I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 600 Guarding the Vault

Chapter 600 Guarding the Vault
The players who fell saw the beauty of the car and the gold coins in the treasure house, and their eyes were straightened!

"Oh, I see! I see!"

"We defeated the boss and chased him for half a street until now! We finally killed the boss. It turns out that the lava armor lord is guarding this vault!"

"We beat the BOSS, and we got the BOSS's loot, so happy!"

"A lot of gold coins! There are also a lot of weapons and armor, let's see if there are any good ones?"

"Don't worry about those weapons and armors, there should be nothing of the highest quality, they are all ordinary standard equipment, and the gold coins are the kingly way!"

Seeing it suddenly, it fell from the sky, the body of the previous lava armor lord.

And...the hundreds of people who fell together.

The members of the Association of Genius Alchemists want to cry but have no tears.

The treasure house that was originally flattered to monopolize has suddenly become a part of the seer?

Who's to make sense of this?

But there is no way, we can't say to them: "We discovered this treasure house first, please go away."

It doesn't make sense, does it?
Sure enough, the windfall is not so easy to get.

The only consolation is that there are tens of thousands of gold coins on the scene.

There were also hundreds of people at the scene. On average, among the other fallen people, one person could only pick up a few dozen or one or two hundred gold coins.

There are even brothers with slow hands and feet, who just picked up twenty or thirty scattered gold coins that fell on the ground.

As for the five members of the Association of Genius Alchemists, when they counted the number of loot in the treasury, they began to pack them in their backpacks in advance.

Now, the backpacks of the five people are full of gold coins, with an average of 1000 to 2000 gold dinars per person.

Compared with the brothers who fell in later, they all have at least 10 times the income!

Comparing people to people, everyone who is a genius alchemist has already gained quite a lot.

But right now.

From outside the gate of the vault, there was also the sound of dense skeletons colliding.

Obviously, it was the skeleton army in the square outside.

They heard the movement in the vault and are about to come in now.

If an army of thousands of skeletons rushed in, the scene would be a mess, and the hundreds of players who were frantically searching for loot would probably be unable to resist.

If you can't resist, the consequences will be serious.

If it is here, it will be wiped out by the regiment.

The loot that hadn't had time to go back to the city to bind it flew away.

Loot that includes a large amount of gold coins in the backpack, etc., will become unowned loot.

That loss is huge!
Unlike traditional feudal armies, players don't forget to fight for loot.

Therefore, out of the mentality of protecting the loot, the players on the scene are loading gold coins and selecting relatively high-quality individual players among the weapons and equipment.

One by one, they all regained their combat readiness in an instant.

Now, players all know that if they want to safely bring the loot back to the main city to complete the binding, they must first survive.

Hundreds of players quickly entered a state of combat readiness.

Holding a weapon, he blocked the gate of the vault, watching helplessly as the steel gate of the vault collapsed.

More than a dozen fierce skeleton warriors rushed in and roared angrily.

The warrior players in the front row fought together with the Skeleton Warlord who charged in.

A large number of second-line skeleton soldiers and players in the back row on both sides also began to charge forward.

My uncle and other long-range weapons are standing on the mountains of weapons and equipment in the treasury, condescending to output various magic.

Suddenly, the entire vault gate became a fierce battlefield.

There are a lot of skeleton soldiers who want to rush in in the square outside, and they generally have certain weapons and equipment.

It's not the kind of barebones, scumbag skeleton soldier.

Thousands of troops rushed in, causing great pressure on the players.

But the Mithril Resurrection Statue has been lost inside the vault, and the players who have a temporary base, in order to protect their spoils, have fallen into a state of rampage one by one.

"The treasury is not big, and the dinar is behind us, for the dinar! Never take a step back!"

"go ahead!"

Combat power bonus 1000%!
Coupled with the location of the vault gate, the entrance is relatively narrow, and the battlefield cannot be spread out, making it impossible for the skeleton soldiers to display their numerical advantage.
So for a while, the two sides were deadlocked at the gate.

It seems that the skeleton soldiers can't fight in, and the players can't fight out.

Among the hundreds of players, the largest group is undoubtedly the group of lunatics who have been attacking the boss from the very beginning.

A few backbone members of the lunatic group shouted: "Brothers! Come on and keep going! We're going to waste like this!"

"We've brought enough resurrection points this time, so we'll kill the thousands of skeleton soldiers outside like this!"

"After dying, there will be a big wave of loot, hahaha."

Yes, even surrounded by thousands of skeleton corps.

Even if there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

Obviously in a state of being surrounded and wiped out.

But the players are still optimistic and greedy.

This kind of greedy and optimistic spirit is the spirit of the fourth natural disaster!
As long as you can't be greedy to death, just be greedy to death!
this!That is, the fourth natural disaster!
Hundreds of players resisted for a while and stabilized the situation.

But the Skeleton Legion is not a vegetarian either. Seeing that several waves of strong attacks did not work, they also changed their style of play.

From behind the skeleton army, an army of skeleton cows appeared out of nowhere!

There is magic attached to the flame on the tail of the skeleton cow.

Driven by the flame magic, the skeleton bull rushed towards the vault with full force.

Seeing the dozens of Fire Skull Bulls rushing towards him, the players standing in the front line started to curse one after another.

"Damn it, these skeleton soldiers know how to trick? Could it be that there is Tian Dan in their camp?"

Whether it is the original original of the Skeleton Legion, or their copycat.

But the effect of the fire bull meter is really good.

About 100 large skeleton fire bulls charged at high speed!
That impact, not to mention mere human players, even trolls or giants, probably can't stop it!

Without any suspense, the originally solid line of defense at the vault gate was directly breached.

Hundreds of Fire Skull Bulls rushed in and caused huge chaos.

Unexpectedly, these skeleton fire bulls themselves had no fighting power, and they were quickly eliminated by the players.

However, as a one-time consumable, the fire bull opened the way for the main force of the skeleton army behind.

Thousands of miscellaneous soldiers from the Skeleton Legion poured into the vault, unstoppable!

And follow-up, more skeleton soldiers are coming to support!
Players, completely unable to stop the enemy, overwhelmed themselves with numbers.

For the time being, due to the small size of the treasury, the players can still resist for a while.

But the disadvantages are already very obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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