I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 213 You Should Pass My Student First

Chapter 213 You Should Pass My Student First

Stepping on miso is a traditional craft in China. If the disgusting ingredients are excluded, it is actually far better than today's machine-made sauce.

First of all, stepping on soybeans to make sauce can fully squeeze out the moisture in the raw materials without destroying the structure of the raw materials.

This is something that the current machine-made sauce cannot do.

Secondly, experienced sauce makers can accurately distinguish the size, softness and hardness of sauce-making raw materials by virtue of the sensitive feeling of the soles of their feet, so as to exert force in a targeted manner, while machines obviously do not have such experience.

In fact, it is not as disgusting as a layman thinks. The sauce maker must wash the feet thoroughly before going to the feet. Not only can there be no beriberi and calluses, they must be trimmed, and then they must be sterilized with alcohol or high-purity white wine. ,
Veteran craftsmen have more conscience and will not do things that affect their reputation.

This is why the pickles in the 80s and [-]s were particularly delicious, but the pickles today are getting worse and worse.

I have to say that Cha Jae-hee's kimchi made Zhou Dong recall the taste of his childhood,
At the end of the last century, the pickles produced by the famous Wantong pickle factory in Chudu were still pickled with this traditional miso, which is rich in salty fragrance and has various unspeakable flavors.

Back then, with a plate of Wantong pickles, you could eat two steamed buns and a bowl of rice, which was more satisfying than eating any delicacies from mountains and seas.

In Zhou Dong's eyes, the kimchi in Smecta country is pickled pickles, which has nothing to do with 'kimchi' at all. The authentic kimchi is in Huaxia Sichuan Province. When did it have anything to do with the sticks?
Che Zaixi's complexion changed slightly, and he nodded: "Although my compatriots always like to bully other countries' cultures, as an excellent chef, I must admit that this traditional method of making sauce is the first in China.
But what about the first?
Can the traditional miso be found in Huaxia now?
The kimchi you eat smells like oil, right?

Last month, I went to the Dujude Roast Duck Restaurant in Kyoto, and found that even the sauce they use is machine-made. This is your century-old restaurant.

I admit that you Huaxia has a long history and splendid culture,
But I am very puzzled, why do you abandon your own culture and inventions?It is Europeans, Americans, us, or even despicable islanders who have passed on these cultures? "

"Your words are too absolute. In China, there are also chefs who insist on traditional culture. I have eaten better sauce than yours."

Zhou Dong shook his head, and continued to pick up a pickled radish, biting into it with a crunching sound.

With the rice, Zhou Dong ate very sweetly.

Che Zaixi smiled until his eyes narrowed. Zhou Dong walked all the way from the European competition area, but he didn't give out any of the three points in his hand.
Now that he eats so deliciously here, if he doesn't keep these three points, I'm afraid this Huaxia noodle king will lose face himself, right?
Although there are many famous Huaxia chefs who came to Xiangjiang this time, according to the information he has, Zhou Dong has the highest status among these Huaxia chefs.
After all, many famous masters who sit in one place, such as Lu cuisine master Wang Haibin, would never participate in this kind of competition. It is right to win, and it is embarrassing to lose, no one can do it.

Therefore, most of the Huaxia chefs participating in the competition are special second technicians, relatively young, except for Yan Yi from Hangzhou'Lingyin Temple' who is a famous special first, basically no one can compete with Zhou Dong ,
Zhou Dong's vote is likely to drive many Huaxia chefs, which is what he likes to hear the most.

Zhou Aiguo ate faster than the teacher. After eating all the rice and kimchi in front of him, he was still a little unsatisfied.
But a prince is a prince, at least he still has some reserve, he swallows his saliva secretly, and nods slightly like Zhou Dong, but he is no longer the pig brother he was before.

Zhou Dong put down his chopsticks lightly, took a card and put it on Cha Zaixi's booth: "This card is for your rice and traditional Chinese miso, but I won't give you the remaining two cards." .”


Cha Zaixi felt that she had been treated unfairly.

"Because you're so proud"

Zhou Dong glanced at Che Zaixi lightly: "I heard that Master Che is not only known as the 'Kimchi King', but also a master of knife skills.
As far as I know, there are some kinds of kimchi that can embody knife skills.

It's a pity that the kimchi you put on the booth has nothing to do with knife skills.
In such an important stage of the qualifiers, Master Che actually chose to hide his secrets. He clearly underestimated the judges and opponents.

Compared with you, the German pig king seems to be cuter.、

Patriotic, let's go. "

"is teacher."

Zhou Aiguo followed behind Zhou Dong, raised his head proudly, and followed Zhou Dong's example and threw out a card: "Well, compared to you, the German pig king is cuter."

"Patriotic, next time if you imitate my way of speaking again, I will expel you from the teacher!"

The work efficiency of the competition organizing committee was very high, and the results of the preliminaries of the first three days were quickly announced on the official website.

A total of [-] lucky winners from the Additional Area, Australia, America, Africa, Europe, and Smecta Area won Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards in this area.

The gold award in the additional area was actually taken away by Ah San,
Huai Liang looks down on curry, which is an overbearing spice, but it can't stop those fanatical curry lovers scrambling to praise Ah San's stinky feet,
After all, even in Xiangjiang, curry is a delicacy that many people love.

It was a bit of a surprise that the gold medal in the European region did not fall into the hands of Pig King Ham.
However, it is not uncommon for the Italian Alessio to win the gold medal in the division.

At least in the eyes of Huai Liangren, he and Ham were already neck-and-neck, and whoever won the gold medal depended entirely on improvisation and luck.

What's more, Alessio is an old boy, and he is obviously more popular with female judges.

Cha Zaixi made a challenging declaration after winning the gold medal in the competition area: "I hope to have the opportunity to see the methods of Huaxia Mianwang in the finals.
I will let him understand that the pride of Smecta people is always based on strength! "

This guy still hasn't forgotten Zhou Dong's comments on him, and has been brooding on him.

Zhou Dong is no longer low-key this time. When the beautiful Xiangjiang female reporter asked him what he thought of Cha Zaixi's declaration, the young Huaxia Mian Wang just smiled lightly: "Oh, my student Zhou Aiguo will also participate in the final if there is no accident.

If Master Che wants to meet me in the finals, please pass my student first."

Sure enough, Zhou Aiguo became the gold medal winner in the Australia, America and Africa divisions.
According to the competition system, a total of nine players from the island country, Smecta country and the European division will start a nine-to-three competition.

The top three will be qualified to enter the finals, and No.4 will compete with No.1 in the additional zone and the mixed competition of Australia, America and Africa for the last place to advance to the finals.

Zhou Dong, this is equivalent to saying that my student Zhou Aiguo will definitely become the No.
By the way, he also stepped on Cha Zaixi, implying that Cha Zaixi missed the top three in the mixed competition between Island Country, Smecta Country and Europe Division,
In the end, the dignified Smecta Kimchi King had to compete bitterly with chefs from 'backward areas' for the last qualifying spot.

High-profile, and enough tongue-in-cheek.

Huailiang who heard the news went crazy with joy, and even opened a bottle of 82 Lafayette from his private collection brought from Europe: "Old Zhou, well said, well done!
As I said a long time ago, you don't have to be polite to Smectas.

Haha, I thought I was awesome, but I didn't expect you to be better than me?

What's the matter, if Cha Zaixi wants to enter the finals, I'm afraid he has to pass your student's test first?
Old Zhou, your hatred is really beautiful, and now the Smectas are blowing up, and tomorrow's headline trending search may be yours."

"Axi! Who is this Zhou Dong? He is too rampant. He must be punished!"

"Go to his Weibo to protest, we must let him understand how stupid it is to anger the Great Smecta Kingdom!"

"He will be punished, this humble Chinese man! Be sure to delete his Weibo!"

The angry Smecta people were furious, but when they searched the Weibo of Xinlang and Tengxun, they suddenly found that Zhou Dong hadn't opened Weibo!
I can't find QQ, I can't find a phone number, let alone Weixin official account!
So the Smecta crowd, who had nowhere to vent their anger, could only vent their anger to the organizing committee of the competition. The official homepage of the Xiangjiang Food Contest was directly hacked by Smecta hackers, and they even hung up a sentence that can definitely kill 'Master Che 'if.

"Only this kind of garbage competition will have a garbage player like Zhou Dong!

Chinese people are trash!So are Xiangjiang people!Absolutely agree with Master Che quitting this kind of third-rate competition! "

Hearing this news, Che Zaixi's face was filled with black lines. These fellow sand sculptures simply failed to achieve success and failed, but they have cheated him to death!

"Unexpectedly, brother Zhou, you have such a high-profile time?"

Standing in his villa on the top of the mountain, Zhu Yanping held a glass of red wine and looked at the famous Victoria Bay in the distance through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

After seeing what Zhou Dong said to the reporter on the news, the Xiangjiang millionaire has been laughing, and he hasn't completely stopped until now.

He is so happy today.

If Zhou Dong was a young man he admired in the past, today he would add the word 'valued'.

The young brother Zhou finally understood how to use the rules to clear obstacles for himself, and he learned it by himself.

"Brother Zhou, Chef Huai, and Lu Zhentou, sit down"

Zhu Yanping warmly welcomed the guests to sit down and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou is going to participate in the competition tomorrow, so I shouldn't bother you.
But it's really happy, and I, an old guy, can't help it.

Thinking that you guys are going to eat anyway, why not just let us all go together,

Talk while eating, please don't be restrained, all the chefs can just help me evaluate my cooking skills? "

restrained?He really thought too much.

Zhou Dong and him are old acquaintances, maybe they were a little restrained at the beginning, but now they have let go.
Huai Liangren and Lu Luxin have never known restraint,

One is a woman who has seen countless wealthy people, and the other is a strange woman with low EQ and no one in her eyes. The two of them did not eat a few mouthfuls, but they said something that made the chef of the Zhu family very angry if he heard it.

In the end, even Zhu Yanping couldn't stand it anymore, coughed lightly twice and said, "Brother Zhou, when did you study the rules of the game carefully?"

Zhou Dong chuckled lightly and said, "That's the night before yesterday, I just checked it out."

Zhu Yanping laughed loudly: "If you flip through it casually, there will be such a change, the little brother is amazing!
Did you know that after you announced your master-student relationship with Zhou Aiguo, if he can enter the finals as you said,
Then when the lottery is drawn, you and him must not meet?

If he draws you or you draw him, you can draw lots again, which means that you and him have two chances!

And once he enters the finals, it will be the first time that a "Master and Apprentice Competition" will appear in the Hong Kong International Food Competition. Both the world culinary world and the organizing committee of the competition are happy to hear this.

This is tantamount to invisibility, both of you master and apprentice have received invisible bonus points, I know that you are not rare with your cooking skills, but it is different for Zhou Aiguo."

"Old Zhou, so you came up with this idea? You are cunning and cunning."

Huai Liangren couldn't help admiring: "It seems that I have greater hope to meet you in the finals, and we deserve a toast for this!"

Neither Zhu Yanping nor Huai Liangren had the slightest worry about Zhou Dong's ability to enter the final, as if his entry into the final was a certainty.

"It's as if the gold and silver awards are in your pocket, Lao Huai, isn't that good?"

"What's wrong with this, it should be like this! Didn't you suddenly become humble, Lao Zhou, isn't this like you?"

Zhou Dong shook his head: "There is no such thing."

"Haha, I'm even happier that brother Zhou has such confidence, but I still can't take it lightly."

Zhu Yanping said: "Brother Zhou, do you know why Huaxia Cuisine is known as the number one in the world, and each Xiangjiang Conference can enjoy two exclusive places in the finals.

Even higher than the island country, Smecta country, France and Italy, which are also food powerhouses,
But is there only one time in history that a Huaxia chef won the Supreme Gold Award? "

Zhou Dong frowned and said, "I'm also wondering why such a result happened?"

Even the island country Smecta and European countries, which are food powerhouses, need to conduct a mixed competition after the qualifiers to determine the places to advance to the finals.

However, because of Huaxia's long history of gourmet food and its pivotal position in the world's culinary world, and because the Xiangjiang Food Competition is held on its own territory after all, it has the advantage of being the 'host', so the gold and silver award winners in Huaxia Division can directly to the finals.

Even if there are criticisms from other regions and countries, the organizing committees of the previous competitions have ignored them. My territory is my decision.

Besides, even the proud French rooster and island dwarf have to admit that a lot of their food culture comes from China!

Not to mention that Italian pizza is basically a Chinese pie. It is obviously a semi-finished product, but it has become a national dish!

Competing with my 'teacher', these food 'powerhouses' really lack confidence.

Zhou Dong didn't understand. Although Huaxia Chef had the right time, place and people in the Xiangjiang International Food Competition, the historical results were a mess. What is the reason for this?
Zhu Yanping sighed: "The reason is actually the judges, and they are also my judges from Huaxia!"

Zhou Dong was amazed: "Is there such a thing?"

 There is no update prompt again, what kind of trouble is this! ! !

  Thanks to the book friends of 'Brilliant Infinite', 'Good-tempered and Bad Man' and 'Jiaming Xiansen' for their support, and thanks to friends who support this book with subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets:)
(End of this chapter)

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