

Seeing that Zhou Dong stretched out his hands together, he didn't avoid the high fever, he just stuck into the layers of flames, and within the time of two or three breaths, he turned over a dozen pieces of pork belly very accurately!

After a few seconds, turn it over again.

If so, three times!
When it was turned over for the third time, the fumigation pot was quickly pressed down with the lid of the pot. At this time, the three small pine branches used to support the fire had been burned completely, and even most of the thick pine sawdust had been burned away!

The faint pine smoke passed through the steel mesh again, slowly fumigated the pork belly on it, and the pine smoke emitted from the top of the pot lid has turned back to light gray.

"Do you understand?
This kind of operation can help the incense to lock the taste of various spices firmly. When eating, you will not feel the rampant taste of various spices, but only the purest pine incense!
Counting from now, it will be ready to cook and cut meat in 5 minutes.

Now we can go back and do the right thing. "

Zhou Dong explained to Zhou Aiguo, then turned and went back to the desk.

Zhou Aiguo happily went to check the time, but left the Su family father and son standing beside the stove in a daze. The three of them had complicated expressions and didn't know what they were thinking.

Seeing Wen Jianwu's two living treasures, he naturally thought, "Oh, it's amazing. The idol is indeed the best chef in martial arts. Not only can he be able to cut seven spins, but he can also spray wine!"
'A chef who doesn't know martial arts really isn't a good idol! '

It's decided, I will follow wherever the idol goes in the future, you are our Superman!

Su Tingyu has no time to deal with these two live treasures, what Zhou Dong did just now really surprised him.

The secret method of the Su family starts with fire skills, but if it is done by him, he will turn on the fire first, and after lifting the lid of the pot, he will use a long fire chopstick to turn over the pieces of pork belly in the air.
For this, long-term training is required. If the fire is too hot, it will not work, and the speed of turning the meat will not work.
After the lid is lifted, there is a time limit, and the taste of bacon will be lost after a while!
But even if you count all the masters of the Su family in the past, how can there be one who can lift weights like Zhou Dong?
This is no longer culinary art, this meow is simply magic!
King Zhou Mian, you are an expert, you are a magician, don’t you have participated in Huashan Discussion of Swords?
Being exposed by Zhou Dong so easily about the secret recipe of the Su family, Su Tingyu was worried at first, and then a little bit jealous. It was not until seeing the two sons who were extremely surprised and adoring Zhou Dong that his mood gradually calmed down. .

"Su Tingyu, Su Tingyu, are you worthy of being a descendant of the Su family?

A character like King Zhou Mian will surely become a "peerless true chef, the only man in a big country" in the future! ',
To have the opportunity to meet and interact with such a person is already a great luck, and you dare to feel jealous?
You, you, you think you are smart and pretentious all your life, and when things come to an end, you are not as good as your two stupid sons! "

Looking at the young and busy figure on the face table, Su Tingyu gradually showed a relieved smile, and a certain thought in her heart became more firm.
Zhou Dong can't care about studying other people's psychology at the moment, within 5 minutes, he needs to ensure that the first batch of pairs is released!

Hot skin sandwiched with hot meat, paired with clear soup that can scald the tongue, this is the Chifeng sandwich with all beards and tails,

Even if there is a lack of warm exhalation, in his opinion, it is an unacceptable flaw!
The dough with eight layers of puff pastry is rolled and pressed into a round cake, and then baked in a charcoal oven by Zhou Dong
Pine charcoal is also used in the oven, which is the standard configuration of the old pair of sandwiches. The biggest advantage is that it can ensure that the baked pair of sandwiches also has a light woody aroma, which is consistent with the taste of bacon.

But the disadvantages are also obvious. After all, this old-fashioned oven is far less convenient than an electric oven. You can set the temperature and time in advance.
This requires Zhou Dong to test the temperature in the oven with his hands, and at the right time, he also needs to take out the half or six ripe pair of skins, and apply the last layer of broomcorn powder.

Zhou Dong saw that the temperature was almost up, so he was about to take out the pair of jackets and start to smear millet powder.

At this moment, something happened suddenly!
 Thanks to the book friends of 'Glory Unlimited' and 'Little Pang Loves to Stay at Home' for their support, and friends who support this book by subscribing, monthly, and recommending tickets, thank you :)

(End of this chapter)

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