Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 296 Sentinel Factory

Chapter 296 Sentinel Factory
The sentinel robot, a dangerous thing that is almost synonymous with genocide in the eyes of mutants, was placed in this strictly guarded factory under the name of Osborne at this time.

There is no need to get out of the car, his spiritual power has already conveyed all these super soldiers.

The guarding soldiers quickly opened the electronic gate, and with the sound of Carrara's metal pulley rolling, Harry accelerated slightly and entered the factory.

The inside of the factory is unique. Although it still has that serious style, the interior facilities and construction style are more cutting-edge in technology, especially the tall sentinel robots that are neatly arranged in this wide factory. .

Around the tall sentinels, some steel brackets were set up, and people in lab coats stepped on the brackets, using various detection instruments in their hands to test these sentinel robots, and the ground also went back and forth from time to time People who walk through and transport all kinds of materials that Harry can't recognize. In short, these bequests that Harry got are very popular with these scientists (weirds) in the Osborn Research Department, even after he finished describing the characteristics of the Sentinels. People are very fanatical to join the experiment, which surprised him very much.But even so, when selecting personnel, he still used his ability to go around in the heads of these people. Except for scientists who were purely for research, even those with a little selfishness were directly kicked out by him. Since he made a promise to the X-Men, he must not let the accident happen.

Harry walked in with gentle steps. He turned slightly to avoid a doctor's assistant who was pushing a cart past, then raised his head slightly, and set his eyes on the tall but very strange-looking sentinel.

He had naturally heard what the Red Skull had left for him, and there was obviously something important to convey to him in those words, but he couldn't fully understand the words that stopped abruptly.

"Hey! Harry? Here you come!"

At this time, a slightly old but loud voice sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

Following the prestige, a chubby white-haired old man standing on a tall steel support and leaning against the head of a sentinel robot smiled with sweat on his face and greeted him. Harry smiled and waved.

"Well! I'll take a look at your research results, come down and rest for a while, and tell me about it, Carl." Harry looked at the man and waved.

Dr. Carl got down from the steel support, then trotted to Harry's side with ecstasy on his face, swinging his arms, and was about to start telling Harry what he had discovered.

Harry was the first to hand over a bottle of water and a towel, and put them directly into Dr. Carl's empty hands.

"Rest first, and then talk." Harry said with a slight smile on his eyebrows.

Seeing Dr. Carl's appearance like this, he could tell that the research on the sentry was obviously progressing smoothly, and he didn't lack this little time.

Old Carl was slightly taken aback, then smiled, then shook his head and said, "Okay."

After drinking a bottle of water completely, Dr. Carl wiped the sweat on his head and neck, exhaled hard several times, and finally calmed down his mood.

"When I first saw the sentinel robot, I thought it was a mechanical creation, but I didn't expect that everything on it was biotechnology. Oh! I have never seen anything with this characteristic. The sentinel's skin can actually quickly The characteristics of simulating other things, and the limit of imitation is extremely high. Even though our equipment is already world-leading, we cannot fully understand all the technologies in it in a short time. This is what I am most curious about. I used to think that Osborne's biotechnology is definitely the best in the world, but I don't think so now, at least within ten years, Osborne's industry is absolutely impossible to achieve this." Dr. Carl put down the Towel, the more he talked, the more excited his face turned red, obviously he was very enthusiastic about this thing called sentinel brought back by Harry.

Ten years, this evaluation does not seem to be particularly outstanding, but in fact, the gap of ten years can be said to be an era ahead, even Tony Stark only said that his Ark reactor was about 30 years ahead You know, even with the technological level of this world, Stark's technology is completely in the leading position, which is enough to explain the gap.

"Harry, where did you get this thing? There seems to be some..." Dr. Carl frowned slightly, looking at Harry worriedly and asked, apparently he had already discovered some problems on the sentinel.

Harry was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood Carl's words.

Although there are different changes in this world, it is impossible for the Sentinel robot to appear again, but because of the Red Skull, the Sentinel was reborn in his hands, and it was used as a second capital to deal with that person, but he had no such plan at all. It played a role, and even when it was about to shine, it was completely extinguished. In the end, it could only be regarded as a dangerous legacy, and left a sentence of unclear meaning.

But even so, the most fundamental reason why the sentinel is such a sentinel is that the Mystique imitation gene on it is the product of mutant research, a mature product of mutant genes. Dr. Carl is obviously not very good at this point. Peace of mind.

"Don't worry, this thing has nothing to do with me, it's just a gift left by a person, and the mutants also know that at this time, we have reached an agreement, at least for now, the mutants will not do anything." Harry patted Dr. Carl on the shoulder, and said in a gentle voice. Under the comfort of invisible spiritual power, Dr. Carl gradually stopped his tense face.

"The test can be carried out slowly. Anyway, in the end, only a piece of archival data is needed. What about other things? How about the simulation of the mutant genes I gave you?" Harry asked.

When talking about this, he paid more attention to it. After all, he is a sentinel. Even though he is famous, he still doesn't know much about the specific situation of this thing.

"It went well." Dr. Carl nodded, smiled with satisfaction, and said, "After testing, most of the mutant genes you gave me have been processed, except for a few too special ones. I'm integrated into the Sentinel's system."

Harry looked at him with raised eyebrows, and Dr. Carl continued: "According to my research, the sentinel robot is made of biotechnology, and there is nothing special about it other than the basic ability of simulating, and this ability is completely It is based on matter itself, but it is still just a machine after all, without thoughts or autonomous power, and it has no potential for evolution, such as ice, flame, metal, or ejecting energy shock waves and limb regeneration. What can be achieved on a material basis can still be accomplished, but abilities such as telepathy, weather manipulation, metal control, space travel, and the ability to turn reality into virtuality can only be achieved with a strange position or other powers. It is simply impossible to do it, even if the mutant gene is fused into it, it will not be able to achieve the corresponding ability, although it is a pity, but this is not bad, at least it will only be some tools, um, tools that will not lose control .”

Before the words were finished, Dr. Carl's words were somewhat meaningful, and his eyes looking at Harry were full of wisdom.

Harry nodded in agreement. His views and concepts are just like what Dr. Carl said, only obedient tools are good tools. If Sentinel really incorporates things like telepathy that require subjective thinking to use, then He should worry about whether there will be a sentinel era or something, that is not a good thing.

"Tools are naturally subject to the manipulation of their masters just like tools. Although I hope it is powerful, I don't need a hidden danger." Harry paused, and continued to say seriously: "Now, stop this work first. I will first evaluate your mutant gene, and then upgrade the sentinel after confirming that similar things will not happen. In addition, I brought a technology from another company, and I hope to be able to place it in the sentinel, but this The thing is likely to have some hindrance to the Sentinel's function."

As he said that, he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Dr. Carl. Dr. Karl took it and saw that the USB flash drive was marked with the capital letters of 'Aegis'.

"This is?" Dr. Carl looked up at Harry with suspicion.

The original S.H.I.E.L.D. has long since disappeared, and the current S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer appears in the world of superheroes in a fair manner. In this case, the thing Harry gave him is a bit unclear .

Seeing this, Harry smiled slightly, and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D. has not disappeared, but I didn't get this thing from S.H.I.E.L.D."

Pointing to the USB flash drive in Dr. Carl's hand, Harry continued: "There is a piece of information about the Helicopter Carrier in Hydra's insight plan, and a piece of technology about how to suppress alien abilities within a limited range. "

Dr. Carl's eyes lit up when he heard the words, obviously interested.

Speaking of this, Harry was slightly worried, and said, "I have experienced that feeling myself. As long as it is within that range, any alien power cannot be exerted. Do you understand what I mean?" Wei Wei After a pause, Harry looked at Carl with anticipation in his eyes.

Dr. Carl did not immediately respond to Harry's expectation, but frowned his two snow-white and thin eyebrows together.

After a while, he met Harry's gaze and tentatively said, "If it's like what you said, the sentry may malfunction as you said, so if you have to do that, you have to pay the price. "

If two contradictory things want to merge together, then one party must pay the price, and Harry naturally understands.

Smiling slightly, I was a little happy when I heard the words.

"That's good, as long as there is a way, it's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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