I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 235 Only cook until 5 ripe?

Chapter 235 Only cooked until half-ripe?

Standing in front of him was a middle-aged man in a chef's uniform, with wheat flour and broomcorn flour on his apron, he looked like a chef who had been working on the white table all year round.

From the analysis of the standard of Mandarin, he should be of Han nationality, but it is estimated that because he has been in Mongolia for a long time, he speaks like an ethnic brother, always talking about eagles on the grassland, which makes Zhou Dong feel a little embarrassed.

Lao Zhou is still a modest young man in essence, when he heard others praise himself as an eagle, he would naturally think of Zhao Chuan's song 'I'm a little bird'.

"Master Su?"

Zhou Dong blushed slightly, and he brought his students here to try and steal food, but was caught by the host, always feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, Su Tingyu.

Zhou Mian Wang is a noble man, so he forgets things. When you cracked Bazhen Noodles at Kyushu Dingshi in Chudu, I was there. I remember that 'Bai An Xiao Lang Jun' was sitting next to me.

By the way, it is said that Mr. Bai An Xiaolang stayed at Kyushu Dingshi. How is it going? "

"Oh, Master Su also has friendship with him?"

Zhou Dong was somewhat strange,
The young man in the Bai case, Zhong Youhui, was recruited by Lu Luxin to cook Su at that time, and he didn't have much contact with him.

But this guy's reputation is not very good, the Su family's reputation has always been good, why would Su Tingyu ask this guy?

"It's a long story, but my ancestors and his ancestors have a bit of overlap.
Forget it, let's not talk about him,
Didn't Zhou Mian Wang participate in the food competition in Xiangjiang? How could he have time to come to Chifeng? "

The four or five generations of the Su family are all living on white cases, and they are completely white cases. They have no intersection with any major cuisines. Normally, they would not pay attention to the Xiangjiang Food Competition.
But this year is different, because Zhou Mianwang, who represents the Huaxia Bai case, will participate in the competition. Of course, Su Tingyu must pay attention to it. Last night, I saw the news on TV that Zhou Dong won the gold medal in the Huaxia Division.

"Isn't it for this kid?"

Zhou Aiguo was also in his early twenties, but Zhou Dong yelled at each other smoothly. This is a natural bearing after adding various reputations and titles, but it is not pretending to be X.

".Right now, Chifeng pairing is a good 'topic' for this match, so I brought him here."

"It turns out that the eagles are able to soar over the grasslands and dominate the sky because they are the best at nurturing young eagles from generation to generation. Unexpectedly, King Zhou Mian has already accepted students at such a young age.

I am at the age of King Zhou Mian, and I am still learning how to make noodles from my father. "

Su Tingyu was secretly surprised, King Zhou Mian was only in his early 20s, right?
Not only has the student been accepted, but according to what he said, although this young man named Zhou Aiguo is surnamed Zhou, he has no special relationship with him.
It can be seen that King Zhou Mian is not like ordinary hard-working people who cherish their brooms. What kind of magnanimity is there to follow the rules of passing on the inside and not the outside, and passing on the male and not the female?It is clearly a master's demeanor.

"King Zhou Mian's broad-mindedness is admirable, but please forgive me, the Su family pairing is a secret from the ancestors, and it should not be passed on to outsiders easily."

Admiration is all admiration, the rules of the ancestors still have to be followed, it is okay to exempt the king of Huaxia noodles, but the secret recipe cannot be given,
The current situation of the Su family is all due to the secret recipes that have been continuously explored and improved by these generations.

"Hehe, Master Su misunderstood, I have no intention of inquiring about the secret recipe of the Su family.

However, I tasted the Su Ji pair of clips just now, and I got a little experience. If I want to strike while the iron is hot, I will try it myself. I wonder if I can borrow your tools? "

"Why, King Zhou Mian just ate a few pairs of sandwiches from my house, and he said he has learned something?"

Su Tingyu laughed.

Even if the person in front of him is the famous Zhou Mian Wang, he doesn't believe that the other party can see through the Su family's secret recipe just by eating a few pairs.
It is generous: "Don't say borrowing tools, even Zhou Nianwang can just use all kinds of ingredients.

If Zhou Mian Wang is really interested in studying Chifeng pair clips, Su can send you a set of tools, which is nothing.

But now it's business hours, and there's really no room for the case, how about asking Zhou Mianwang to come to my lounge for a short rest, how about after ten o'clock? "

"That's troublesome, thank you Master Su."

Zhou Dong really needed a 'little' sleep, so he was not polite to Su Tingyu.

"Haha, what's the trouble? Zhou Mianwang can support our Chifeng pairing, I'm so happy that it's too late."

Su Tingyu is really happy. Chifeng Duojiamo is obviously no worse than Roujiamo and donkey meat, but it still can't go out of Chifeng and spread it to the whole country.
If there is a diligent 'big man' like Zhou Mianwang paying attention, maybe the status quo can be changed,
As the representative of the Chifeng pair, he is naturally happy to see the results.

"Teacher, you can really sleep, and you're snoring after only a short while?"

After Su Tingyu left, Zhou Dong quickly collapsed on the sofa and fell into a 'deep sleep', sleeping so sweetly,
Zhou Aiguo was very envious. He originally had the ability to fall asleep like this, but since he came to Huaxia, he has been a little uncomfortable, and he often suffers from insomnia in recent days.
I got the news from 'Uncle Huai' and 'Teacher Lu', it is said that the teacher is very expecting him to enter the top three in the finals, Zhou Aiguo feels a lot of pressure, even if I am a genius, teacher, you don't have to be so anxious, right?

But who knows that every time he takes a step forward in the finals, Zhou Dong will have a lot of appreciation points and the title of "Master of Diligence" in his account. Isn't he more anxious than him?

At ten o'clock in the morning, Su Tingyu was about to knock on the door of the lounge when Zhou Dong suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Is it time?"

"Teacher, you are not bad for a second."

Looking at the teacher who is so radiant that he doesn't even have eye poo, Zhou Aiguo's admiration is like a torrent of water, and he feels that the teacher is a "Superman", which is more punctual than an alarm clock.

"King Zhou, I've already had people move all the things you need to make a pair to the small courtyard at the back. You can go there anytime."

Su Tingyu smiled and said: "In addition, I have prepared a new set of tools. Do you use new ones or mine?"

"It's fine if it's new. It doesn't taste as good as the hot pot hasn't been opened yet.

Let’s just borrow from Master Su’s old guy, I’m also thinking of doing something, if it’s not authentic enough, I’d like to ask Master Su for advice? "

"Haha, King Zhou Mian was joking. Is there anything you are not good at in this white case? You don't dare to be Su."

Su Tingyu and Zhou Dong talked and laughed, and went around to the small courtyard behind the two gates.

The small courtyard is about [-] square meters. There are some dry pine logs piled up in the courtyard, as well as sealed red clay stoves and charcoal ovens, all of which are the favorite stoves of veteran craftsmen.

After asking Su Tingyu, I found out that this small courtyard is connected to the two doors in front, which is the place where Mr. Su Wenyu started his family back then.

Zhou Dong nodded secretly, the Su family now has a joint venture with others, earning a lot of money, but the descendants can still remember the roots, so the family deserves to be prosperous.

"Zhou Noodle King, wheat flour, corn flour, broomcorn flour, premium pork belly and various spices are all ready for you."

Su Tingyu pointed to the noodle case and said with a smile: "King Zhou Mian did it himself, can we let us watch?"

In addition to Su Tingyu, there were two young men standing in the yard. They looked somewhat similar to Su Tingyu, probably his nephews.

These two are actually Su Tingyu's sons. The two boys are not very enlightened.
However, these two brothers are both fans of Zhou Dong. They often talk in Su Tingyu's ear how Zhou Mianwang is young and promising, how he became the chef of Kyushu Dingshi in his early twenties, and won the Xiangjiang Food Competition Huaxia Division The gold award and so on.

Today let the two of them watch Zhou Dong 'challenge' Su Ji. Su Tingyu just hopes that Zhou Dong, an idol, will speak out in person.
Regardless of whether Zhou Dong can succeed, the two sons see their idols working so hard. If they get enlightened, wouldn't he make a lot of money?

If Zhou Dong knew that Su Tingyu had such a thought, he would probably vomit blood on the spot. Did he use his buddies as medicine?
"Oh, since they are all members of the Su family, of course it's fine."

Zhou Dong nodded at Su Tingyu's two sons and smiled, which made the two fans very excited.

"King Zhou, I'm Su Jianwen, I'm the boss, I have a mole on the left corner of my mouth. By the way, I'm your fan!"

The two sons of Su Tingyu are still twins, and it has become his habit that the eldest, Su, will first point out the mole that represents his identity when he sees people.

"King Zhou Mian, I'm Su Jianwu, I call him brother, he calls me brother. I'm also your fan, the fanatic kind!"

Except for the mole, the Su brothers are all the same tall, short, fat and thin, and their facial features are like carved out of a mold.

Zhou Dong looked at the two brothers. They were both about 1.8 meters [-] in height, strong in stature and handsome in appearance. He had a good impression of them, but he was amused by Su Jianwu's words: "You can just say that you are the second child?"

"Did you hear that? Even idols say that. From now on, you will introduce yourself as the second child of the Su family. That's right."

Su Jianwen taught his brother a lesson.

"No, so people think I'm the second child, I'm better than a monkey, why should I be the second child!"

Su Jianwu repeatedly shook his head and said: "Idol, you don't know, I have always suspected that my parents made a mistake, maybe the one who was born first was me, and he is the second child!"

"Nonsense, I was born before you!" Su Jianwen was furious.

"I'm afraid you pulled my foot back then?
I'm obviously smarter than you, and if I'm right, Dad says I'm doing better. I'm the one who should be the big brother! "

"Bah, I heard my mother said that if it wasn't for your umbilical cord~~ to entangle me, I would have to come out a few minutes earlier, do you have the guts to say that?

"Go ahead, let's compare if you are not convinced!"

"Bijibi, I'm afraid you and I were born by your mother!"

"Bah, you were born by my mother, isn't this nonsense?"

The two quarreled with each other, Zhou Dong and Zhou Aiguo looked at each other in dismay,
No wonder Su Tingyu looks young, how happy to have such a pair of live treasures in the family, it's ten years old to smile.

"Shut me all up!"

Su Tingyu couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Today, King Zhou Mian is trying to make a pair at our house. You two are not allowed to quarrel anymore, otherwise you will be rude to King Zhou Mian!"

I thought to myself why did I give birth to such a pair of treasures, you two are like a pair in front of Zhou Dong, I am not afraid to reveal the secret recipe handed down from the ancestors, you two idiots have to know it too?Shame is not shame!

"That's right, we can't be rude to idols, the old man is right this time."

Su Jianwen nodded.

"You're right this time, I don't even bother arguing with you, idol, please please, ha ha."

Su Jianwu smiled, put his hand on his left chest, and saluted Zhou Dong respectfully. Afterwards, he glanced at his brother very proudly,
See if you see it, as long as we are in style, at least it must be your brother!
Zhou Dong nodded: "Patriotic, I will do it once, you can see clearly."

The bacon used in the pair was originally made of half-fat and half-lean fat meat. In modern times, after repeated improvements, it has been replaced with pork belly with a relatively high proportion of lean meat.

The first step is to boil the pork belly.

Zhou Dong did not use the legendary vegetable washing skills, but washed the meat in a proper manner, cut it into cubes and put it in a large pot.

Fill the gaps between the meat pieces with peppercorns, star anise, amomum, cinnamon, cloves, licorice, green onion, minced ginger, garlic cloves, and mix with bean paste and sugar.

Why bother to ask the old man once said, 'The best taste in the world is plum salt', the higher the chef's skill, the less spices will be used in the end,

But this is generally speaking, and it depends on the specific cuisine.

Chifeng paired sandwiches originally came from the northern part of the country. People here have a strong taste, and the bacon used in the paired sandwiches is first boiled and then fumigated.

If you can use incense to suppress all kinds of spices like Su Ji, the spices are only responsible for removing fishy and greasy, which does not violate the principle of cooking.

Therefore, any truth in the world is not static. For example, the "Xi Rong" that Zhou Dong launched last on the day of the competition, macroscopically conforms to Yuan Mei's principle of "thick ones should be first, and thin ones should be last". Rong is compared with pineapple buns and raw fried meatloaf rice.

If you think about it from a micro perspective, Xirong itself is to make the diners eat more and more delicious. It doesn't make sense that the first bite is the most delicious, but after eating it, it tastes like water, right?
This is dialectics, but not Zhou Dong's inconsistency.

When Zhou Dong poured water into the cauldron with the meat pieces, Zhou Aiguo had already started a fire in the red clay stove according to the master's arrangement, and he still used chopping firewood, so that the stewed meat would be the most fragrant.

"Patriotic, keep the fire on high, turn off the fire immediately after 15 minutes, don't ask me again."

Zhou Dong told Zhou Aiguo a word, and at the same time glanced at Su Tingyu.

"Only cook on high heat for 15 minutes, and the meat will be out of the pan at most five times."

Su Tingyu's heart trembled slightly: "Chef Chifeng has to cook the sandwiches until they are at least seven ripe before serving them in the pot for fumigation. Only my family cooks them until they are half ripe. This is one of the secrets of the Su family. How did he know?"

The meat is only cooked until it is half-ripe, and the next step depends on the fumigation technique.

If the craftsmanship is not enough, either the meat is not cooked through fumigation, or the smoky smell is too strong to be eaten at all!
This king of Zhou Mian. Could it be that he can learn by himself without a teacher, just after eating a few pairs, he has mastered the secrets of my ancestors,
Or did he not understand the key point at all, just talking nonsense? "

(End of this chapter)

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