I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 685 Ancient Corpse Perfume

Chapter 685 Ancient Corpse Perfume
The incompetent and furious players, after spraying for a long time, also began to think of a way.

"Everyone said, what should we do? It's absolutely dark, you can't see anything and you can't fight!"

"I have a psychological shadow, those vipers are too disgusting, I can't stand it!"

"Afraid of a hammer, some snakes, we are so powerful in the game, let alone a snake is [-] snakes, I can chop them all!"

"It's just that it was too dark there just now, so I couldn't resist. If I were given three days of light, I would cut off all the snakes on this earth!"

"The dungeon of the game cannot be cleared if it is impossible to set it up. There must be some way to break the absolute darkness. Think about it, everyone, is there any hint in this dungeon?"

"Hey, it's still the old rule. Let's study the murals around here first. There are so many patterns and characters on these murals. Study it carefully, maybe someone did it..."

Game experience is game experience, and it is often very useful.

These game experiences have brought convenience to players in previous adventures, and this time is no exception.

The players calmed down and did not rush into the battlefield, but carefully observed and studied the murals on the walls near the resurrection point to study the contents of the murals.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhuge saw the boss of the previous battle on the mural - Holy See Commander Kusa.

Judging from the content described on the mural, Holy See Commander Kusa is indeed not a human being, but a demon.

It's not the kind of demon that was originally a normal human being who degenerated into a demon halfway, but a serious natural demon, an absolute villain race.

According to the content of the mural, Kusa is a demon. He was defeated by the Deba Knights in a certain battle. He was convinced by the defeat and joined the Deba Knights backhand.

Yes, join if you can't beat it!
There is nothing to be ashamed of.

The commander of the Holy See, Kusa, who joined the Knights of Debba after he couldn't beat him, made a lot of contributions to the Knights after joining the group, and was promoted quickly.

The murals and the text attached to the murals recorded many battles he participated in, among which there was indeed a record of the move of vipers eating ten thousand.

According to the description, the skill of Viper's Ten Thousand Bites is very powerful.

Its effect is that after the mandatory black screen of the whole map, there will be a move to swallow ten thousand snakes, which is very powerful and terrifying.

It's just that this move is too sinister and does not conform to the spirit of the Knights.

When he first joined the Deba Knights, the Holy See Commander Kusa still liked to use Vipers.

Later, someone within the Deba Knights made an opinion.

Because Kusa is the reason why the demonic forces joined here, if he continues to use the trick full of demonic power.

It was easy for him to degenerate into a demon again.

Kusa later accepted the suggestion and hardly used any demonic powers anymore, naturally including the tactic of Viper Eater.

It seems that today, it was the players who pushed him into a hurry, which made this former demon use the power of the demon to use his ultimate move against his will.

Forbidden stunt!

The ultimate move that has not been used for many years is still extremely sharp!

So on the mural, is there any explanation on the way to crack the trick of Vipers Eat Ten Thousands?

Of course not!
After all, murals are just tools for depicting and praising.

Impossible to use it to crack your own tricks!
But from the content on the mural, the players still explored some possible potential possibilities.

Everyone believes that the relevant clues recorded on the murals near the game's difficult levels are common settings in the game itself and the ingenious design of game designer Flynn.

People in Jianghu called Xiao Zhuge, he pointed to the scene on the mural and said: "Look, the words and images here record the skill of Viper's Ten Thousand Bites. Its working principle is to plunge the whole map into darkness and summon countless demon Vipers snake."

"These demon vipers don't need eyesight, they just explore the breath of living people in the dark and attack all living things."

"Since the viper's ten thousand bite skill is to let go and target all living people after the whole map is blacked out, then I thought of a possibility."

"He is targeting all living people, so as long as we become dead people, wouldn't those vipers in the dark be unable to attack us?"

"They will become blind! E-sports does not need eyesight, who is afraid of WHO?"

As soon as the people in the Jianghu called Xiao Zhuge said this sentence, everyone was shocked.

Everyone praised: "I rely on Xiao Zhuge, you are such a genius, well said! We have all become dead, so we will not be attacked by revenge."

"Because we are all dead, people can clock in and get off work, and attack a shovel?"

"That's right, little Zhuge, aren't you blind? We're all dead, so what's the use of the vipers not attacking us?"

"Are you going to turn us into an army of undead too? But we are not a natural disaster of undead!"

Little Zhuge laughed and said, ""Did you forget the ancient corpse perfume?
"As long as each of us wears some ancient corpse perfume, it can cover up the breath of the living on us."

"When we fought zombies before, didn't we often use this trick to deceive the ordinary zombies who have no brains and make them think that we are also zombies?"

"I don't know if you still carry such adventure props as ancient corpse perfume, anyway, I do carry it, old man."

"Adventure props, not too many!"

Hearing what little Zhuge said, all the people present were stunned.

That's right, in a sense, the Viper that raided the player in absolute darkness.

It is a bit similar to common brainless zombies.

They all attack all hostile creatures through some uncertain means.

Since everyone could use ancient corpse perfume to cover up their breath of life when fighting zombies, it might be the same to deal with vipers in the dark now!

However, after all, it was a long time ago to fight zombies on a large scale.

Most of the players present probably didn't have any targeted adventure props like ancient corpse perfume, right?

The result was beyond everyone's expectations.

"I brought it, did you bring it?"

"I prepared a bottle before I set off."

"Have you brought them all? Fortunately, I haven't used up the ones I bought last time."

"I thought I didn't bring it, but I did?"

After some statistics, everyone found that players carrying ancient corpse perfume accounted for the vast majority.

Everyone is even with each other, which is completely enough for everyone to use.

This is really awesome!

Even little Zhuge couldn't help but hug everyone together.

"Brothers are strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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