Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 52 Attraction

Chapter 52 Attraction
He walked in one direction without stopping for a step, and he didn't know how long he walked, and then he gradually walked out. Under the cover of the night, some secret things were happening quietly.

After entering the alley, Harry kicked off the walls left and right, and jumped up to the roof of the building.

After confirming the departure direction of the departing Invisible Woman Susan Storm, Harry jumped between buildings and followed.

Susan Storm didn't know that Harry was following. After she left the fire, she went to the block and walked to the Brooklyn Bridge. Without the building, Harry also jumped down and walked out of the alley, clearly following He went up, but the invisible Susan didn't notice him.

Harry suppressed his steps to go forward, and slowly followed behind.Harry has the invisible position of the invisible woman, and knows the feeling of directly controlling the surroundings. In the perception of Harry's invisible position, he can clearly feel the existence of everyone who walks around him, and this perception is always open, but the invisible woman Susan did nothing about Harry's sudden appearance, which shows that her condition is really not very good.

"Look where! It's the invisible woman!"

"It's really her!"

Although it was in the dark night, when people passing by the bridge saw Susan wearing a bright and iconic tight-fitting blue uniform, they screamed in surprise and stepped forward to surround her like a group of fans. For a while, the sound and flash of taking pictures rose.

People crowded around Susan, but Susan didn't seem to care much about everything. Although there was someone in front of her, she continued to move forward, and bumped into the blond youth who suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Miss Storm" Harry called out, but Susan the Invisible Woman didn't respond, and continued to walk forward with blank eyes.

Seeing Susan's state, Harry frowned, then reached through the invisible woman's arm, then hugged Susan horizontally, and then jumped onto the heads of the onlookers. The invisible position was activated at the same time, and the invisible The thrust was on Harry's back.

The figures of Harry and Susan flew high into the sky with a "chi" sound like arrows flying off the string.

"Fly away!" Harry flew away with Susan, the scene suddenly became chaotic, and the people behind shouted dumbfoundedly at the distant figure.

"It's the man from just now," a woman in front shouted.

"That person seems to be Harry Osborn." Immediately someone thought of Harry who had been in the limelight not long ago.

When the others heard the news, the flashes flashed again immediately.


Harry held Susan and stood above the sea of ​​clouds out of emptiness. As long as he lowered his head at this height, he could see the lightning in the dark clouds under his feet, and the light of lightning was fleeting for thousands of miles. Even if Harry held the invisible woman Susan Stowe Mu is above the thundercloud at the moment, and he is also in danger of being struck by lightning.But this kind of situation will not happen under the control of Harry's electric energy. When the thunder strikes, it will only turn and fly out.

"Here is, the sky..." A strong wind suddenly blew, and Susan had already come out of that absent-minded state, but Harry's burst of flying immediately blocked her screams in her red lips, In the end, because of the strong wind, she buried her head on Harry's chest. At this time, after Harry stopped, she finally turned her head away from Harry's chest, but when she turned her head, she saw the rolling. The sea of ​​clouds and the light of thunder and lightning intertwined and shuttled through it.

"Ah!" Maybe Victor had put too much pressure on her before. Seeing the thunder, Susan immediately turned her head away, but in this way, she put her head close to Harry's chest.

"Miss Storm" Harry hugged Susan tightly to prevent her from falling because of the screams just now.

"Mr. Osborne? Harry Osborne?" Hearing a familiar voice, Susan looked into Harry's face.

"Yes." Harry lowered his head and chuckled.

"Well, are you calm?" Harry asked.

Susan raised her head and looked at Harry from bottom to top. There was a strong wind up there, blowing Harry's short hair, but only a shadow could be seen in the dark sky. At this moment, a dark cloud appeared It streaked across the air, bringing a large amount of light to the dim sky.

The bright moon poked its head out from behind the dark clouds, casting a thin layer of brilliance on Harry, especially the faint white light on the corners of Harry's mouth when he smiled.

"Yeah." Susan nodded blankly, and then continued to bury her head in Harry's chest.

"It's just a little cold." Susan rubbed her head against Harry's chest again, as if seeking warmth.

Harry paused, and a bluish spherical cover immediately wrapped Harry and Susan inside, keeping the cold wind out.

"Now?" Harry patted Susan on the shoulder.

"Huh?" Susan raised her head and felt it, and it was much better.

"Do you want to stand here and look down?" Under Susan's terrified cry, Harry placed Susan on the ground parallel to the sphere he had made of an invisible stand.

"This is my position." Susan tentatively stepped on the parallel bottom surface of the sphere, but felt the same position structure as her own ability.

"That's my position," Harry laughed.He found that the ability obtained from Susan seemed to be particularly useful. This should be the increase brought about by mental strength. It was a wise choice to directly inject spider venom back then.

At the beginning, Harry directly injected spider venom, which brought him a very powerful twisted spirit. Although this state was digested by the system later, the growth of mental power could not be subtracted out of thin air, which caused a serious backlog of Harry's mental power After getting down, knowing that Harry has acquired the ability to realize the position relying on mental power, the mental power is released. After the initial discomfort, Harry has been able to precisely control this ability.

"Your position?" Susan bent down to touch the position ball, which was exactly the same as her own position.

"How did you do it?" This was the biggest question in her mind at this time. She was sure that only the four of them and Victor Dum were changed in the universe at that time, and their abilities had no similarities at all.

"It was transformed by a mysterious power." Harry spoke half-truths and looked at Susan frivolously.

"Do you want to know more about it?" Harry stretched out his finger, provoking the beautiful chin of the invisible woman Susan and said, as the time to acquire the invisible position is getting longer, perhaps because of the power of the same origin, in Harry's perception Suzanne seemed to be a part of himself, but it gave Harry a different feeling, an inexplicable urge.

Faced with Harry's frivolous behavior, Susan's heart trembled inexplicably, thinking of the man who was confused and made her sad. Although the past history of this man in front of her was a bit bad, she could feel that he was really serious to her. Yes, at this moment she clearly felt Harry's heart.

"Of course." Letting go of her heart, Susan's eyes regained a lively look, and there seemed to be an impulse in it.

She actively stretched out her arms, hooked Harry's neck, and then stood on tiptoe, naturally.


In the sea of ​​clouds, a ball that is constantly wandering is dangling, no one can see it.No, it seems not.

(End of this chapter)

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