Chapter 684
"I want to give up the tricks of the devil, but in order to protect the Holy Tomb, I am willing to fall again!"

Hearing such cruel words from Holy See Commander Kusa, some players sensed that something might be wrong.

And at the next moment, Kusa, who was a snake-headed demon.

Sure enough, a very devilish trick was used.

From the position of his head, a large cloud of black mist floated out, rapidly spreading into the sky.

The speed at which the black mist spread was astonishing.

In just a few tens of seconds, the entire battlefield was covered.

The players suddenly became a mess.

"Be careful! This BOSS is enlarged!"

"It's so dark, I can't see anything!"

"Me too, everyone, light up the lighting tools, what kind of torches, what lanterns, what else, take out the light!"

"Damn it's up to you to say, I've taken out these things a long time ago, but they don't work! I still can't see anything!"

"It's not about not being able to see your fingers, it's about putting your fingers in front of your eyes and not being able to see! It's absolute darkness!"

"Yeah, it's absolute darkness!"

"I obviously ignited my lantern, and it was an enchanted lantern strengthened by mithril powder, but it still couldn't emit any light."

"What the hell is going on?"

"Did we be teleported to a different space, or did he suck all the light?"

"You can't tell me that the skill of this wave of bosses is a black hole that sucks all the light away?"

"What should I do? I can't see it at all! There is no way to plan this battle, let's break up."

"Haha, just kidding, it's impossible to break up the gang, but what should we do now?"

"Which big guy has a way to bring it up?"

"Everyone be quiet, can everyone be quiet?"

"Since we can't see anything, let's just listen to the voice and argue. It's a big deal to fight blindly! Anyway, it's blind. If you close your eyes and hit blindly, you might kill the boss."

"Old buddy! We are all old players, how many times are you going to fight? It makes sense that the boss is not so good!"

"If you want me to say, we don't have to worry. It's absolutely dark, I don't believe that the boss can see us?"

"We can't see the BOSS, the BOSS can't see us, everyone is 55."

Amidst the chaotic discussions among the players, some people began to slash their weapons spontaneously.

However, the effect of slashing in the dark is very unsatisfactory, basically they all cut on their own people.

After a few minutes passed, the players gradually recovered from the chaos at the beginning.

Because in these few minutes, although the players were unable to cause any effective damage to the boss, they also felt that the Holy See Commander Kusa did not make any further moves.

Could it be that this absolute darkness is indeed two-way?
Not only did it affect the players' battles, but it also made it impossible for the boss to continue fighting. Is the two sides deadlocked here?
If the stalemate continues, it will be bad for the players!

After all, the boss has been guarding the grave here for many years, and it is impossible for the player to guard the grave with him all the time, right?

A change has to be made!
The current stalemate must be broken!
And soon, the stalemate was really broken.

In the next moment, the commander of the Holy See, Kusa, issued a cold warning: "Are you used to the darkness? Now I will let you taste the despair in the darkness!"

"The viper eats everything!"

After the Holy See Commander Kusa, said the name of his unique move.

In the next moment, there were many creepy rustling sounds in the endless absolute darkness.

That is, the sound of a snake crawling.

Or, more accurately, the sound of snakes flying.

In the dark night sky, countless deadly vipers are flying all over the sky.

These vipers seemed to be completely unaffected by the darkness, and with precise strikes in the air, almost every player was bitten by the snake.

And not just a snake!

It can be said that players will be devoured and bitten by dozens or even hundreds of Vipers almost at the same time.

This is the viper that devours everything!

Although the attack power of a single snake is not very strong.Biting on players with rough skin and thick flesh is the level of scratching.

However, being swallowed by dozens or hundreds of vipers in an instant is still very output.

Most players can't stand it.

Moreover, the skill of Viper Eater is continuous.

It's not just a wave of vipers, but a large number of vipers continue to raid, one after another, wave after wave, as if it will never stop.

Absolute darkness, absolute hell, bringing ruthless physical and mental torture to everyone.

In the absolute darkness, the players continued to be devoured by vipers.

Soon the first player is down, followed by a group.

In the absolute darkness where there was no ability to resist, the players fell in pieces and were eventually wiped out.

Players, the group is gone, and I feel very upset about it.

It's okay to destroy the group, but in absolute darkness, being easily beaten without being able to resist is really very unhappy.

After a vigorous fight, dying from exhaustion is much more comfortable than being slowly swallowed alive by a viper.

And if it's a normal way of death, it's fine, but the way of death is still so terrifying and disgusting!

Being bitten to death by countless vipers flying around, one bite at a time, who can resist this?
Mental pollution!
You know, human beings' fear of snakes is engraved into their DNA.

Many modern people feel physically ill even when they see a picture of a snake on TV.

Not to mention in the super realistic game "Super Warfare 2".

Although being bitten by a viper in the game, or being bitten to death alive, it will not have any impact in reality.

But just psychological torture is enough to make players feel miserable.

It's okay to die, can you die happily?
Players who were very upset started to spray one after another.

"The majestic Debba Knights are both ghosts and demons, I'm sorry!"

"The so-called Deba Knights? It's just another fallen knight order that is in league with the devil! This plot is too clichéd and has nothing new, so LOW."

"Fast Forward to Illuminati Pope Fall."

"Is this the holy knight lord? Love love love love."

"No wonder the Debba Knights are so awesome. It turns out that they took refuge in the devil, haha, rubbish!"

"Long live the great Derba knight demon army!"

"I look down on this Deba Knights more and more. It's obviously Wei Guangzheng's regular army knights. It's really disgusting to engage in these crooked ways and use so many snakes to bite us."

"Rubbish Deba Knights, die to me! I must knock you to the ground today! Press and rub on the ground, rub on the smooth ground!"

(End of this chapter)

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