Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 297 Purple Man and Ultron

Chapter 297 Purple Man and Ultron

There are extremely complicated passages underground in New York, the level of complexity is comparable to an underground maze, but it is easy to hide under such a maze, even if it is a large group of things hidden.

At the end of a certain pipe, in a wide space, an unknown machine is placed in the center, and around it is a large group of humanoid robots that reflect the scarlet light in the eye sockets with metallic luster. , forming a big circle, protecting the machine in the center, not long after, a rush of echoing footsteps gradually sounded, and the footsteps gradually became more and more clear.

dang dang dang dang-

Then, a well-dressed oxford shoe stepped out of the shadows, and then, immediately followed by the front foot and the back foot, a person stepped here under the light of the light placed on a high place.

I saw this person wearing a purple high-end suit, but he appeared in this extremely dirty underground, which formed a very weird feeling.

It was a thick purple face, very stiff, without any movement, the beard on the cheeks had turned into a beard, and it looked really dirty. Obviously this British gentleman who should have been in and out of high-end places has already been here. It's been a while in the dirty underground pipes.

Such a bewildered and homeless person who seems to have been hit in the middle of the family fortune, at this time, is holding his head high, his eyes are shining with a compelling light, cold but full of passion, two different The look that should not appear at the same time is so completely filled in this person's eyes, as if he is about to give up one last fight and cut off all retreats.

He walked forward with rapid and steady steps. When he walked in front of these metal robots, the robots naturally gave way to an empty path, kneeling on one knee and touching their chests like a slave welcoming his master back. , bowing his head to show respect.

The man suddenly slowed down, looked at the machine in the warehouse, finally gritted his teeth, frowned complexly and muttered to himself.

"That's the only way, this body is useless and scrapped! Yes! That's the only way!"

The words in the whispered words are really weird, the word 'scrap' obviously shouldn't be used here, but he did appear here.

This man in a purple suit with a purple face is the purple man who quietly disappeared into Stark Tower after the civil war subsided, and the Ultron Machine Legion that also disappeared at that time was indeed taken away by him Yes, it's just a person like Purple Man, and with his unique ability, he can get along well anywhere, even superheroes all over the world are looking for him.

But now he has trapped himself in the underground pipeline, obviously...

Everyone has a limit, just like the use of drugs will produce resistance, and now, because of the long-term use of drugs that stimulate abilities, the current purple man has completely lost control, and he can no longer use his abilities. Now he , is just an ordinary person, and the only difference is his weird purple skin, as for the others, there is nothing!

It's just that people like Ziren obviously can't accept the mediocrity of mediocrity. Although his ability has disappeared, he has made some preparations. Although this will make him lose a lot, he has gained more!
With the help of the Ao Chuang robot, the purple man entered the cabin, and then the various lines on the ground were connected to the helmet inside the cabin, and the middle of the line was directly connected to a super computer, and the computer was connected to The line is connected to an Ultron robot that is much taller and stronger than ordinary Ultron.

"let's start!"

Inside, the purple man's voice came out, and the Ultron robot outside immediately stood in front of the computer and tapped the keyboard continuously after hearing the command. With the sound of tapping, the indicator lights on the helmet lit up one after another. At the same time, the purple man in the cabin twitched continuously as if he had been electrocuted, and when the last character command was input into the computer, the twitching stopped suddenly.

The body movements of the purple man in the warehouse suddenly stopped, first stiffened for a moment, and then slowly softened, without any breath.

At the other end, under the transmission of the computer, the empty eye sockets of the tall and strong Ultron robot suddenly flashed, and then it seemed that the plague spread instantly, and the scarlet light completely filled this different Ultron robot. Created eyes.


hiss hiss—

The unusual tall Ultron suddenly moved, and his body suddenly creaked as he moved.The two feet also stepped forward, stepping on the ground and making a rattling sound, and then a noise came from the generator, as if it was an old radio.

However, this situation did not last long. After a few more noises, Ultron's voice gradually turned into a clear voice.

"Oh! It's a strange feeling!"

Ao Chuang raised his head slightly, but his scarlet gaze was drooping low, flashing a mad look, the crack-like mouth actually grinned, showing a smiling face, instantly making that ferocious face The iron face was filled with a strange feeling.

"Hahaha! From now on, I am Ultron! The Purple Man no longer exists!"

it does not!It's him!He clenched his fists and raised his head and laughed loudly, making a metallic sound of grinding his teeth, and the moment his words fell, two hot laser beams shot out from those scarlet eyes, quickly crossed the space, and slammed the canister The flesh and blood in the body was shredded, making the body dripping with blood, and the splashed blood drenched Ao Chuang's whole body.

The replacement of the old and the new is rendered by bright red, which is both gorgeous and terrifying.

The purple man who has become Ultron reached out and gently wiped the scarlet blood splashed on his face. The moment the blood red came into his eyes, the metal body froze slightly, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly clenched his fist.

"Starting today, I will gain immortality! But before that, I will destroy all of you! Kill you all! Kill all human beings!" Ultron gritted his teeth and said to himself, a trace of cold hatred appeared on the cold metal cheeks, hatred of human beings.

The purple man had never been so embarrassed before, but now he not only lost his strength, but also lost his identity as a human being. He lost his sense of taste, sense of smell, and sense of touch. He didn't feel anything at all, the moment the blood was wiped by his fingers, he felt that he had lost everything, and since he lost it, no one else could have it!

At this time, the purple man has clearly gone down a path of paranoia.


It has been a month since the civil war subsided, and nothing special happened in this month, but the figures of superheroes have quietly disappeared a lot, even if there are still some who often come out to help others, they are only sporadic few , at least the representative of the New York City vigilante, Spider, has not appeared often recently, which makes Jonah James, who has been speculating about Spider-Man with conspiracy theories, less interesting in the Daily Horn.

Due to the current situation, the crime rate in New York City suddenly rose by a few percentage points, but this allowed the police who had been focusing on catching superheroes to finally return to their duties.

However, the external affairs are all minor incidents. If something serious happens, those superheroes will appear in time, so now there are many small incidents, but there are no major incidents, just like ordinary An American city with a high crime rate.

With the end of the Civil War, the US government also responded to this, first with a lot of nonsense, and then with the topic.No one thought that the superhero civil war would end in a peaceful way, and the government would pardon all the superheroes who participated in the war, which was surprising.

The implementation of the bill can only be carried out with the full support of the government. For this reason, Tony Stark was appointed as the Minister of Defense. Although the American political arena also has a low threshold, the contradictory behavior of the government is still It's a bit puzzling, but there are also people with discerning eyes who have seen some of these things, but they don't understand it for outsiders.

The government was naturally not in harmony with this matter, but with the president's full suppression, the result was finally carried out according to Harry's ideas.

President Kelly was originally a pawn that Harry had laid down long ago, and his intentions could naturally be carried out smoothly in Kelly's hands, but Tony Stark's plan for the Iron Fortress was clearly determined by more than just a president. So this month, Harry has not been idle.Without the aid of a brainwave booster, he uses his psychic ability to control the heads of important countries in the world. Even with his power to catch the Soul Stone swallowed by the power of the phoenix as a supplement, it is an exquisite His mind was under control, but it still made him physically and mentally exhausted.After all, we can't completely turn those leaders into puppets just for the smooth progress of a plan, otherwise his spiritual power is enough to use.

As a result, the plan for the Iron Fortress was carried out smoothly with the signing and consent of all countries, and the two great scientists, Tony Stark and Mister Fantastic, started working immediately after hearing the news, without a moment's rest, Apparently something about the civil war made them both a little embarrassed.

At the same time, a very interesting news also spread among the superheroes, Pep Potts dumped Tony Stark, which made everyone a little strange, and Harry, who was playing on a foreign beach, couldn't help stealing it. Laughing, but just as he smiled, Susan immediately stuffed a grape into his mouth and glared at him, but this glaring made him smile even more.

These two guys seem to have some, um!Ha ha!
(End of this chapter)

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