I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 599 The little girl can bend and stretch (the alarm clock is set at 4 o'clock)

Chapter 599 The little girl can bend and stretch (the alarm clock is set at 4 o'clock)
There are twenty or thirty elite skeleton soldiers guarding the goal.

If you fight hard head-on, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't beat it.

The key is that once the fight starts, the sound will definitely be loud, and it will alarm many other skeleton soldiers around, and even the thousands of skeleton soldiers in the entire square!
Hit, definitely not.

But if you don't fight, you can't pass through this gate.

When he was in trouble, my uncle suddenly had a bright light in his eyes.

Then he pointed to a hole in the wall to the left of the gate, and shouted: "Haha, there is a dog hole here, hurry up! Let's go quietly!"

Looking at the dirty dog ​​hole, on the edge of the dog hole, there are even some shit...

Taozi is 100%, hesitantly said a little disgusted: "Huh? Are we really going to drill a dog hole? Isn't that made by wild dogs?"

Even Mengxin Taozi 100% dislikes the behavior of drilling dog holes.

But the big player, the majestic president, didn't care at all.

She was even quite happy, and said with a playful smile: "A man, you must never go into a dog's hole!"

"But we are all little girls, especially she is a cute girl."

"What's wrong with the cute girl and the puppy drilling a hole together?"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Ben said: "You guys come here quickly, don't hesitate."

So everyone continued to carry forward the glorious tradition of players drilling into a hole when they saw it, and got into it from the dog hole.

Even if it gets stained with feces, I don't care.

It suddenly dawned on me!

Behind the gate is nothing but an armory and a vault!

With the help of the faint light in this vault, the uncle and the others saw many gold coins neatly stacked on the shelf.

On both sides of the warehouse, there are also a large number of weapons and armor.

At the very least, they are all standard-level weapons and equipment.

And the number is extremely large.

As long as it is not damaged, take it out as ordinary equipment and sell it to businessmen in other countries, and you can make a lot of money!
Even this uncle, who is used to the world, couldn't help his heartbeat speeding up.

Pointing to the gold coins and weapons and equipment, the uncle said happily: "Wow, we are really rich now! Let me see how many gold coins there are here? How many weapons and equipment?"

"These dinars alone, I estimate there are tens of thousands of gold coins!"

"There are so many weapons and equipment! Let's take them out as arms dealers! Sell them to the armies of other countries! Let me see... with so many weapons, can at least arm two legions?"

After a cursory glance, the uncle estimated that there were gold coins on the scene.Plus weapons and equipment etc.

The total price will definitely not be less than 10 gold coins!
These are minimum estimates.

Actually.Based on my own experience, this uncle estimates that it is possible to sell 30 million gold coins for the trophies here.

Even if there are only 20 gold coins, on average, everyone can get about 4 gold coins.

In addition, the loot has been allocated before departure.

Everyone agreed that the leader, Ben, and the veteran player, Hui Hui, would get more loot.

Three newcomers, each can only get about 15%.

No matter how you calculate it, this uncle will definitely get tens of thousands of gold coins.

This is a huge amount of money, converted into real currency, it is in the millions.

a game.

an adventure.

A bunch of loot.

A whole lot of money!

Looking at the spoils in front of him, my heart is full of pride and pride!

Is this his own strength?
Is this the strength of the first mage in "Super Warriors 2"?

Uncle Ben said with great pride: "Sisters! This treasury is contracted by us! Let's count first how many spoils there are."

"I guess we won't be able to take it all at once. Let's count it first, and then we will run a few more times to empty this place."

"Never miss a single stitch!"

Several other teammates were also very excited.

They are not ladies from rich families like my uncle.

Seeing the huge sum of money, I couldn't help being so excited that I was about to cry.

"This... this is the legendary "Super Warriors 2", right? What a 1024 awesome game!"

The excited crowd immediately began to count the spoils.

Instead, he heard, a disconcerting vibrating sound overhead.

It seemed that there was a large group of things running around above his head.

Glancing at the ceiling above his head, it seemed that it was built fairly solidly.

After all, it is a treasure house, and the quality must pass the test.

It's just that no one is sure what will happen next.

Worried about extra problems, my uncle urged: "Let's hurry up, there may be other players nearby, and there may be other giant monsters, orcs, goblins, and the like."

"Whether it's other players or those monsters, they will grab gold coins!"

"If we want to monopolize the treasure house, we must do it quickly!"

Everyone's hands and feet became more agile, and they also started to put some guaranteed gold coins in their bags-just in case, put the gold coins first!

And at this moment, there was a huge vibration from above the ceiling.

As if something exploded.

Immediately, there was a cracking sound from the entire ceiling.

The fortified treasury... cracked open.

Stone slag and debris began to fall continuously.

Uncle Ben and the others felt chilly in their hearts.

"Sure enough, things are not that simple."

Huihui pointed to the huge crack that was constantly extending on the ceiling, and shouted at the uncle: "President! It's cracked!"

Uncle Ben's expression was very ugly at this time, and she also shouted: "Yes, I'm cracked!"

The treasure that could have been enjoyed exclusively, suddenly suffered a change, can it not be cracked?
So, in the next instant, the entire ceiling was completely shattered!
From above, a lot of things fell down.

Among them, the most.

are people.

is the player.

At least a few hundred players fell from the ceiling.

One by one, various shouts were made.

"Ah, this monster is so disgusting that it blew itself up!"

"It doesn't matter, if it explodes, it will explode. Anyway, killing the boss is not a loss."

"Ouch! my elbow! Ouch, my polengai."

"Where is this?"

"Eh? Why did I put a beautiful woman under my ass? Lucky Meimei? Hey, are you here? Sorry to scare you, I'll get up right away."

"Brother envy, your butt is soft, but mine is hard! What is it? Let me see."

"Where is this place? Wow! Me, me, me, me! A lot of gold coins! Brothers, wow, let's go!"

"Ah, where is the gold coin? Oh! I see it! Quick! Quick!"

 Waking up at four o'clock in the morning is not to look at the crabapple flowers, but to go to work. .


(End of this chapter)

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