Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 73 Entering Yakali Lake

Chapter 73 Entering Yakali Lake
"I feel like he doesn't want me dead," Wolverine Logan said.

"I don't think so," Harry said, curling his lips.

Having attracted everyone's attention, Harry opened the holographic image on his arm, showing an image of an Asian woman in a suit wearing glasses and a secretarial temperament.

"According to my information, this woman named Yuriko Koyama has the same ability as you, self-healing ability, and alloy claws. If you don't have a bit of the same look, I even doubt if you are brother and sister." Harry joked.

"Who is this?" Wolverine asked, looking at Harry.He didn't even stick out his paw at Harry's joke because of some images that flashed through his head.

"She has a number, X23, you should be familiar with it," Harry said to Wolverine with a smile.

"X23?" Wolverine said the name, suddenly lost in thought.

"Logan is not the right candidate," Magneto said as he stepped up.

"People who enter the dam must be able to operate the flood discharge device." Good reason, Wolverine doesn't look like a person who can use a computer.

"Then who should go?" Qin asked with a frown, vaguely feeling that Magneto was hiding something, but she couldn't be sure.

Magneto turned his head with a smile, directing everyone's gaze to Mystique standing at the back.

"Well, she is indeed the most suitable," Harry nodded.Mystique's ability is destined to make her the strongest spy master.


"We'll go in when the gate is opened," Storm said to the others after Mystique transformed into Wolverine.

"Okay," John Pyro said eagerly, he couldn't wait any longer.

"No, you have to stay here," Storm refused directly.

"Why?" Burning John asked in puzzlement, opening his arms.

"It's not just you, Mary and Bobby are also staying here, it's not time for you to go to the battlefield yet" Storm looked at the three of them seriously and said.

At this time, the floodgates finally opened.Magneto, Qin, Wolverine, and Blue Devil got off the plane one after another and ran towards the dam.

"It's time to go." Harry patted Storm and got off the plane. "Oh! It's amazing." Entering the base, Harry exclaimed as he looked at the crumbling soldiers on the ground.

"Naturally," Magneto laughed.

"Yeah, that's why ordinary people reject mutants so much," Harry said, changing his tone.Speeding up the pace, walking in the front, the scanning-like function brought by the invisible position is released instantly, looking for the location of Mystique.

"Hmph!" Magneto snorted coldly, threw off his long robe, and floated up into the void.

With Harry's guidance, everyone moved quickly, walking around to the door of the control room.

Magneto looked at Harry, saw him waving his hands in a 'please' gesture, and came to the door, facing the thick metal door with his arms.

Under Magneto's ability, the disciple was torn off with a "boom".


Leave the rotten door behind and step into the control room.

"How? Did you find it?" Magneto asked Mystique standing next to the control seat.

"Well, most of the energy of the dam is concentrated in this room." Mystique called up the screen and pointed out the location of the brain wave enhancer.

"It's right here" Mystique zoomed in on the screen and said, pointing to the monitor.

"Can you shut him down here?" Storm asked hurriedly.

Mystique turned her back to Storm, evoking a smug smile.

"No" directly denied Storm Girl's words.

"Quick, there's no time," Magneto said with a big smile on his face.Only one step away, just one step away, and he will succeed.

"Let's go together." Since entering the base, Qin has a stronger feeling about what Magneto is hiding.

Magneto turned his head suddenly, looked at Qin, and then exchanged glances with Mystique.

Harry folded his arms and leaned aside, watching this scene with a smile, because the helmet of Magneto was still in his hands, he believed that the scene in the movie would never happen again, and the task of saving mutants and humans would naturally fall. to himself.But Harry seemed to have forgotten his purpose of coming here at this time.

"Oh! My God! It's the children." Storm saw the mutant child locked up in the monitor, and walked forward with a cry of surprise.

And Wolverine Logan also saw his target and quietly walked out of the control room.

"Kant, can you go with me?" Storm turned to Blue Devil and asked.The ability of teleportation is indeed much easier to save these children.

"Okay" said the blue devil.

"Where are they?" Storm asked Mystique.

"On the floor below," Mystique said.

"Okay, let's go save the children, and then meet you at the brain wave booster." Storm asked everyone, looking at Magneto and Qin, and she also found something wrong, but now she still needs to rescue them. People dominate.

"Okay." Qin stared at Magneto and nodded.

"Okay." Storm walked outside with the blue devil, but found that there was no one there.

"Where's Logan?"

"He's already gone, let's go too," Harry shrugged.

"Ah! No." As soon as Storm mentioned Wolverine, Harry suddenly remembered his purpose, and slapped himself hard on the forehead.

"This is for you, remember to return it to me." Under Harry's control, the anti-telepathic helmet got out of the armor suit, condensed in his hand, threw it directly to Magneto, and then ran out without looking back.

Except for Harry and Wolverine Logan, the rest of the troops split into two groups. Storm and Blue Devil went to save the children, while Magneto, Mystique and Jean went to Cyclops and Professor X together.

Just as everyone was acting, William Stryker had already started his plan, the plan to exterminate the mutants.

"It's so stupid, what kind of plot are you watching, and you forgot the business." Harry complained to himself, looking for Wolverine with his stance, and quickly approached Wolverine in the passage.

Entering a door that opened downwards, Harry saw Wolverine Logan. At this time, he was looking at the facilities inside, as if he was looking for lost memories.

"Hey! You're so fast." Harry stopped running and walked towards Wolverine.

"Dengdeng stare"

Another entrance suddenly heard footsteps.

"This amazing metal has a strange property. If you want to control it in its original liquid form, you have to try to keep it in this state, keep it hot, because once it cools, it will be indestructible" William Street While talking, Ke walked in here with the dead girl he controlled.

The words stirred up Wolverine's memory and gradually connected the broken memories, so he listened very quietly, not even paying attention to William Stryker's movements.

PS: Favorite, recommend, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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