Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 53 I met you

Chapter 53 I met you

Meanwhile, a detection device somewhere saw exactly this.

The cold female voice of "Big Pervert" spat out inexplicably.

After the sound, a large group of people around looked in the direction of the sound source in astonishment as if they were stupefied. It was astonishing that the cruel goddess could say such a small woman's words, even with a cruel voice.

"Cough cough" A black man in a fur coat walked up to the high platform, coughed twice, and the controller in his hand immediately turned off the monitor in front of him.

"Work" the black man said in a flat tone, but after the sound, the people around immediately returned to their previous busy state.

But the black man looked at the woman beside him with a strange expression, his one-eyed eyes turned, the corners of his mouth gradually turned up, and he didn't know what he was calculating.

"Cough" The woman who was looked at felt the strange gaze of her officer, just coughed, then turned around to avoid the gaze, but the two blushes on her cheeks could not be concealed.

The black man put away his laugh, turned on the monitor again, and fixed the picture on the scene where Harry flew into the sky with the invisible girl Susan in his arms. Flying into the sky by human power is already extremely terrifying, not to mention the scene where the thunder and lightning make way for him in the picture.

The black man turned his head slightly, glanced at the woman who was holding her cheeks behind her back, and then looked at the screen with a serious expression.

"After reading the evaluation, it's going to rise again," the black chief thought to himself.


Under the impact of the ball, the dark clouds in the sky finally released the water droplets accumulated for a long time.

First a little bit, then a large area, the amount of rainwater is getting bigger and bigger, and the rushing thunder and lightning are interspersed, which seems to be a metaphor for what happened there.

It took about three or four hours for the rain to stop gradually, and after the vent, the clouds also began to float away, slowly moving over the gradually brightening sky.

"It's time, Sue." Harry lay on his stand, propped up his upper body, and waved his hand lightly, opening a circular gap above the spherical stand.

"Hmm~" Susan, the invisible woman, let out a soft hum when she heard the sound, her dense and long eyelashes slowly blinked away, her small mouth was pouted, and her face was full of confusion.

She stretched out one arm to support her upper body, rubbed her eyes with her small hands, her head shook slightly and her long blond hair swept back and forth across her wheat-colored upper body, which was very tempting.

"Ah, good morning." Susan felt herself being touched, turned her head to see Harry, yawned a long time, and greeted Harry.

"Morning" Harry put down his hand, turned over to block the sunlight facing Susan, then bent down, but let go with one touch.

"Hmm~" Susan, who was confused, suddenly woke up after being kissed suddenly.

"It's you." Seeing Harry clearly, Susan pushed back suddenly, but she couldn't retreat, and directly hit the stand wall made by Harry.

"Forget about last night?" Harry pressed forward.

"Huh?" Susan uttered a doubt, and soon her face turned red with embarrassment.

The method that Harry used on Felicia before was used by Susan on Harry at this time.

"Forget it." Harry's heart moved, but his hands pushed Susan away from his arms.

"It's been so long last night, you don't have the strength." Harry brushed away Susan's blond hair, "Besides...".

Harry chuckled happily, stood up, and the invisible stand slowly opened, turning into a hemispherical shape.

"It's so comfortable~" Harry straightened his arms and stretched comfortably.

"Oh." Susan nodded, and silently turned up the blue uniform on her body, stretched her limbs and put it on her body.

Harry looked at Susan who was silently dressed, put a hand on her shoulder, and patted her.

"I'll take care of you," Harry said.

"Hmm!" Susan's body trembled when she heard the words, and it took a while for her to stabilize. She turned her head to look like Harry, with tears in her eyes, and nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Harry's lips curled into a faint smile.

"It's dawn." Harry raised his head and looked up at the sky. The sky was blue and cloudless. After the rain, the sky was clear, and the air was fresh, and the scenery was as fresh as washing.

Harry closed his eyes and took a few quiet breaths.

"Let's go down." While Harry was enjoying the fresh air, Susan had already put on her clothes. She looked at the scenery under her transparent feet, but she didn't enjoy the scenery like Harry did. Last night was too crazy, wasn't she? How to pay attention, looking at the height of her feet now really scares her.

"Okay." Harry opened his eyes. Facing Susan's words, Harry naturally would not refuse.

The force field ball enveloped the two of them again, Harry loosened his control, and the stand ball quickly fell from the sky.

"Oh, my God!" After falling on the Osborne Building, Susan put away her invisibility ability.

She patted her throbbing chest and yelled, the free fall just now hit her hard.

"Come in," Harry walked to the private elevator installed on the top of the building, pressed it down, and called out to Susan at the same time.

"Hmph!" Seeing Harry's playful eyes, Susan wrinkled her nose and snorted softly, and stepped in.


"knock knock"

"Harry, who is she?" Hearing the knock on the door, Felicia looked away from the documents on the desk and saw Harry walking in front. She put down her pen and stretched out her arms to hug him. But at the same time, she saw Susan coming from behind Harry.

"She is Susan, Susan Storm, one of the protagonists in the Brooklyn Bridge incident not long ago, she, alas~" Harry turned sideways, put his arms around Felicia, and followed behind Susan.

Susan had already guessed when she saw Felicia. After seeing Felicia hugging Harry head-on, her rosy and shy face instantly turned pale, and then she turned around and left with trembling lips.

"Alas~" Harry scratched, but couldn't keep Susan, because Felicia's arms had locked Harry tightly.

"Felicia" Harry let go of his hand helplessly, then lowered his head and called.

"Hmm." Felicia trembled when she heard the sound, and hugged Harry even tighter.

"Harry, Harry, don't you want me?" The woman in her arms said tremblingly, without even raising her head, she was afraid that she would see Harry's disgusted eyes when she raised her head.

PS: I have signed a contract, so I don’t need to be supervised.

(End of this chapter)

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