Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 72 is about to begin

Chapter 72 is about to begin

That night, Harry was put in a tent that had been set up by the enthusiastic Storm Ororo.

Maybe a lot of interesting things happened that night, but Harry didn't care about that much.

Although Harry's physique is absolutely non-human, he will also be exhausted after all. The mid-afternoon flight in the air not only makes his body exhausted, but also has a great mental drain because he has always activated the ability of the invisible position during the journey.

Lying in the tent, Harry quickly fell asleep.

Nothing to say all night.The next morning, the group got up and boarded the X-Men's jet and flew towards Lake Yakali.

Harry came to the X-Men's clothing locker and looked at the clothes inside.

Go up the handrail, because there is a layer of glass blocking it, the system did not give him a prompt.But fortunately, there was someone beside him who was worthy of Harry's information entry.

Name: Kurt Wagner
Age: 47 years old

Physical condition: healthy

Abilities: Teleportation (30), Body Alienation (10)

Items: none
Harry's evaluation of the blue devil was completely worthless, so he just skipped it.

Name: Bobby Derek
Age: 17 years old
Physical condition: healthy

Ability: Frozen (90)

Items: none
"Not bad" Harry looked at the system screen and praised. Harry was very happy that Iceman's ability could be judged to surpass the level of Magneto, because it meant that he had read about Iceman's ability to freeze everything, including time, Space, the claim is true.Although Iceman's ability has not been fully revealed yet, he will definitely be an extraordinary mutant in the future.

"It's good, but without ours." Iceman Bobby thought Harry was talking about the suits in the cabinet, so he nodded in appreciation of Harry, and at the same time said with some regret.

The Iceman was a very gentle young man, and Harry smiled back at his words.When Harry's eyes swept over the little rascal next to Bobby, Mary suddenly took a step back slightly, seeming to be very frightened by Harry, but Harry gave her a smile and turned his head away.

"Miss Ororo, can I get a set of this battle suit?" Harry smiled and said to Storm who was driving the plane.

"This..." Storm hesitated.

"Of course, it's just a piece of clothing, but why is Mr. Osborne interested in it?" Jean took the conversation and said.

"It's just a little preference, doesn't it matter?" Harry shrugged.

"No," Qin said.

"Hmph!" Wolverine glanced at Harry and snorted coldly.

Harry shook his head and returned to his seat, facing Magneto, Mystique and Pyro.

Name: John Parrow

Age: 17 years old
Physical condition: healthy

Ability: Control Fire (40)

Item: Lighter (5)

Harry turned off the screen. He had no interest in Pyro's ability at all. Although controlling the flames looked cool, compared with Iceman Bobby's ability, there was nothing outstanding at all.Not only can it not make fire, but it is also completely useless in the absence of oxygen.

"What does Mr. Osborne think of mutants?" Magneto asked Harry with a smile on his face.

The other people in the plane also fell silent and looked at Harry. Most of the people here are grateful for Harry's help. Even though Wolverine Logan angered Harry because of the previous mischievous incident, he still affirmed Harry's enthusiastic.Now that Magneto asked the question most of them wanted to know, the attention immediately turned to Harry.

"It's quite interesting, internal disagreement and external enemies." Harry raised his eyebrows and smiled.

This answer makes everyone frown, but this is the truth.

"Mr. Osborne knows us well?" Magneto asked again.

"It can be said that" Harry shrugged. Although some details were unclear, he did know a lot about mutants.

"So what does Mr. Osborne think of our two factions?" Magneto asked, his eyes fixed on Harry's, trying to get a real answer.

"What do I think? Well, although you and Professor X are two completely different ways of doing things, you are indeed for the benefit of your own race, but I think you are too radical and will only make ordinary people more hostile to you "

With the exception of Pyro John, everyone at X Academy is nodding secretly, which is why they've been fighting Magneto.

"However, the professor's method is not correct enough. Although a gentle method can indeed bring people closer to each other, sometimes giving in may not necessarily lead to understanding, but to offend even more," Harry said in silence.Even Iceman Bobby, who absolutely agreed with the professor's method, just opened his mouth and said nothing.

Indeed, as Harry said, the professor's method is too passive and too docile, even Storm, who is a professor's student, thinks so, and Iceman Baba who wants to integrate into the society of ordinary people and return to his family. Unlike Bi, Storm Girl's childhood experience made her hate but fear ordinary people, agree with the professor but resist the professor's philosophy.

"But if you want to win me over, don't even think about it, I don't want to be a terrorist, haha" Harry waved his hand and smiled, he knew Magneto's thoughts very well.

"Ha..." Magneto tugged on his clothes, folded his arms, and smiled without saying a word.

Harry was helpless about this.


The speed of the jet plane was extremely fast, and the group arrived at Yakali Lake in no time.

Storm and Jean landed the plane not far from Yakali Lake, and everyone started a rescue plan.

Open the hologram to reveal an image of Lake Yakali.

"This is the topographic map of the dam, and here is the spillway." Storm pointed to a place in the image, and the image changed.

"See these dense and alternate images? These are tire tracks," Storm continued, and the images changed again.

"Just the entrance" is so obvious that even Wolverine recognizes it.

"En." Storm nodded, but what she wanted to say was obviously not as obvious as Wolverine thought.

Harry bowed his head and chuckled at this time. The real picture is actually far more interesting than the third angle.

"This indicates the thickness of the ice above the ground, which is a recent record of current activity," Storm said.

"If we go in, Stryker will release water into the spillway. Can you transfer in instantly?" Qin, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked at the image and asked the Blue Devil.

"No." The Blue Devil shook his head and said, "I must see where I am going, otherwise I may be trapped inside the wall."

"I'll go," Wolverine said firmly at this time.

Everyone looked at him.

PS: Recommend, favorite, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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